Scorpius x Reader- Cousins

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Requested by @rikanazy

|| I hope you enjoy this imagine even if it is a slight modification of the request| |

Background information: You are the eldest daughter of Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley but have the personality of your paternal grandmother: Molly Weasley.


You were walking down the corridor minding your own business when you noticed your cousins Fred and James setting up a slime bucket for a poor, innocent, unsuspecting student.

"What an earth are both of you doing?" You ask suspiciously.

"What does it look like cuz, we're pranking." Fred says.

"Ok then, just don't target the first years or any Slytherins. " You say in an authoritative tone.

"You're no fun Y/N," James says whilst mock pouting.

" I don't care, I don't want another group of angry Slytherins to deal with, " You complain "Just no Slytherins, please for the love of Merlin "

"They probably deserve it," Fred mumbles.

" I didn't quite catch that, care to say it louder Frederick? " You ask.

"I said I won't I promise," Fred responds quickly

"Good," You say before walking away.

|| Le time skip brought to you by Nico and The Niners wearing Jumpsuits ||

You continue walking down the corridor before bumping into your cousin Albus.

"Hey Y/N," Albus says before hugging you, " How are you? "

You hug Albus before saying, "Just really stressed, I caught Fred and James setting up another slime bucket and I am so not in the mood to deal with more complaints about them both."

" I'm sure the complaints can't be that bad, " Albus says sympathetically.

"Nope I have at least seven Gryffindors, five Hufflepuffs, six Ravenclaws and at least seventeen Slytherins," You say exasperatingly " That's like thirty odd people and I'm absolutely sick of it! "

"Its the price we pay for being associated with them I guess," Albus said before shrugging.

"Unfortunately," You say.

"Catch you later Y/N, I promised I'd meet Rose in the Library," Albus says apologetically, "See you soon."

"Yeah, bye," You say before both of you go your separate ways.

You continue walking down the corridor until you bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry," You say apologetically before looking up and seeing the stormy grey eyes of Scorpius Malfoy, your best friend.

" Its fine Y/N, " He says smiling, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"No reason," You say quickly.

"Y/N," Scorpius says sternly.

"What! " You exclaim "Fine, if you really want to know, James and Fred set up another prank and I can't be bothered to deal with the complaints."

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