George x Blind!Reader- How Could You! (Alternative ending)

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||I wrote the fic like Sept 2018, it's now Dec 2020 and alot has changed since I wrote the fic, mainly everyone hating how Y/N forgave George and ngl so do I. I've tossed in a few curse words so here's the warning in advance. Y/N is gonna keep the sassy energy from before the first ending as she should. To quote Megan Thee Stallion "Fuck being good I'm a bad bitch"||

"I still don't get how you could identify people by footsteps," George says.

"You won't need to 'get it' George Fabian Weasley because Luna cured my blindness!" You snap.

"Y/N, I know what I did was unforgivable but we were both drunk, as soon as I saw you I sobered up and I knew I had messed up," George rambles "I'm really sorry Y/N, please forgive me."

"Are you seriously using that excuse?" You ask then you say mockingly "Oh look at me I'm drunk oh look at me kissing my girlfriend's best friend is totally excusable because I'm drunk but I sobered up as soon as I saw my girlfriend."

"It's not excusable but I'm just asking for another chance," George says desperately.

"So you make me remember the first time we interacted and a lame explanation on why I found my boyfriend and best friend kissing for Merlin's sake!" You exclaim "And I thought you were different!"

"Y/N, I know I messed up, I know my excuse is pathetic all I ask for is forgiveness," George begs "Please forgive me."

You sigh before walking to the kitchen and throw a box at him. He opens it and finds a positive pregnancy test.

"You're pregnant?" George asks "I'm going to be a dad?"

"That's the other thing I was going to tell you that day," You say bitterly.

"She came to see you and started kissing me and you walked in before I could push her away," George explains "I never laid a single finger on Angelina and I didn't want to because I knew I had you."

"George sweetheart in your attempt to weasel your way out of the situation you have made one fatal error, and that my dear is an inconsistent story," You say with a hint of annoyance "Was it a drunk mistake or did Angelina force herself on you or alternatively are you LYING to me right now and you actually just wanted to be with her the entire time?"

Ginny is there like 👁👄👁 and George tries to say something but you cut him off before he can even start. "Don't even start and try to cover up the slip up cause I can finally see you for who you are, you slimy sack of shit, you even tried throwing Angelina under the bus, the audacity to pin it all on her when its both of you who are responsible."

Ginny looks at George "You never told me you cheated on her! You just said you had a small argument. I can't believe I brought you here!" She looks at you "I'm so sorry Y/N. I had no idea, I wouldn't have brought him if I knew the full story."

"Its okay Ginny, you couldn't have known," You say before glaring at George "I'm done with you George Weasley and I never want to see you again."

George looks at the ground defeated "I love you Y/N."

"Shame I dont love you anymore" You say before gesturing to the front door "Get out and run to Angelina for all I care."

Ginny has heard enough by this point and drags George out of the house by pulling him by his one remaining ear. She also closes the door behind her and George before yelling at George as they walk down the drive before apparating away. You lock the door before sitting back down on the sofa and try to calm down as George showing up pushed a few buttons and triggered a few nerves.

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