Ron x Reader- New Law

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AN-After the Second Wizarding War, students in 5th year and up (whilst the war was going on) were asked to come back to a restored Hogwarts for an announcement.
(AN- Y/M/I - your mums initials
- Y/MFN- your mums full name)
(AN- one swear word)


I was sitting in the Great Hall because McGonagall is going to give an important announcement.
"Because of the many losses due to the war, the Ministry has decided to enforce some new laws," McGonagall says as her voice echoes throughout the hall, "You will take a Ministry compatibility test to match you up with a partner, the requirement is that you are married and have a child before the year 2000, if you are in a relationship the Ministry say you can remain in it as long as you pass the new and modified Soulmate test but the other requirements are still in place."
"But Professor, this is unfair," Hermione calls out.
"It's out of my hands I'm afraid," McGonagall replies forlornly. "The Ministry officials will begin the testing on Monday."
"Bullshit," I hear a certain foul, loathsome, evil, little cockroach shout.
"Mr Malfoy, language," McGonagall snaps.


"Miss Y/L/N, please report to the Headmistress' office," The loudspeaker echoes.
I look at Hermione with a glint of fear in my eyes.
"Y/N, you have to go,"
Hermione says.
I get up and go to McGonagall's new office.

"Miss Y/L/N, is there anyone in particular you do not want to end up marrying?" The Ministry official asks me.
"I don't want to marry into the Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle,Parkinson families etc," I respond bluntly.
"Are you close to any males in particular?" The official asks me.
"Just Harry Potter and the Ron Weasley to be honest," I respond attempting to avoid eye contact with the Ministry official.
"Miss Y/L/N, you may leave now," The Ministry official tells me.
I stand up and walk out of the disorganised office.

"Mr Weasley, please report to the Headmistress' office," I hear the loudspeaker call. I look down and power walk into someone.
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry," I say stuttering.
"Y/N," I hear a familiar voice say "Honestly, it's fine."
I look up and see Ron's sparkling sapphire eyes.
"Well you have to take the partnership test or something like that now," I say before speed-walking down the ancient corridor to the Great Hall back to Hermione and the rest of the squad.


"I've called you back because today is the day you find out who the Ministry have chosen to be your partners and they have sent owls due to arrive with letters that tell you who your partner is, you will spend today getting to know them and classes will resume tomorrow, there is a new part of the curriculum called Life Classes, these will educate you about childcare and teach you to cook and other household requirements," McGonagall explains.

As soon as she says this several dozen owls swoop into the Great Hall and drop letters in front of every student in the room. Harry, Ron, Hermione and I all looked at each other before we open our letters.I open my letter to see the name Ronald Billius Weasley written on the piece of parchment. I make unintentional eye contact with Ron and I immediately look away.
"Who is unfortunate enough to marry you Y/N," Harry asks jokingly.
"Ron," I whisper.
"No way," He says.
"I assume Ginny and you took the soulmate test," I state.
"Yeah and we're allowed to get married," He says before Ginny comes over and peeks at Ron's parchment.
"Welcome to the family Y/N," Ginny exclaims. "I always wanted you and 'Mione to become my sisters."
I look over to Hermione and see a downtrodden expression on her face.
"Hey 'Mione, who is your partner," I ask her.
"Ummm.... It's Blaise Zabini," She says disappointedly.
"Well it could be worse, you could've married into the Malfoy family," I say optimistically.
Hermione's downtrodden expression is still etched onto her face.
"Right students, go sit with your partner," McGonagall says, "Get to know them."
Hermione doesn't move so I mime at Zabini to come here.

I turn to face Ron only to notice he was wearing a sad expression on his face.
"Ron, what's wrong?" I ask reaching out, putting my hand on his.
"Y/N, I wanted to ask you out before all of this but I didn't because I was afraid but now you're forced to marry me and have a kid with me," Ron confesses.
"Oh Ron, I've liked you since fourth year and I was petrified to tell you," I admit blushing "I'm happy I got you and not anyone else."
"Really," Ron exclaims as his cheeks turn pink.
"Really," I respond before leaning over the table and kissing him on the cheek.
Then we started talking to other couples like Neville and Luna and Padma and Seamus. Eventually the sun began to set and McGonagall told us to go back to our rooms.

Ron and I entered the Common Room and I gave him a kiss on the cheek before I went to my dorm room which I share with Hermione. We stayed up till eleven talking about our ideal weddings and cute baby names.


I climbed out of bed and threw on my favourite casual clothes and my favourite pair of shoes before running down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I sit with Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Blaise.
"Where's Ron?" I ask Harry.
"Right behind you," I hear a voice say. I whip my head round and see Ron. I shuffle along the bench so Ron can sit down and pat the seat next to me. Ron sits down and I kiss him on the cheek. Then McGonagall and the other teachers walk round handing out the new timetables. I noticed I had the exact same timetable as Ron, Harry and Hermione.
"Lets go to Charms," I say. We pack up and go to Charms. Usual lessons fly by but at 8pm we have our first ever Life Class in the Great Hall with MW and Y/M/I.
"Who'd you think is teaching our Life Classes?" Hermione asks me as we walk to the Great Hall.
"Well its not any of the Professors, probably someone experienced with what the course is teaching," I say "I think the teacher may be a housewife or something."
We enter the room and I notice Ms Weasley and my mum standing at the front if the hall. I run and give my mum a hug.
"I thought I wasn't going to see you till Christmas," I say as I pull away from the hug.
"I was requested to teach this class alongside an old friend of mine," Mother replies gesturing to Ms Weasley.
The clock struck eight and more students filed into the Great Hall including Ron and Harry.
I saw Ron and I waved to him and he sits next to me.
"Why is my mum here?" He asks me.
"She's teaching the class with my mum," I respond.
"That's your mum!" Ron exclaims "She's a bloody legend, well was considering she played for the Holyhead Harpies for fifteen years."
"Well class," my mum says, "I think we'll start with a small trust exercise."
"You're Y/MFN, the best chaser from the Holyhead Harpies," I hear a kid exclaim.
My mum chuckles before continuing with the lesson.
"Me and Ms Y/L/N will demonstrate," Ms Weasley says.
As soon as she finishes her sentence my mum stands behind her and Ms Weasley leans back and then my mother catches her.
"For this exercise, you will have to put give your complete trust to your significant other," My mother explains.
"Boys line up with a foot between you all and girls stand a step or two in front of your partner," Ms Weasley orders.
We do as we're told, as I stand in front of Ron I see Hermione next to me and she looks annoyed. Ms Weasley tells us girls to lean back and trust the boys behind us. We all obey except from Hermione who is a little reluctant. When I leant back, I closed my eyes and Ron caught me. We continued doing this till mum dismissed us all from the room. I waited for the rest of the Golden Quartet and we went to our dorms. When we reached the staircases to the dorms I kissed Ron on the cheek and ran up to my dorm. I opened the dorm room door, ran to my bed and tucked myself into the covers. That night I fell asleep dreaming about my future with a certain Weasley, Ron.

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