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For most of the plane ride I was in and out of sleep. I had to take a melatonin because I knew I wouldn't sleep otherwise. I couldn't help but keep thinking about Malcolm and if he was gonna make it or not. King was sitting next to me, holding my hand and whispering to me every once in a while to make sure I was ok. 

"How you doing?" He asked.

"I'm worried." I sighed laying on him.

"Listen, they got him to surgery and all we can do is get there and make sure he straight. I promise you that's the first place we going once we land." He kissed my forehead.

"I know. I just hate that he's alone." I felt myself about to cry.

"Junior is making sure he untouchable in there. Swear it's safe." 

"Just like he swore every one of his men would make sure nothing like this would happen." I rolled my eyes.

"Listen, Junior cares about Malcolm just as much as we do. Its complicated when you got two of the biggest gangs in the state going at it like we do wit the ble six eight's. Junior is one man. Things like this are gonna happen, Malcolm knows that." King defended.

"I guess. I just wanna get there already." I sighed.

I drifted off again.


I woke up to King kissing me all over my face.

"We here." He got up out of his seat.

We brushed our teeth and washed our face on the plane and then got our bags together. When we got off the plane there was a car waiting for us. We had to walk separately because these were Junior's people and we could never be too careful.

Once we got in the car, the driver drove away from the airport and then King got a call.

"Yeah?" He answered.

I just looked out the window admiring the sunrise.

"So he made it out of surgery?" King asked.

"Ok cool we just got picked up and we on the way." King confirmed.

He hung up and looked over at me.

"Malcolm made it through surgery and he's awake but they aren't letting anybody who isn't family see him, so once we get there you'll be the first person he sees." King reported.

"Ok. That's good." I smiled.

I couldn't wait to see Malcolm.

*Malcolm POV*

Junior told me that King and Kaiser were flying out to make sure I was straight and my mind went back to that recording Sko played. Reggie could have been lying through his teeth but it was like the more I thought about it the more it just made me feel like something was going on between them. 

King and Kaiser were never buddy buddy until that one night I asked him to look out for her because I knew she would try and sneak out anyway. After that night it was like they were mad close. Closer than me and her apparantly considering she tells him everything. I'm her brother, I been raising her for years and it's like she can't trust me enough to tell me what goes on in her head. But as soon as she walked in here today I was gonna get to the bottom of it all.

As for me I was gonna go back home in a week or two. The bullet went through and through and didn't hit anything major. I just thank God I'm still here.

*Kai POV*

When we pulled up to the hospital, I didn't even wait for the driver to park the car. I hopped out and sped inside.

Junior and a couple of guys were sitting in the waiting room.

"Where is he?" I asked them quickly.

"Third floor room 305. He's awake." Junior replied standing to his feet.

"Thanks." I walked towards the elevator.

I got inside and pressed the three button and then the doors closed. My hands were shaking as I rode up to Malc's room. It was one thing for people to tell me he was ok but it was another for me to see him for myself and determine if he was really ok or not. 

The elevator dinged and I rushed out of it in search of room 305.

I finally found his room and knocked before I entered.

"Malc?" I walked in my eyes landing on him.

"Sup lil sis." He greeted me.

I ran over and hugged him gently. I pulled away and noticed he was looking at me as if I was in some type of trouble.

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting in the chair next to his bed.

"I'm bout to ask you sumn, and I swear Kai if you lie to me now I don't know what I'll do." Malcolm stared me down.

"What are you talking about? What's going on?" I frowned.

"Are you and King fucking around?"

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