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When I woke up, it was still light outside. Everything that happened came rushing back and all I wanted to do was see Malcolm and King again. I felt so exposed and unsafe and even though Junior and everybody was supposed to make sure I didn't get rolled up on, look what happened? Shit like this never happened when Malcolm was here. 

My heart was still racing and I was still crying silently to myself. My whole body was shaking. The only thing that could calm me down was seeing Malcolm and King. I looked at my phone and tried to call them both but got no answer. 

"Please pick up." I begged as I began to freak out even more.

After the third time calling them both I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down but nothing was working.

*Malcolm POV*

Me and King were chilling at the hotel playing each other in 2K when I got a call from Junior.

"Ayo pause that." I stood up and stepped away from the tv.

"Wassup." I answered the phone.

"Malcolm I'm pulling you and King out." He sounded serious.

"Man, what's going on we only been here for a day. What you miss us already?" I joked.

"Listen to me, I'm pulling you out be at the airport in thirty minutes. I'll explain everything when you touch down." He demanded.

"Alright alright. We gonna pack up right now." I shook my head.

There was a feeling in the bottom of my stomach that something happened. I tried to call Kai but the reception in this hotel was trash.

"What's going on wit boss man?" King asked.

"We gotta go back home, something happened." I tossed my phone on the bed and started filling my duffel bag with my stuff.

"What you mean sumn happen? What did Junior say?" King looked alarmed.

"I don't know man, he just said he pulling us out and we gotta get to the airport ASAP." I frantically put on some slides.

"Aw shit lemme go call my lady and pack up." He rushed out of the room.

*King POV*

When Malcolm told me what happened, my heart immediately dropped. I hope nothing happened to Kai, I'on think I'd be able to think straight again if something happened to her while we was gone. 

I tried to call her while I was packing but the call kept dropping.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed.

I just needed to hurry up and get back to my baby. I finished packing and met Malcolm in the hallway.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yeah man let's go home." We headed for the elevator.

*Kai POV*

I ended up crying myself to sleep so when I woke up it was almost one in the morning. I looked around the room and there were bags at the end of the bed. They looked like my bags from home so I looked inside. There were clothes and some of my products inside. They even packed my laptop. 

I put my phone on the charger and went to the bathroom inside the room. My eyes were red and sunken. I hadn't cried this bad since my parents died. I brushed all my thoughts away from my head and just decided to shower and block out all my emotions from today.

I took a shower and put on some pajamas. After my shower I tried calling Malcolm and King again but they still weren't answering.

What if something happened to them in Harling and that's why Sko tried to roll on me? 

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