Sirius x Reader x Remus- A Love Like War

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|| There is like one swear word and there's an ending for both cause I love both of the adorable beans||

You were walking around Hogwarts with your friends Lily and Severus when you noticed a group of boys. You recognised them as Gryffindors in the same year as you.

"Oh look its Potter and his cronies," Severus whispers to you.

"I know, love that for us," You murmur back.

"Evans, I don't understand why you hang out with those losers," James says "You could be royalty here if you ditched them for us instead."

Sirius smirks and nods but Remus doesn't say anything and Peter was stuffing his face with food. James raises a brow at Lily who is infuriated.

You and Severus look at one another before sighing and leaving Lily to deal with the boys.

"Snape and Y/L/N are cowards and disappointments to their families but we already knew that didn't we boys?" Sirius says tauntingly.

Remus looked at Sirius with pleading eyes that read please stop, he liked you after all and didn't appreciate his friends bullying you alongside Snape.

You turn around with fury in your eyes and approach Sirius with anger gleaming in your eyes before asking "What did you say?"

"You're in the doghouse now mate." Peter squeaked.

Sirius smirks "You heard me Y/L/N."

Remus facepalms and James chuckled.

You look at Lily and Severus before turning back to Sirius with a smirk of your own, "I'm a coward? Well at least I don't bully people cause I have mummy issues."

The remaining Marauders let out audible gasps and you looked Sirius dead in the eyes.

"Take that back Y/L/N," Sirius warned.

"Oh so you can pick on me relentlessly for five years but when I fight back its unacceptable?" You ask.

Sirius stood there speechless with anger brewing inside him before saying "Oh this is war Y/L/N."

You chuckled, "Its on Black."

|| Timeskip brought to you by Kellin Quinn because I can't write #illiterate ||

Two weeks after that incident you ran into the Marauders again but this time they had Severus upside down in the air. James and Sirius were smirking and laughing as Severus struggled and Remus was reading a book and Peter was eating as per usual. You drew your wand and pointed it at the troublesome duo and said "Put Severus down or Merlin help me."

"Or what Y/L/N?" Sirius asks "You'll set Lily on us?"

Then Lily appeared and she was equally as angry as you were and she spat "Matter of fact, she is to some degree, now, put, him, down!"

James dropped Severus reluctantly and Sirius smirked contently.

"I didn't need your help mudbloods." Severus said before picking up his stuff.

"You apologise to her right now!" James yelled, clearly referring to Lily and Lily only.

You were hurt by this and left before the tears rolled down your face. You ran to the nearest bathroom and locked yourself in the first stall you could find and broke down into tears.

"Apologi-" Remus began before noticing you were long gone, "Hey Pads where did Y/N go?"

"Oh Y/L/N," Sirius says, "Don't know and don't particularly care."

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