•Fifty Seven•

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When we got downstairs, everybody was ready.

"Y'all ready to go?" Malcolm stood up.

"Hold ya horses gotta take a flick or two!" I handed him the camera and pulled Iaja toward me.

Grumpily, he snapped a couple pictures as we did multiple poses.

"Thank you! Oh Malcolm you a good photographer." Iaja smiled looking through our pictures.

"I try I try." He blushed.

"Walk y'all asses outside." I rolled my eyes walking toward the front door.

I rode in the car with King, and Iaja and Malcolm rode together. Everyone else was in sprinters behind us.

"You ready?" King asked as we drove to the location of the party.

"Yep. Ready to get it all over with." I sighed.

"I want you to at least try and have fun tonight. I haven't seen you have fun for a while." 

"The last time you seen me having fun at a party you snatched me off a table for throwing that thang back." I smirked sarcastically.

"Don't get snatched up tonight." He warned looking me in the eye.

I rolled my eyes fighting the biggest smile.

We pulled up to the house and people were already showing up.

"Damn y'all early!" I joked hoping out the car and greeting some of the people from school.

"Ayyy welcome back, Kia." Some boy greeted me as I opened the door to the house.

"It's definitely, Kai but hey at least you said sumn. Enjoy the party, love." I pat his back and walked past him inside.

"Ok! Look at you! You showing some growth!" Iaja praised me catching up to me as we headed for the kitchen to make drinks.

"Growth my ass how the fuck you come to a bitch party and don't even know ha name forreal. That's some Sterling shit if I ever seen it." I shook my head pulling out cups and ice.

"Choose ya battles." King warned coming up behind me.

More and more people were showing up and the party was already popping. Malcolm was the DJ aka the lookout. King and Junior were the handlers, and me and Iaja just had to put on a good show.

"Your a criminal mastermind, Kai." Iaja commented with a giggle.

"You call it criminal mastermind I call it reparations." I shrugged.

My phone ringing interrupted us laughing and it was Yazmeen calling me.

"Hello?" I answered walking toward the front door.

"Girl we outside! Come get us!" Dejonae yelled happily.

"Ok I'm on the way!" I screamed meeting her tone.

I gave Iaja the signal and she nodded and stayed in the kitchen.

I went outside and stayed as close to the house as possible.

"Where y'all at? I'on see y'all!" I looked around as more people were coming into the house.

"Oop! Girl I see you. We coming!" Dejonae laughed.

After a few minutes I saw them walking up the sidewalk. They started running toward me screaming my name.

"Hey y'all!" I hugged them as they trapped me in a group hug.

"Oh my God! Girl we missed you! You look different! Like good different tho!" Jazlyn commented.

"Thanks y'all look cute too." I giggled as we walked in the house.

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