Fred x reader- Wait, you like me?

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|| I apologise if this isn't quite what you expected and for my representation of Hermione||

Requested by @KingSlayerGirl97

You are sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room with your best friends Ron, Hermione and Harry.

"So Y/N, have you done the potions yet?" Hermione asks you whilst she reads Hogwarts, A History.

"Mione, that's literally was set an hour ago!" Ron exclaims.

"I have actually," You remark whilst reading Fantastic Beasts.

"Oh, " Hermione says shocked "What about the Charms we were set yesterday?"

"I did that as well, I'm one step ahead for once," You respond happily.

Then the Weasley twins walk by and sit either side of you.

"Hey Y/N," George says   "How's your day been?"

"Its been good but it could be better," You say as you adjust your sitting position on the sofa.

"Well if you didn't act like such a know it all-" Hermione began.

"Y/N doesn't act like a know it all Hermione!" Ron exclaims " Was it not you who corrected Snape in Potions earlier. "

"Ronald Weasley, don't you dare patronize me!" Hermione exclaims "At least I can sustain my grades unlike some of us here. "

Then Hermione grabs her things and leaves the Common Room in a hurry.

"You're unusually quiet Fred," You say concerned and wanting to eliminate the awkward silence after Hermione's sudden departure.

"I had nothing to contribute to the discussion that's all," Fred says "To be honest, I don't understand Granger's distaste towards you."

"Neither do I to be honest, according to Lavender and the Patil twins I stole her friends, " You admit "But she should actually you know say something instead of being petty about it."

"She's just used to be the only girl that's all, " Harry says.

"But still, calling Y/N a know it all is a bit harsh isn't it," Ron says "Especially considering she's the one who got called an insufferable know it all by Snape."

"She just feels threatened that's all," Harry says "And as her friend you'd understand that Ron"

"So what does that make me Harry," You snap "Am I not a friend to you?"

"Look, I'm not trying to create any drama," Harry says defensively.

"Its been two years since Y/N joined us, she even punches Malfoy when he calls Hermione a mudblood!" Ron exclaims "Two freaking years Harry! Yet Hermione still hates Y/N."

"You're all over thinking it," Harry says "I'm going to talk to her. "

Harry leaves the Common Room leaving the three Weasleys and yourself.

"He needs to stop being so delusional," Ron says "Hermione obviously doesn't like him back, I mean I don't know who she likes but I doubt it's Harry."

"They both just hate me cause all the teachers like me even Snape!" You sigh before stating "They've always hated me, they're just a bunch of no good jealous haters who tried to hide their jealousy but they're open books and that makes them perfect for each other."

"Anyways me and George have to go now." Ron says suddenly.

"We do?" George asks quizzically.

"We do," Ron says as he walks towards the door "Come on George, bloody hell."

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