Fred x Reader- Ice Skating

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"Y/N!" Hermione calls, "We are going to be late."

"I'm coming," You yell. You grab your bag and shove on your black earmuffs. You get about halfway down the stairs before you realise you're not on the ground. You whip my head around to see Fred.

"Fred!" You exclaim,"Put me down!"

"No," He says.

"Please Freddie," You beg , "I'll do anything, just put me down."

"Let me do this first," He says. He carries me down the stairs and puts me down.

"Y/N, I think I'll take you up on that offer," He whispers into my ear.

"Fred, you know we're all here," George shouts.

"We are going to be late if we don't leave in 30 seconds ," Hermione says matter of factly.

"So, why are we still here,"You ask , "Let's go already"

After you say that, you all look at each other and sprint out the common room to the courtyard.


(A/N- I don't know if Hogsmeade has an ice skating rink but for the case of this imagine it does)

We are walking down the main street . Harry had told us he had a surprise for the five of us at Hogsmeade. We stopped in front of an ice rink. We got our ice skates from the lady and we headed to the ice rink. You took a couple of steps then you froze.

"Y/N?" Fred asks "You ok?"

"It's just..........I've never really been ice skating before," You reply.

"I'll teach you, but I'll have to charge," Fred teases .

"I....Urmm," You stutter out.

"Chill Y/N, just kidding," Fred says as soon as he sees your anxiousness.

We go onto the ice and Fred teaches me the basics before he goes to George. After Fred leaves, You skate over to Hermione and we start talking about the 2 parchment long essay Snape set us. Around about 15 minutes after, Ron skates over to Hermione and you take that as your cue to leave. You skate around the rink aimlessly for a bit until you feel myself beginning to slip, when you feel like you're going to hit the ground, Fred catches you before you hit the ice.

"Careful Y/N," He says to me.

Then George comes over and holds mistletoe above our heads.

"May I?" Fred asks me

You simply nod, in shock of seeing the mistletoe. Fred kisses you passionately as if he has been wanting to kiss me forever. We pull away from each other and I blush. Then Hermione and Ron skate past us hand in hand.

(AN- editing this, I can feel myself cringe)

"Awww," You cry "Aren't they just the cutest."

Then you all decide it's time to leave the rink and go to The Three Broomsticks.


When we arrive, Madame Rosmerta hands us our six Butterbeers and you hand her twelve sickles. We talk for hours until the sun starts to set. Fred grabs your hand and nods toward the empty booth. We get up and head towards it.

"How do I say this Y/N," Fred began "I've been madly in love with you ever since I saw you in Divination, I wanted to ask you to come with me to the Yule Ball but you accepted Cedric's invitation by the time I had the balls to ask you, I was heart broken."

"Freddie," you begin, "I haven't told anyone this but I hated the Yule Ball with Cedric, all he did was tell everyone how lucky I WAS to go with him, even though HE ASKED ME."

You whisper "I wanted to go with you but you never asked and you never did."

"I was afraid Y/N, afraid of you rejecting me to go with someone else," Fred told me.

"We are going to miss the carriages if we don't leave soon," Hermione cries out.

"We'll finish this in the carriage," I say to Fred


George,Harry,Ron and Hermione were all in one carriage but me and Fred were in one by ourselves. Hermione wanted to come with me but George whispered something into her ear and she changed her mind. You looked out of the window gazing at the scenery at night.

"Y/N," Fred says out of the blue, "Will you go out with me?"
"Yes, of course," You reply kissing him on the cheek.

The carriage comes to a halt and you know we have arrived outside Hogwarts. Fred and you get out of the carriage and head to the common room. When we enter the common room, you notice Ron, Harry, George and Hermione are all waiting for us on the scarlet-gold couches. Hermione and Ron are snuggled on the double reclining couch whilst George and Harry are sitting on single recliners, you and Fred sit on the remaining double recliner.

"Let's play that muggle game, Truth or dare," George suggests.

"I'm too tired," Hermione and you say in unison.

"Let's watch a film instead," Ron suggests.

"I'm going to the dorms," George says.

"Goodnight George," you say as he leaves.

Awhile after, Ginny came downstairs and asked if she could talk to Harry. He accepted and they went to the Room of Requirement to talk. Then Hermione and Ron went to their dorm rooms to get some sleep. Then you realise it was only you and Fred left in the common room. He looked at you and gave me on last kiss before we both left to go to our dorm rooms.

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