Draco x reader- Tortured

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||Requested by @Julzluvdraco4eva. TW: mentions of violence. CW:Swearing||


You were in the cellar at Malfoy Manor- Bellatrix Lestrange had caught you days ago and brought you here. The reason for your capture was none other than your boyfriend Draco who had let slip that he was with you and had been for three years, a relationship his father and aunt disapproved of. This misfortune of being locked up, unfortunately for you, was not the worst treatment you would receive in the manor. To be quite honest, it was going to get alot worse before it got any better. You had lost count of the hours you had spent in the cellar and had given up hope of leaving the house... that was until today.

You were awoken with a slap to the face, courtesy of Bellatrix who then proceeded to drag you up the stairs.

"Good morning Dearie, its been a few days hm?" The raven haired maniac taunted "I've finally decided to give up on the boring method of just letting you live, barely."

You arrived in a large, open room and noticed the presence of Draco and his parents. You looked right at Draco who turned his head when he noticed you being forcefully transported by Bellatrix.

"Draco honey, I have a gift for you... well not quite ready- when I'm done torturing them then they'll be perfect... Being dead of course!"

"Torture?" Draco questioned his aunt "Is that really necessary..."

"Of course it is dear son, we can't have you dating anyone below our standards now can we?" Lucius added and with those shared words it seemed your fate was sealed- torture until death.

And the torture began, a combination of sharp instruments and spells you wouldn't dream of using. For the first few hours, Draco watched in pure horror, frozen, unable to move as his aunt did the unthinkable. She had begun by removing the hair from your head, simply pulling at the strands before grabbing a pair of scissors and chopping away. Once this was done, she took a few steps back and fired crucio a few times before grasping your face and scratching it with one of her nails. She glanced at the clock and dropped your body to the ground and left the room with Lucius and Draco in tow- the latter of whom turned to look at you with tears glistening in his eyes. You tried to move but the slightest movement sent a tremendous amount of pain shooting up your muscles so you lay there motionless- praying for death.

After an hour, Lucius and Bellatrix return- without Draco- and pick up where they left off. A dozen more crucios as well as a few fingernails being ripped out and a knife being used to slice your skin. If you weren't screaming in pain before, you were definitely writhing and shouting now. This pain continued for several hours before the pair went for another break. A few minutes after they left, Draco snuck inside the room and rushed over to you.

"Are you alright?" Draco asked worriedly, mentally assessing your injuries

"I've been tortured by your dad and aunt for nearly eight hours in total and you're asking if I'm okay!" You question this boy's intellect as every second passes, "I'm obviously not dumbass, look at me for fucks sake."

"Oh yeah of course," Draco says before picking you up, leading you to let out a string of curse words as your numb body suddenly felt like you were being struck by lightning. "Love, if I'm going to help you need to quieten down-"

You cut him off and say sarcastically "Yea let me just turn off my nervous system so I can't feel the crucios anymore, would that help?"  

"I did always love your sarcasm." Draco chuckles, slightly earning a glare from you. He pauses before saying "I'm taking you to the Weasleys, I don't like the blood traitors but you do... plus you'll be safe there."

Before you could say anything, you felt a weird feeling in your stomach as Draco apparated with you- curled in his arms bridal style. You arrived a few feet away from the Burrow and after a few seconds, three people came running out of the building and towards you.

"Y/N!" Harry said, being the first of the three to reach you both before realizing who was holding you, "...Draco."

Hermione caught up and immediately drew her wand "What are you doing with Y/N?"

You could cut the tension with one of the daggers Bellatrix used on you earlier so you cut in and explained "His dad and aunt tortured me for like 8 hours but they didn't kill me so here I am... this dumbass boyfriend of mine finally got a chance to get me out when they went to eat again, I'd have saved myself but the slightest movement hurts like a bitch."

"Yea and I kind of need to get back before they realize I'm gone," Draco starts

"Yea we wouldn't want you getting in trouble with daddy dearest would you," Ron says before picking you up out of Draco's arms, "Well we have them now so you can go." 

"Right yea of course," Draco nods before apparating back home.

"Wait Y/N did you say boyfriend... as in Draco is your boyfriend," Hermione says after a second as the four of you head back. 

You nod before adding "Since third year."

"Third year!" Ron exclaims "You remember what nearly happened to Buckbeak right?"

"Isn't he a death eater though?" Harry starts earning a glare from Hermione.

"I mean we can't question your decision especially considering our dating histories," Hermione says "...Just don't get yourself captured again."

"Kind of difficult to do considering they just stormed the house and took me," You say as you enter the house and exhaustion hits "Anyways can we get me some medical attention before-."

You get placed on the sofa in the living room of the oddly shaped house and Mrs Weasley rushes over and immediately starts on the healing as the trio relay the information you and Draco had both provided.

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