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It was Sunday night and tonight was the AB Honor Roll ceremony. Malcolm invited erbody and they momma. Mrs. Juanita, King, Jameson, Junior, all my friends including Iaja. He also wanted to take us to dinner afterwards. I was just stressing over what the hell I was gonna wear. I didn't want to wear my regular jeans and a t-shirt, I needed to look bomb as hell.

"Kai we leaving in a hour. Why you not dressed?" Malcolm came in my room.

"I don't know what to wear. I usually don't get to go to these types of things." I sighed.

"Hold on I got you." He left the room.

A few minutes went by and  he came back in the room with Iaja behind him. 

"Iajaaaaa!" I shrieked getting up to hug her.

"See I think of everything." Malcolm smirked leaving the room.

I rolled my eyes as Iaja sat on my bed.

"Girl it look like a tornado flew around yo room before I came." She joked.

"Shut up! I just don't know what to wear." I plopped down on my bed.

"Ok, you go shower and get yourself all smelling good and I'll pick an outfit for you." She pulled me up and pushed me toward the bathroom.

I put on some music and got in the shower. After my shower I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I lotioned my body and wrapped a towel around myself.

I opened the door and Iaja handed me clothes and a pair of shoes.

"Put these on boo!" She demanded.

I put the clothes and shoes on and let me just say I was poppin.

I put the clothes and shoes on and let me just say I was poppin

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It was a simple outfit but I still looked cute. I put my braids in a bun and left out one braid on each side of my head.

"Yessss look at chu looking all cute. Ok let's go for Malcolm come back up here." She grabbed my hand and handed me my phone.

We came downstairs and Malcolm, King, and Jameson were waiting for us.

"Don't she look cute y'all?" Iaja beamed.

Everyone turned to me but the only face I was looking at was King's. He looked at me like I was the only person in the room.

"Ay ay ay! You don't think you need a jacket Kai?!" Malcolm butt in.

"Nope! Don't be like them assholes at her school tryna cover her shoulders. It's a fucking shoulder!" Iaja answered for me.

Malcolm looked caught off guard as we headed out the door.

"What can I say? She trained me well." I chuckled patting his back as we left the house.

I wanted to hop in the car with King but of course I had to get in with Malcolm and Iaja.

We started driving to my school with King and Jameson following us.


We got to school and the ceremony was being held in the auditorium. Reggie, Keem, Alec, and Syrus were waiting by the auditorium doors. Mrs. Juanita had already saved us some seats.

"Ayyy there go our lil AB Honor Roll student." Reggie put his arm around my neck as we went in.

"Shut up. I'll still knock y'all heads off y'all necks." I pinched Syrus.

"Damn what I do!" He rubbed his arm.

"Nothing, I just like fucking wit chu." I giggled.

"Oh shit is that Iaja?" Alec said mad loud.

Reggie face fell and then he walked off.

"Now why the hell would you tell him Iaja here?" I smacked Alec in the chest.

"Damn, I was just joking around." 

We took our seats by Mrs. Jaunita.

After thirty minutes of Principal Ikener giving a speech and then calling all the A last names we were now on B last names. After your name was called you could leave and go out into the hallway to take pictures.

"Kaiser Brown. This student ladies and gentlemen is also receiving our redemption award of the year. She has shown how one can not only make a behavioral change but an academic change as well." Principal Ikener called me out.

I got up and walked toward the stage as everybody cheered for me loudly. I received both my awards and shook his hand. I walked off the stage as my family countined to cheer for me.

In this moment I felt so loved and supported. After all this arguing and back and forth, I was finally living in my moment.

They greeted me by the doors of the auditorium.

Malcolm picked me up and spent me around.

"I'm so proud of you lil sis." He hugged me tight.

"I couldn't have done it without big bro." I smiled hugging him back.

We went out into the hallway and started taking pictures.

I took a group photo with Iaja, Reggie, Alec, Keem, and Syrus.

One with Mrs. Juanita.

Next me and Malcolm.

Then Jameson and King.

King's hand rested on my lower back as Jameson put his arm around my neck.

"Hey can you take a group picture for us?" Malcolm asked somebody.

He moved out of the way and it was no one other than bitter ass Ms. Blackwell. She took his phone and everyone gathered around with me in the middle.

"Alright everyone say cheese!" She got ready to take the picture.

She snapped a couple of pictures and then Malcolm got his phone back.

"Alright y'all we bought to slide to dinner. And don't worry it's on me. Kai where you wanna eat at?" Malcolm asked.

"Uhhhh Jay Alexanders." I smirked.

"Damn! If you wan't me to go broke just say that!" Malcolm shook his head walking toward the exit.

"Love you Malc!" I giggled.

Everybody was heading for the exit when I heard my name being called. It was Ms. Blackwell.

"How can I help you Ms. Blackwell?" I folded my arms.

"You know I nominated you for the redemption award." She revealed.

"Ok is that all?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I just thought you should know." She continued.

"Well I don't know if you were looking for a thank you or what but frankly Ms. Blackwell, I don't owe you anything especially considering how nasty you've been treating me lately." I kept my smile on my face.

"Just don't make me regret my decision. See you tomorrow Ms. Brown." She turned on her heel walking back to the ceremony.

"Bitch." I mumbled under my breath walking to catch up with everybody.

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