Draco x Reader- Truth

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|| W A R N I N G- There is like one swear word used||

|| You are also a Weasley cause yeah why not||


You are hanging out with a variety of people in the courtyard playing a game of truths.

|| Its a game I made up where people sit in a circle and one person is chosen at random to answer a question from everyone in the circle||

"So Luna, do you happen to have a crush on anyone in this circle?" Hermione asks.

"Yes," She answers dreamily.

"Right that is everyone," You say then you spin the spinner and it lands on you.

"Yes finally, it landed on Y/N/N," Fred says smirking.

"So Y/N," Seamus says "Is your crush in this circle?"

"No," You reply.

"Are they in Ravenclaw?" Luna asks in her dreamy state.

"No," You answer.

"Are they in Gryffindor?" Ron asks.

"No," You respond.

"Is it a Hufflepuff?" Hermione asks.

"No," You reply.

"So its a Slytherin?" Fred concludes.

"Yes," You confirm.

"Are they male?" Harry asks.

"Yes," You answer.

"Its not Crabbe or Goyle is it?" Lee asks jokingly.

"No!" You exclaim, "You guys know I have standards right, like super high standards."

"Of course Y/N/N but we just don't want our sweet, little, innocent, baby sister marrying someone who doesn't deserve you," Fred says.

"That is the sweetest thing you have EVER done or said to me," You state.

"I pranked that git of a boy in your first year," Fred murmurs.

"What," You say.

"Nothing," Fred says "Lets continue the interroga-I mean the game."

Everyone looks at each other before Ginny asks "Do they know Malfoy well?"

"Yes they know Malfoy extremely well," You respond.

Then Neville asks "Is it Zabini or Nott?"

"Neither of them," You reply.

"Is it Malfoy?" George asks.

"Is it Malfoy what you piece of filth," You all hear an all to familiar voice declare.

"None of your goddamn business," Ginny sasses at Draco.

"Y/N, why do you hang out with these losers," Draco says "Join your own, join me."

You pretend to consider his offer before slapping him across the face.

"How dare you!" You shout "How fucking dare you talk to my friends and family like that and I will never join you, you slimy ferret."

You push Draco in the chest and head to the one place that always gives you comfort: the library. As you approach you see one of your favourite brothers following a particularly pretty Ravenclaw into the library.

You find a table and pull out the twelfth book from a series of books Hermione let you borrow from her which are about three children who are left orphans by a fire which burns down their home and are being targeted by their distant family member, who has a tattoo of an eye on his left ankle, for their family fortune. You continue reading the penultimate book until you see your brothers, Ginny, Harry and Hermione walk in, you continue reading your book until they all surround you.

"Y/N/N, are you alright," George asks.

"I'm fine," You say as you continue reading.

"Is that the book series Mione let you borrow?" Harry asks "The one about the orphans."

"Yup," You say as you carry on reading.

You continue reading but they keep on looking at each other and it annoys you so you put down your book and say
"You all clearly came here for something."

"You never answered my question," George says.

"What was it again?" You ask.

"Do you like Malfoy?" He says emphasising every word.

"Well I do, kinda, I don't know," You exasperate.

They all look at you, a mix of betrayal, hurt, shock and confusion swimming in all of their eyes.

"I didn't ask for these feelings or the unrequited love," You whisper loudly.

Then someone steps out from behind the shadows and says "What if your feelings are felt by the person you are talking about?"

You turn your head to the voice seeing none other than Draco freaking Malfoy standing right behind you. You look at your siblings and they give you different looks. Ron who seems extremely disgusted and disturbed, Fred who looks like he wants to kill Draco, George looks like he wants to be sick and Ginny is grinning like the Cheshire cat.

"W-what," You stutter after Draco's confession.

"I like you alot Y/N Weasley, much more than pug-face Parkinson and those bimbos that follow me around and I definitely like you enough to defy my father's wishes on marrying the youngest Greengrass daughter," Draco declares.

You look again at your siblings and they look back at you. Then you look at Harry and see he's absolutely fuming.

"Harry?" Hermione asks "Are you alri-?"

But before Hermione can finish, Harry had already walked out of the door.

"I think I'm going to go," Draco says.

He turns to leave but you call "Wait," and he stops. You run up to him and kiss him on the cheek and whisper in his ear "Yes I'll date you but be careful around my brothers, especially the twins."

He walks away but then he turns and kisses you right on the lips.

"See ya later love," He smirks as he leaves the library.

Then Madam Pince comes and kicks us out of the library and we laugh as we walk to the Gryffindor Common Room.

"So when's the wedding?" Fred asks jokingly.

"How about the summer after we graduate," You respond.

"But thats AGES away," Fred groans.

"But the question is, when are you marrying Angelina?"

"Y/N/N, she doesn't even like me," Fred moans.

You burst out laughing and say "You think she doesn't like you, oh my Merlin Freddikins."

"You told her your crush but not me," George exclaims.

"Clearly," You say, "Take it from me she really likes you Freddikins now do not throw away your shot."

"What?" Fred asks.

"She's right there," You whisper and point as Angelina walks out of the charms classroom.

|| C O M P E T I T I O N  T I M E- If anyone knows the book title and the series I referenced and comments both, they will get a follow from me and I'll read their work||

|| I also hit my limit of 1000 words, I'm actually quite pleasantly surprised considering most of it is just blabble||

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