Harry x Reader-Secret

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||Requested by @unimaid12345 and yes this is a everyone lives au and apologies it took me forever to get this out||

You and Harry had been dating in secret since the winter of fourth year but had kept it quiet due to Rita Skeeter's increased presence around the school and her insistence to find out about Harry's personal life. You weren't the... biggest fan of her publications however as it had Harry being rumoured to be dating any girl he spent more than an hour with and you really didn't want the attention on yourself. It is now the summer of your fourth year and you had both agreed to finally tell your close friends and family- more on that later.

Everyone was currently gathered at your home at 12 Grimmauld Place. Dadfoot and your uncle James trying to figure out the barbecue whilst Aunt Lily and Moomy talked about books they had read recently, muggle and wizarding. Aunts Mary, Marlene and Dorcas were yet to arrive but they always arrived fashionably late to any occasion. Your uncle Peter was helping helping with the food as he had always had a knack for things like that. The twins were setting up pranks and Ginny was assisting them whilst Ron and Hermione were playing badminton outside. You and Harry were sat in the corner, planning on when exactly you were going to tell everyone. You were really nervous as you felt awful for keeping it hidden for so long.

Around 7ish, after eating and your aunts arriving an hour or so before, everyone was gathered in the living room, sprawled across couches, single seaters and the various rugs on the floor. You glanced over at Harry to indicate that now was probably the best time to tell everyone.

"Do you guys want to ask us something?" Sirius asked, earning a glare from Remus.

"No no more like tell you guys something," You began

"I hate to step on the moment but if its that you and Harry are dating... Its been obvious to us all since Christmas," James says, getting a small laugh from the crowd

"Oh sush James," Lily says "But thank you for telling us."

"Even though we knew," James adds

"How di-" Harry starts

"You're your fathers son," Lily adds "And your father wasn't exactly subtle in his displays of affection."

This caused most of the adults to start laughing and them to start recounting various things James had done over their school years

"The bloody wreath thing for starters, it was huge and was so tacky," Mary reminisces "It was thoughtful but took up so much space."

"Tacky!?" James exclaims with a small frown "I thought it was nice."

"The wreath's tackiness has nothing on that book of poetry he wrote," Dorcas counters

"Whoa whoa I helped with half of that and that was poetic genius," Sirius says

"Poetic flops more like," Peter says "I did tell you all it was a bad idea."

"There's many more anecdotes we could tell you about how James embarrassed himself infront of Lily," Sirius says "My favourite being the time when James was trying to explain how he thought televisions work."

"Oh come on! How was I supposed to know the televisions don't have little people in them..." James says

"How would they get the people that small without a shrinking charm?" Lily counters

"... You make a good point," James says which causes another eruption of laughter

Ginny adds "I mean it was obvious when you guys went from being blushing messes around each other to those not so subtle glances,"

"Oh and the totally platonic cuddling on the couch," Fred adds "Not obvious at all."

Remus says after a shortish pause "Subtlty is definitely you get from your fathers."

"Hey!" James and Sirius say in unison earning a small snigger from Lily.

||I'm so sorry that this is so short but I've been swamped with stuff for university and I wasn't too sure how to make it any longer without the fic getting repetitive||

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