Preference- Someone walks in whilst you make out

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||Requested by @noodle_hayes_nelson||

||So this might be trash so I apologise in advance, I also kinda changed the prompt slightly cause ye, it needed some spice, some sriracha. Also apologies for my illiterate ass. I also apologise for how late this is, I've just had so much school work and just life to deal with||

Y/H- Your house
Y/BFF- Your best friend
Y/HT- Your hometown/city/village (Basically where you live)

Harry-You and Harry were leaning on the banisters of the staircase as you listened in on the Order meeting. The door slowly creaked open and you both looked at each other like 'oh shit'. You leant closer to Harry and kissed him as Sirius walked out of the room, he saw you both and chuckled before walking back into the room with a glass of water. After the door shut, you and Harry looked at one another and laughed.

Ron-It was your sixth year at Hogwarts and you were in the Gryffindor Common Room celebrating their win against Slytherin. Ron walked drunkenly towards you and started kissing you. At that exact moment, you heard the iconic screech of Lavender Brown as her Won Won made out with you. You kissed back as you really liked the ginger but dared not to say anything whilst he was with Lavender

Fred-Fred was saying farewell to you after your fifth date. He leant in and kissed you gently. You kissed back softly and the door of your common room opened revealing none other than you best friend.

"Ew yuck gross," Y/BFF says as the walk by.

Fred chuckles and kisses you on the forehead before you part ways

George-You had been invited to the Weasley's home to celebrate Christmas with them as well as Hermione and Harry. You had woken up early and snuck into your boyfriend's room and sat on his bed, waiting for him to arrive. He eventually did and was surprised to see you and began kissing you. A couple of minutes later, Fred walked in to get something only to leave the room gagging and asking for eye bleach.

Neville-You and Neville had agreed to help Professor Sprout organise her greenhouses before the students and teachers left for the Christmas holidays. As you were moving plant pots In Greenhouse 6, you both looked up and noticed mistletoe. Neville blushed and leant in and kissed you softly. You kissed back and Professor Sprout walked in, chuckling a little when she saw you both.

Sirius-It was a cold October evening and you were snuggling with Sirius in the Gryffindor Common Room near the fireplace. He looked down at you and kissed you as the fire crackled. The other three Marauders walked in making alot of noise but began cheering and clapping when noticing you and Sirius in the corner.

Remus- It was a cold autumn evening at Hogwarts and you and Remus were walking around Hogwarts together. You eventually stopped near a tree and looked at one another before leaning in for a small kiss. Unfortunately, Snape had decided to go collect some herbs so he walked by the pair of you and gagged as he walked away. You both chuckled and continued your walk.

Cedric- You and Cedric were sitting near the Black Lake enjoying a little brunch date. There was tiny sandwiches and pastries galore and lots of tea, both the literal and metaphorical kind. It was approaching lunch meaning that the students would be let out soon. Cedric cupped your face in his hands and kissed you softly before murmuring that he loves you. A few seconds pass and someone runs off screaming "That was disgusting."

Percy- It was a cold evening as you and Percy made your rounds as prefects. You approached the Gryffindor Common Room and Percy grabbed your hand and held it and says "I really enjoy the time we spend together,"
He then leant in and kissed you softly. At that precise moment, his brothers, The infamous Weasley Twins, walked out of the Gryffindor Common Room and wolf whistled before running off down the hall.

Albus- You were at your boyfriend, Albus' house for New Years Day. You had taken the train from y/ht and had arrived a few hours ago. You and Albus were sitting in his room listening to Black Veil Brides via some muggle app called Spotify. Rebel Love Song had started playing and you both looked at one another before kissing each other. Unknown to you both, the bedroom door had been opened by Rose who instantly closed it but was re opened by a curious Hugo who was now scarred for life.

Scorpius- The Malfoys had invited you over to spend the holidays with them whilst your parents were away in Cyprus for a 'business call'. You weren't complaining because it meant you could spend time with Scorpius, your boyfriend. Speaking of, the pair of you were curled up in an arm chair together as your read a book. Scorpius then looked at you and asked softly "Can I kiss you?"

"Sure let me just finish this chapter," You reply.

After about five minutes you put the book down and start kissing Scorpius. Unknown by either of you, Draco had just walked into the room and coughed which prompted you to separate.

"I came to tell you that dinner was ready but I can see you are clearly busy, just no grandkids okay."

Draco left the room and you looked at Scorpius like 👁👄👁

Seamus- It was the Battle of Hogwarts and you had been running for hours as you and Seamus were both were being chased by Dolohov. You had decided to split and take off in opposite directions. You ran into the Charms classroom and noticed Seamus run down the hall across from the classroom so you run out of the room and bolt it down the corridor after him before yelling "Seamus!"

Seamus whips his head and engulfs you in a hug before leaning in and kissing you passionately.

"I thought I had lost you," You exclaims

"Y/N, I love you," Seamus says before kissing you again.

Neville was running down a parallel hallway and saw you both before running past.

Dean-You had met up on the staircase and had decided to walk into the Great Hall together and make your relationship official after hiding it from everyone for about a week. Dean turned his head and kissed you softly. Everyone erupted into cheers and applauded the pair of you but one irishman was not impressed and snuck out of the hall with a great sadness growing in his heart.

Oliver- You and Oliver had agreed to meet on the Quidditch pitch after hours for a date of sorts. You were sitting on the ground having a nice picnic and talking about the most random of things. After about half an hour of chatting, Ollie leaned in to kiss you and yous began making out on the Quidditch Pitch and Fred and George walk into the pitch hoping to get up to mischief and leave once they see you.

Draco-You and Draco were curled up on the couch in the Slytherin Common Room and were discussing the transfiguration homework then all of a sudden, Pansy Bitchkinson (I know original right) walks in and starts going off about how you shouldn't be with Draco whilst the pair of you are in the room. Draco rolls his eyes and looks at you before leaning in and kissing you to A) spite Pansy and B) prove her claims wrong. Being the stuck up girl she is, Pansy walks out in a fit of rage and anger with her lackeys following close behind.

||I apologise that this took so long to write and publish||

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