Remus x Reader- Shipping Students And Students Shipping (Valentine's Special)

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Context- You are a teaching assistant and still have a crush on Moony from your Hogwarts days.


"Y/N, we have to go," Remus says suddenly "Dumbledore has called an emergency meeting for all the staff."

"What!" I exclaim "Let's go to his office."

I get up and speed walk with Remus down the deserted corridors of Hogwarts, to the Headmaster's study. I knock on the door and enter the room with Remus.

"Great, now everyone is here," Dumbledore begins "We can start betting on which ships will set sail."

"You called us here to bet on which relationships will happen and how long they last," I say seeming annoyed.

I looked around the room to see everyone looking at me afraid. There was an extremely awkward silence until I broke it by saying "Count me in."

"And you Remus?" Dumbledore asks with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Sure why not," Remus replies.

"I bet that this year, Dramione will never happen," I say "It's never going to happen, Hermione hates Draco for crying out loud."

(Sorry if I'm offending Dramione shippers here, I couldn't think of another unlikely pairing so yeah)

"But the concept of forbidden fruit will bring their feelings for each other into light," Sybil counters.

"If Dramione happens Sybil, are you implying Blinny and Pron are going to happen too," I respond sassily.

"I'm with Y/N on this one," Minnie (McGonagall) says moving so she's next to me, "Dramione, Blinny and Pron are never going to happen."

"But Dramione will happen," Aurora (Sinistra) says "The stars say so."

"Well, I have a feeling that Ronmione will evolve this year," Remus says.

"Yassssss Ronmione," Dumbledore squeals, "One of my OTP's alongside Hinny, Nuna, Dransy and Frengelina."

"Ronmione is so adorable," I say.

"I heard that the students are trying to set up Y/N and Remus up with other people," Wilhelmina (Grubbly Plank) says.

"That explains why I got a love letters claiming to be from various teachers," I exclaim, "I got students giving me letters claiming they're from all of you."

"Maybe the students have found out about our shipping bets," Pomona (Sprout) says "Or perhaps they're just trying to play matchmaker."

"It's annoying me so much, these letters," I exclaim out of frustration, "I brought them with me."

I reach into my robe pockets and pull out several piles of letters.

"I've already read them, some of them are quite poetic considering they're written by the students," I say as I hand the piles to the corresponding person.

"Why is my pile the largest?" Remus asks.

"I don't know!" I exclaim.

"I think the students ship you two the most," Dumbledore concludes, "I see why to."

"Most of the student body here at Hogwarts speaks highly of you two," McGonagall says "Fred and George won't prank you and that is a big deal."

"They tried to prank me one time but growing up with prankster siblings yourself makes it easy to identify pranks," I say, "And the fact that two certain boys used to prank me on a regular basis at school."

"What!" Remus exclaims, "Why didn't you tell me."

"Because they're wasn't a need to," I respond.

"If you don't mind I'm going now," Remus says.

"Bye Remus," I call as he leaves the room.

"Its really obvious," Aurora says.

"What?" I ask.

"That you two like each other," Wilhelmina says.

"Pssssshhht, I don't," I reply almost immediately.

"Y/N, he likes you," Dumbledore says.

"Really," I respond enthusiastically.

"I don't know actually but your response tells us you do," Minnie exclaims.

"I'm leaving now," I say as I head to the door.

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