Harry x Reader- Expecto Patronum

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|| One swear word buuut Marietta deserves it soo||


You were sneaking out of your Common Room to head to the Room Of Requirement to attend a Dumbledore's Army session. You reached the outside and paced back and forth until a door appeared and you walked into the training room. You stood near the crowd and waited for Harry to say something.

"So today I was thinking we could practice the Patronus charm," Harry began, "It's the charm I used against the dementors in third year and is extremely difficult to master."

"But what does it do?" Marietta asks snappingly.

"If you used a brain cell, you would know a patronus is like your spiritual guardian which defends you against dementors," You respond sassily.

"Exactly what Y/N said," Harry replies,"Producing a corporeal patronus is extremely difficult but a non-corporeal one is just as effective."

"What form does your patronus take?" Nigel asks "Is it a lion or a tiger."

"I'll show you," Harry says.

He casts the charm and the all too familiar stag forms and walks around everyone. Everyone marvels at the patronus' form except for Marietta obviously.

"Come on Potter, a stag," Marietta retorts, "I was kind of expecting something more fierce."

"We all know your patronus is a snake Marietta so shut your trap," You sass fiercely back at her.

"Well Y/N, yours will probably be something useless like an ant or spider," Marietta says attempting to get under your skin.

"I'd rather be something useless," You respond using your fingers to make quotation marks when you say useless, "Than be a slithering, slimy snake."

"Ugh," Marietta screams "Why am I even trying with you Y/N, you're just a pathetic itty bitty mudblood."

"Don't you dare say a word against me or my blood status ," You hiss before slapping Marietta "And we both know as soon as I become a real major threat all you'll do is run to mummy and daddy who work in the Ministry and cry on their shoulders playing the victim card."

"Well at least my parents can do magic," Marietta says weakly.

"At least I don't use my parents to fight my battles," You retort.

"Ugh," Marietta yells in frustration and anger.

"What's wrong, itty bitty mudblood got your tongue?" You tease "You're just a wimp and all of your friends are pathetic for staying with you."

Then Marietta storms out of the room and everyone is standing there in silence.

"Y/N, I understand Marietta is mean to you," Cho began "But you crossed a line."

"I crossed a line," You begin "All I did was fight fire with fire."

"And when one fights fire with fire," Fred began.

"You're gonna get burned," George finishes before the both high five you and pull you into a hug.

Then Cho runs out of the room clearly to find Marietta Bitchcombe and as she passes you she gives you a dirty look and you respond by sticking out your tongue.

"All mighty Y/N, queen of sass and mistress of roasts, teach us your secrets," George and Fred say in unison.

"Back to the lesson," Harry says abruptly.

"That hasn't even started," Zacharias Smith yells.

The twins pout and you laugh before saying "I wasn't going to tell you guys anyway."

Harry tells us to pair up with someone and Luna comes over to me and asks if I'd work with her. I politely decline but say Neville would love to practice with her then she runs and ask Neville and they work together.


Then I realise everyone has a partner except me, Ron has Hermione, Fred has George, Luna has Neville, Padma has Pavarti. Then I notice Ginny is alone so I go to her.

"Hey there," You say smiling "Need a partner?"

"Yeah, do you want to be my partner," Ginny asks.

"Sure," You answer.

"You know," Ginny begins "I never would have the courage to stand up to Marietta like that."

"She's been trying to make me cry for five years now, she needs to find a new target or just stop altogether," You respond.

"Everyone, think of a joyful memory when trying to create the patronus," Harry says "But the memory needs to evoke a huge sense of happiness for it to work."

You think about the time you learnt you were a witch via the Hogwarts letter and cast the charm to find your glittering corporeal patronus standing right infront of you. Then it runs around you and Ginny before heading straight to Fred and George who just managed to dodge it.

"Sorry guys, he's a bit crazy," You say as you run past them trying to keep up with your patronus.

Then your patronus runs straight towards Harry before disappearing and you stopped right infront of Harry.

"Hey," You said awkwardly.

"H-hey," Harry stutters "I saw your patronus."

"Oh my patronus yeah,its a bit wild," You say as you tuck your hair behind your ear.

"Hurry up mate," Ron yells "Ask her."

"Ronald!" Hermione exclaims

"Ask me what?" You ask Harry.

"If you wanted to go to er Hogsmeade with me?" Harry asks.

"Like a date?" You ask anxiously.

"Yeah or as friends if you want," Harry says quickly.

"I wouldn't mind it as a date," You say nervously.

"I'll see you at the carriages at around eleven then on Saturday," Harry says.

"Yeah," You respond "See you around."

You turn to leave but Harry stops you.

"Hang out with us," He says.

"Trust me, I'd love too but I have detention," You state "Filch is out to get me I swear."

"Maybe tomorrow then, in the courtyard?" He asks hopefully.

"I'd like that," You say "I should get going to my detention."

You leave the room and run to Filch's office before getting stopped by Umbridge.

"Where do you think you're going Miss
Y/L/N?" She asks you with her sickening high pitched voice and plastic smile.

"Detention with Mr Filch Miss," You answer "I should get going, punctuality is key after all."

"Of course Miss Y/L/N but Miss Edgecombe came to my office earlier and told me you were harassing her," Umbridge tells you.

"Well, I'll give my apologies to Marietta as it was probably a misunderstanding, after all we are the bestest of friends," You say in an innocent voice.

"Very well Miss Y/L/N, you may go to your detention," Umbridge says as she continues walking down the corridor.

You let out a sigh of relief and head to your detention with Filch.

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