•Forty Five•

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It was almost five and I was losing my mind trying to get a hold of Malcolm. He wasn't returning my calls and kept leaving me on read. It was pissing me off.

But I was trying not to throw my phone across the room. I just need to keep calm and wait until Malcolm came to his senses.

Before I knew it there was a knock on the door and I sat up straight. If that was that lady from social services then I'd just have to stall her.

"Come in!" I answered.

In walked Junior with Malcolm and King right behind him.

For a minute it was silent.

"So we were gonna let me get hauled off to west bumble fuck before we decided to show up?" I shouted at Malcolm.

"Hold on there, Kaiser. There's a lot going on and a lot that needs to be discussed." Junior stepped toward me.

"Nah fuck that! I'm sitting here driving myself crazy and for what?! Because he's hurt? Because he's mad? He feel guilty? That doesn't excuse the fact that I've been here by myself for the last four days because he can't handle what's going on!" I gritted.

"Calm down. He's here now and wants to talk things out." Junior tried to diffuse the situation.

"I wanna hear what he got to say." I sat back and folded my arms mugging Malcolm.

Malcolm stepped up and looked at me.

"I want y'all to stop seeing each other." He shrugged putting his hands in his pocket. He had a blank stare on his face.

"And I want to be back home with my friends at school but we don't always get what we want." I snapped.

"You can be mad for how shit went down but I have a right to be mad too. Y'all was running round playing this dumb ass cat and mouse game at my expense. Fuck Malcolm and everything he stand for we gonna date behind his back. That shit mad crazy to me. It's easy to think you right when you not looking at it from my stand point. For the last six months y'all been sneaking around going on dates and shit, now that I think about it, I sent y'all two mufuckas in the tunnel of love and y'all probably liked that shit. Stupid ass Malcolm npt gonna find out about us. He so clueless, he never gonna know." Malcolm explained.

"Me and Kai never meant for this to happen. It kind of just did. We're sorry we didn't tell you sooner but how we sposed to go bout approaching the situation? We didn't wanna make shit complicated." King spoke up.

"It was already complicated when y'all feelings got involved. Soon as this shit started that's when y'all should've said sumn." He argued.

"Every time I bring somebody around that I like you run them off. It's like nobody good enough for me and I just gotta be single for the rest of my life. I'm not a baby anymore Malcolm you don't gotta be so protective over me. I'll be eighteen in a couple months. You just have to trust that everything you put in me while I was growing sticks and I know how to make good decisions." I reasoned.

"Ok but you don't make good decisions all the time." He leaned against the wall.

"And? Who the hell in this room was a perfect teenager? That's the thing about being young, you can make mistakes and learn from them and not have to worry about anything. At the end of the day me and King staying together and that's just that. I don't know what else to tell you." 

"Kai, you either stop seeing him or I'm letting them take yo ass to foster care." 

"Are you fucking serious my nigga? That's what we doing?" I shouted.

"Malcolm that's some fuck nigga shit!" King got in Malcolm's face.

"King get the fuck out my face. You know I only let yo ass slide cause Junior talked me out of picking yo goofy ass off the first time. Know yo fucking place and mind yo business when it come to MY lil sister." Malcolm didn't back down.

"Nigga this ain't what you wanna do. I let you slide wit the shit this time causewe was wrong but the next time you pull some pussy shit let's see if you still stand the same after I get done wit cho bitch ass." King lifted his shirt revealing his glock. 

I had nothing to say because this wasn't getting anywhere. We were gonna argue until we were blue in the face. I'm not breaking up with King. We're not breaking up. I don't give a fuck if Malcolm put me back in the system. I just know when I turned eighteen I'd get that shit back in blood. He knows how bad of time Ihad there and to put me back in that place again would be drastic.

"Everybody shut the fuck up!" I shouted.

It got quiet.

I threw the covers off my body and swung my legs off the bed. I stood up for the first time in a couple days so I wobbled a little bit. I held on to my monitor for balance and took a couple unbalanced steps toward Malcolm.

"Imma say this shit so its clear to you. So you better listen with the best of yo ability. If I end up in foster care cause you can't put yo fucking pride asside, Imma make sure I bury you. You not stupid Malcolm. I'm the only person in this world that know everything from beginning to end. You wanna go low? Then I'mma go to hell. Act like you stupid and don't know what I'm talking about." I threatened.

He just looked at me. His face was restrained but held anger in his eyes. Junior and King looked on not knowing what to say. 

Without another word Malcolm walked over to the chair and sat down. 


Y'all omg it's been so long I'm sorry I got a new job and they been working me! Then my computer broke so I couldn't update but I'm back lol. 

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