George x Blind!Reader- How Could You!

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Requested by @undercover_Fangirl97

You were at Luna's house as she had called you with some urgent news, you had got your boyfriend George to drop you off and you were waiting patiently for Luna to arrive. She said she had a way to cure your blindness.You felt Luna sit beside you so you turned to face her.

"Y/N, I think I found a way to cure you of your blindness," Luna says excitedly "Here."

Luna places a vial in your palm, its feels cold.

"What is it?" You ask quizzically.

"An anti-blindness potion, I found it in one of my father's old books," Luna says gleefully "Oh I hope it works."

You take the cap off the vial and down the potion in one go. You feel a tingling sensation in your head and it disappears after a few seconds. You lift your eyelids and look at Luna.

"I can see!" You exclaim gleefully "Oh my goodness I can see, thank you so much Luna oh my gosh."

"You can finally see us all, oh I'm so glad the potion worked," Luna said happily "Lorcan, Lysander, come see your Aunt Y/N."

Then two little boys ran into the livingroom. You teared up at the sight of the two little boys.

"They look so much like you," You say to Luna.

"Aunt Y/N, are you ok?" Lysander asks innocently.

"I can finally see you both," You say happily.

"What do you mean 'finally'?" Lorcan asks.

"Well I've been blind all my life and your mum found a cure and I can see," You explain.

"Our mum is such a legend!" Lysander exclaims.

Luna looks at Lysander confused before he says "I heard James say it to Fred."

"I should get going now, I promised George I'd be back quickly," You say.

The boys look like they're about to cry.

"I'll come to visit again soon and I'll bring some toys when I come," You say as you hug the boys.

You walk back to your shared apartment with George. When you approach you door, you hear two voices in your apartment. You follow the voices to the door and hear the vase smash.

"Shit!" You hear George say as several more objects break.

"It's fine," You hear a familiar voice say "Y/N's blind anyways so she won't know or just use Reparo to fix everything."

Then it hit you, the female voice belonged to Angelina Johnson, your best friend well ex best friend now.

"George, I'm home," You whisper hoarsely as tears start streaming down your face.

You finally enter the apartment and see the broken base as well as George and Angelina on the sofa. You silently run to grab your essentials and shove them in a backpack that you left on the kitchen table.

"Y-Y/N, it's not what it looks like, I can explain," George says as he blocks the door preventing you from leaving.

"Really of all the lines you're going with that one," You snap "I'm going now so have your fun with Angelina, oh and when you're done don't even try to find me."

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