Fred x Reader- So Many Opportunities

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(The video file above is how I write Harry Potter fan fics, listening to it just unravels my weird creativity)

(AN- This is my first attempt at writing in second person (you) so I apologise in advance if it is bad)


Y/F/N- your friend's name

Y/H/H- your Hogwarts House

Your PoV

You woke up to Y/F/N hitting you in the face with a pillow.

"Y/N, we're going to be late to Potions!" Y/F/N exclaims frantically, "Come on, get up."

You sit up on your bed and yawn before adjusting your uniform and walking into the bathroom to straighten your hair and fix your smudged makeup. Once you were ready, you grabbed your f/c bag which has all your school supplies in it. You walk into your Common Room to see Y/F/N half asleep on the biggest, comfiest sofa.

You need to wake up
Y/F/N so you yell the first thing that comes into your head.

"FREE CHOCOLATE!" You yell as your voice bellows throughout the Common Room.

"What?" Y/F/N says as she jumps of the sofa, "Where?"

"Now you're up," You state "Let's go to Potions before Snape lectures us for being a second late."

"Seriously Y/N," Y/F/N complains as you walk out of your Common Room and head to the dungeons to the dreaded Potions lesson.

As you and Y/F/N approached the Potions classroom, you were knocked over by the troublesome twosome, The Weasley Twins.

"Terribly sorry Y/F/N and Y/N," Fred says apologetically.

"Its fine," You say as you stand up and grab your
f/c bag.

Then Y/F/N asks, "Don't you guys have Potions with us?"

"We're skipping," George responds quickly "Anyways, see you around."

The twins walk away and you give Y/F/N an all-knowing look.

"What?" She asks.

"I know you like him," You tease.

"I don't like George," She replies quickly.

"I never said it was George," You declare.

"I know you like someone," Y/F/N says back jokingly "Is it Fred?"

As soon as she says this you turn a deep shade of red and attempt to cover your face with your hands.

"So it is Fred!" She exclaims, "I was just kidding."

"Shut your mouth Y/F/N, some might hear!" You hiss.

"Like who?" She asks.

"His siblings, his Quidditch team, any flipping person who knows him," You exclaim.

"I won't say anything,"
Y/F/N whispers "I promise."

"If he finds out Y/F/N, you're dead." You say threateningly.

"Why me?" She asks.

"Because you're the only one who knows," You reply "And I intend on keeping it that way."

We continue walking down the hallway down to the Potions classroom in complete silence. You walk into the classroom to see utter chaos and not a Snape in sight.

"What an earth," You say.

"Snape's not in, taken a free period, I guess," Angelina says.

"He never does that though," Y/F/N says, "What is going on."

"I think it has something to do with the Twins and why they're skipping," You whisper into Y/F/N's ear.

You grab Y/F/N's hand and drag her with you to the library to start revising for your all of your O.W.Ls at the end of the academic year. You start reading your Defence Against the Dark Arts textbook but you hear a large bang in the corridor. You get up and exit the library only to see a furious Filch and the the troublesome twins run past with a pink Filch tailing them.

"What did you do?" You asked as you approach them after dinner

"Dungbombs and bright paint," George answers "Just the usual stuff."

"How have you not been expelled yet?" You ask.

"Dumbledore has a soft spot for us I guess," Fred responds.

"Why are you waiting out here?" You say "Filch is dying to catch you guys."

"Thanks for the heads up," Fred and George say in unison.

"Well, I'm going to meet Y/F/N in the library now, do you want to come along?" You ask.

"The library would be the last place Filch would look for us," George replies, "Why not, eh Freddie."

"Ok then," Fred says as he rests his arm on your shoulder.

Then George puts his arm on your other shoulder.

"I'm not an armrest you know," You say as we walk down the corridor.

"And I'm not a prankster, oh wait I am," George replies.

You roll my eyes in pure annoyance at his remark.

As we approach the library, Fred and George finally take their elbows off your shoulders. You walk into the library with the twins trailing behind me as you look for
Y/F/N. You find her sitting at the table in the alcove closest to the Restricted Section. She looks up and and smiles at me before noticing the twins and giving me a look of confusion.

"I'll explain later," You mouth at Y/F/N and she gets the message and starts clearing the table next to her so you can sit down. The twins sit opposite us and we sit in silence for a while until
Y/F/N asks why they're here.

"We're hiding from Filch because we may or may not have turned his entire office pink," George responds.

The deafening silence returns until Fred taps your arm and gestures to an alcove opposite us. We walk over to the alcove.

"So Y/N, there's no other way to say this so I'll say it," Fred rambles.

"Say what?" You ask.

"I really, really like you
Y/N," He says.

You stand there gaping like a fish for a while.

"Who am I kidding, why would you like me," Fred says as he starts walking away.

"I like you because your cute, funny and handsome." You say as you grab his hand "I'm in love with you Fred."

"I'm in love with you too," He says as he hugs you.

"Next Hogsmeade weekend, lets go together," You suggest.

"If I don't have detention," He responds.

You walk out from the alcove hand in hand and over at our table to see Y/F/N and George looking at each other lovingly. You grab your bag as Fred and you walk out of the Library. We headed to the Y/H/H Common Room first.

"See you Y/N," Fred says as he heads the to the Gryffindor Common Room.

"Night Fred," You call as he walks down the corridor. He turns the corner and you enter your Common Room.

////////////////////////// I apologise if this was really bad.

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