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After school I was still pretty pissed off at King. I honestly just wanted everything to go back to normal. It was all less complicated and stupid. We didn't have feelings for each other. We just existed to each other with the occassional head nod. Nothing more nothing less. But now everything was just fucked up and I couldn't go and talk to Malcolm about it because of course he would kill King. 

I was walking out of school and King was pulled out front. 

I just rolled my eyes and kept walking towards Keem's car.

"Kai, get in." He stated calmly.

"No, Keem can give me a ride home." 

I got to the parking lot, before he whipped the car in front of me, got out, and picked me up.

"Nigga what the fuck! Put me down!" I yelled trying to kick and hit him but it didn't work.

He went around and put me in the back seat, slamming the door shut. I tried to get out but the door wouldn't open.

He got in the drivers seat and sped out the parking lot.

"Nigga you just fucking kidnapped me in front of damn near the whole school!" I shouted.

"Chill out and sit the fuck back." He gritted.

"Fuck you!" I shouted again.

He slammed on breaks making me fly foward.

He put the car in park in the middle of the street and got out, slamming the driver side door.

He opened the back seat door and hopped in.

"Stop playing wit me, Kai. I'm not the nigga to get loud wit. You mad, I get that, but I'm not playing wit chu. Sit back, chill out, we finna go pull up somewhere to talk like fucking adults. If you ain't on that, if you on argue mode let me know and I'll drop yo ass off home. Chill the fuck out, you gon get yo piece out when we get to where we going."  He spat.

"Take me the fuck home!" I turned away from him folding my arms.

"Ok, keep fucking wit me, Kai." He opened the door and got out.

He got back in the car and drove in the direction of my house. 

I put my headphones in and blasted some music until we pulled up to my house.

I didn't even give him a chance to speak, I just hopped out the car and went inside.

Malcolm wasn't home.

I put my bag down and then my phone rang, it was my good sis Iaja.

"Hey sis what's up?" I answered.

"Girl, one of my homies is having a lil kickback and it's in town so I wanted to know if you wanted to slide with me." She asked.

"I am so down, lemme ask Malcolm." I cheered.

"Bet, text me and let me know what he say. I'll pick you up at nine." 

I hung up and immediately called Malcolm.

"Wassup lil sis?" He answered on the first ring.

"My friend Iaja just called and asked if I could go to a party tonight, so can I go?" I asked.

He was silent for a minute.

"I guess but she better bring you home. Me and King got some shit to handle tonight so don't be tweaking and shit." He agreed.

"Ayyyy bet." I hung up.

I texted her and let her know I could go and then I started my homework.


At eight I started getting ready. I didn't have to do much since it was just a random kickback. So I just showered and threw on some clothes.

At nine on the dot, Iaja blew the horn outside

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At nine on the dot, Iaja blew the horn outside. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door.

"Hey babes, you look cute." She cheered.

"Thanks boo. Alright where this party at? And who throwing it?" I asked as we pulled off.

"My homie Jamal, it's on sixty fifth and brendleton." She replied.

"Okkk. That's wassup." I cheered.

"So wassup wit you and ole boy, did he ever start acting right?" 

"Child, forget him, I'm just here to have fun and take my mind off all that." I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Oop, that's all you can do sis. One day these niggas gon realize what they lost." She advised.

"Facts. Speaking of niggas how are you and RJ?" I asked referring to the boyfriend she had her senior year.

"Girl RJ is my campus boyfriend!" She exclaimed.

"Campus boyfriend? What that mean?" I frowned.

"Am I on campus?" 


"Then he not my boyfriend." She cracked a smile.

"Iaja that is trifling as hell!" I shrieked.

"Girl I'm playing that boy know he the only one for me. Especially considering it ain't nothing but kids from Brentwood going to our school." She laughed.

We pulled up to the kickback and it was filled with people. We did end up finding a park on the side of the house and we got out the car.

"What's the plan? Drinking and smoking?" She took my hand as we walked up to the house.

"No, I can't go home smelling like weed, drinking and dancing for sure though." I nodded.

"Oh yes, we gon see the real Kaiser tonight." Iaja stuck out her tongue.

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