Preference-You tell them you're pregnant

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|| A request by @sunflowerserenity03 ||

|| N/N- Nickname ||

You looked down at the test in your hand and saw the plus sign, which indicated that you were indeed, pregnant. You heard the front door open and close, implying the arrival of your boyfriend. He walks into your shared bedroom and you tell him that you are pregnant.

Harry- "I can't be a father! I can barely look after myself!" He exclaims.

You walk over to him and wrap your arms around him in a warm embrace.

Ron- "What if I'm not a good enough father?" He asks nervously before sitting on the bed.

"Oh Ron, you'll be amazing, trust me," You say soothingly as you rub his back.

George- says nothing but walks over to you and gives you a bone crushing hug.

"Careful Georgie, the baby." You squeal.

His grip loosens "Of course N/N."

Neville- "Really!" He says excitedly.

"Yes really," You say before hugging him.

Sirius- "You're serious?!" He exclaims.

"No you are," You respond giggling.

Remus- He sits down worriedly before barely whispering "What if he gets my lycanthropy, I can't do that to a child."

"Oh Rem, it doesn't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to you," You say before hugging your boyfriend

Percy- "We don't have time for a child Y/N, I have my job in the ministry and you have things to do yourself." He states.

"No Perce, YOU don't have time for OUR twins, I will make time," You snap before packing your bags "I'm going to my mothers, come get me when you've taken your head out of your ass."

You march over to the fireplace and floo home and Percy sits on the bed contemplating his life choices.

Seamus- "Lets hope they don't inherit my ability to blow up everything, eh," He says chuckling.

"No offence love but I'm praying the little munchkin doesn't start exploding everything." You say, laughing along.

Oliver- "One down, six to go," He says jokingly.

"Ollie love, you'll be lucky if I give you two never mind seven." You retort.

~~~Special cases~~~

Fred- He died in the Battle of Hogwarts before you could tell him but you write a letter and put it on his grave and tell Molly and the rest of the Weasleys the news.

Cedric- Both of you had never done the deed before Cedric's passing and you never fell in love with another so you decided to adopt a child and call him Cedric, in honour of your beloved boyfriend.

Dean- You both decided that having a child was too much hassle so adopted two pets instead.

Draco- You couldn't conceive so adopted a pair of twins and planned to raise them but you died before they turned six due to heart complications

Albus and Scorpius are still kids in terms of canon (if Cursed Child even is canon) and I feel I couldn't write an accurate reaction, I'm sorry if anyone disagrees or is offended somehow by this. I may write the fics at a later stage, if I feel I have enough information for a depiction (Also I can't write a teen pregnancy thing cause I'd feel hella uncomfortable)

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