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*King POV*

We hopped in an all black truck and rode off to find these niggas.

"You got a extra clip on you?" Malcolm asked as I drove. 

"Yeah check my duffel." I answered.

We pulled up on Reggie ass first cause he was who we wanted to get to before anybody else. He was hanging out wit them same niggas Alec, Syrus, and Hakeem over on Bay Side.

"What's the plan?" I asked parking across the street.

"Let's make these bitches shit on they self." Malcolm put his ski mask on.

I put mine on and we went to the trunk. I passed him a Combat MG and grabbed a Micro SMG for myself.

We looked around and scoped the scene. We crossed the street and then broke apart. He went toward the group as I went off to the left to get they ass from behind, it took everything in me not to empty the clip right here. I looked over to him and he signaled for me to rush them niggas.

"Wassup nigga!" I yelled from behind them as Malcolm rushed they ass from the front.

Reggie tried to reach for his pistol but fumbled with it so it hit the ground. Malcolm knocked his ass out cold with the butt of his gun as Hakeem, Alec, and Syrus looked like they were pissing themseleves.

"Get y'all pussy asses in the truck." I demanded aiming the gun at them.

They all but ran to the truck as Malcolm dragged Reggie by his shirt collar and locked his ass in the trunk. We put bags over they heads and Malcolm started confiscating cell phones as I was handcuffing them to each other.

"Please man we ain't do nothing just let us go." Syrus pleaded.

"Shut the fuck up pussy ass nigga! You wasn't pleading when Kai got rolled up on." I knocked his head off with the gun.

Malcolm got in the back to make sure they ain't try no slick shit as I begin driving to the warehouse we had on the coast.


We got they ass to the warehouse and got them out the car. By this point Syrus and Reggie had came to cause one was crying and the other one was freaking out like hell in the trunk.

We got the three in the back out first and got them inside the warehouse.

"Man I swear we had nothing to do with the shooting today, we'll tell you whatever you wanna know." Alec cried.

"Nigga you gon tell me what I wanna know even if I choose to kill you and dump yo shit in the boonies." I pointed my gun at him. 

Me and Malcolm took the sacks off their head and they looked alarmed.

"Oh shit Malcolm! What the hell man?!" Hakeem had snot and tears running down his face.

"Y'all know why y'all here?" Malcolm asked pulling up a chair in front of them.

"No man we thought we was getting kidnapped by some random niggas! What the fuck going on?" Reggie tried to play dumb.

"What you know bout my sister getting rolled up on at school, Reggie." Malcolm asked calmly.

"I'on know nothing man, that's one of my friends I would never let anything happen to her!" He lied.

Malcolm let out a small chuckle and brought out a switchblade. He plunged the blade into Reggie's thigh. Reggie let out a loud scream as everybody else watched in horror.

"One thing I always told y'all from the start, I don't play bout Kai. Like at all. I'd go to jail bout her, shit I'd even give my last breath if that meant protecting her. So for you to sit in my face and lie to me is making me wanna just end the shit right here and kill you. But because y'all used to be her friends and because I'm tryna understand what would possess you to even think about hurting my sister in any way shape or form, I'mma ask you again, what you know about Kai getting rolled up on at school today?" Malcolm gritted. 

"Listen man we don't got nothing to do with the blue six eight's. Reggie was gonna get jumped in tonight but they wanted to use him to get to Kai and eventually you." Alec confessed.

"Wow. And to think y'all niggas knew about it and ain't warn Kai not once that this nigga was planning to kill her. What the hell is friendhsip, right King?" Malcolm looked to me, a eery smirk on his face.

I just shook my head.

"So Reggie you wanted to kill my sister?" Malcolm put his hand around the switchblade that was still in Reggie's thigh.

"No man it was just to scare y'all." Reggie groaned.

"Hm. Do I look scared to you Reggie?" Malcolm asked.

"N-No man! No!" Reggie yelled out.

"Exactly. But I do believe in a eye for a eye and you look pretty fucking scared to me. But I just can't get over the fact that you almost killed my sister. Now that shit you gotta pay for. But I'mma let her decide what the fuck happen to you since you wanna let niggas roll up on her and shoot at her and shit." Malcolm pulled out his phone.

He called Kai and she picked up on the first couple of rings.

"Hello?" She answered.

The sound of her voice just made me mad all over again.

"I got Reggie here and I'mma ask you this seriously, cause if it was up to me I'd just put a bullet in em and call it what it's gon be. But what do you want to happen to him?" Malcolm asked.

It was quiet for a second.

"Lemme talk to him."She spoke finally.

"Talk nigga." Malcolm shoved the phone in Reggie's face.

"K-Kai, I'm sorry." Reggie apologized weakly.

"Fuck you, Reggie! We been friends since fucking ninth grade and you want me to die?! Are you fucking kidding me? I hope Malcolm make yo bitch ass suffer and I hope all this gang shit was fucking worth it, you wanna be a snake die like a snake bitch nigga!" She shouted.

That's my lil gangsta right there.

Malcolm hung up the phone and shoved it in his pocket.

"Please man, I got scholarships lined up." Reggie peaded.

"Nigga fuck you and them scholarships!". Malcolm snatched the switchblade from his leg.

Reggie let out a scream as blood gushed from his leg. Alec, Hakeem, and Syrus watched in horror as Reggie slowly bled out and slumped over. 

"Damn, I hate that y'all had to see y'all friend die. But y'all wanted to be lil gangstas, y'all wanted to be on y'all gang shit right?" Malcolm pointed the gun at them.

"Nah man he ain't tell us that was him. We swear we ain't know shit bout him rolling up on Kai. Niggas shoot at niggas at school all the time." Keem cried.

"I'on know fam, I feel like y'all knew and ain't warn my baby sister." Malcolm shook his head.

"Nah bruh we swear. We ain't know nothing bout that." Syrus shook his head.

"What you think?" Malcolm looked to me.

I surveyed their faces and it looked like they were telling the truth. But at the same time they just watched us kill Reggie and we kidnapped them.

"I think they telling the truth but they seen too much." I shrugged.

"My thoughts exactly. I tell y'all what, since y'all left my lil sis hanging I'mma leave y'all here handcuffed to each other and let's just hope you make it out of this situation." Malcolm shrugged throwing the switchblade across the warehouse.

"No man, please, just let us go." Hakeem pleaded.

"I am, you just gotta make yo own way home and hope you can get ya self out the situation." Malcolm took his gun and started heading toward the exit.

I followed him as they pleaded for us not to leave them. We got in the truck and headed back to the city.

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