Young Sirius Black x Reader- Heartbreak and becoming the Mother of Punches

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(AN- you are a metamorphagus and in Gryffindor)

(AN-Don't say I didn't warn ya)


Lily warned me, she told me not to go in. When I saw it happen. I felt my hair change colour, I felt sad, jealous even. Why was he there snogging Marlene.

I couldn't take it, so I left and went to the one place I could relax; the Gryffindor Tower Attic. I entered the just filled room and shut the door behind me. I punched the wall once. Twice. Thrice. With Every punch I made I released my sadness and pain. When my hand was battered and bruised I sank down onto the ground curled up in a ball and cried. Why was he kissing her, it should have been me. I've made it blatantly obvious I like him but he's clearly to daft to see. As I let these thoughts swim around in my mind, I hear the door creak open and I see Lily and Remus.

"Y/N," Lily began.
I looked up at her with my red puffy eyes and purply-blue hand.
"Y/N, what did you do to your hand?" Lily asks. I look up and see an indent in the wall.
"Oh Y/N, Sirius is not worth your tears, he's just a daft bimbo and he losing an awesome girl." Remus says.
"But.....I liked him and I made it so obvious and he goes and kisses Marlene," I wail as I sob into Lily's shoulder.
I sat there hugging Lily and then I stood up and wiped away my tears.
"You're right Remus, I shouldn't be crying over someone who clearly doesn't love me back," I declare "I should move on from that bimbo."
"Y/N," Lily and Remus say in unison.
"What?" I ask.
"Don't be rash," Lily says.
"I won't be, ciao," I call as I walk out of the attic. I beeline to my dorm room and lay in my bed, devising a scheme to get Sirius to finally like me whilst convincing Lily and Remus I'm fine. This is what I think about before falling asleep.


I wake up to the sunlight beaming in the dorm. I sit up and notice Mary and Molly are sleeping in their beds. I grab some clothes and walk into the bathroom, then turn into the shower. I start the shower and begin to hum. I walk out of the shower and get dressed, apply minimal makeup and go down to the Great Hall to eat some breakfast.

I walk into the hall and sit with Remus and Peter.
"Oh...Hey Y/N," Peter says.
"Hi Peter," I reply before grabbing a croissant and some milk.
"Do you have Charms next," Remus asks me.
"Yeah," I say "See you later."

I leave the Great Hall and head to Charms. I enter the classroom and sit where I normally sit beside Lily behind Remus. The Marauders and Lily walk in and sit in their usual spaces. I turn to face the front of the classroom quill in hand, ready to take notes.
Charms flies by and before I know it, it's the end of the lesson. I pack away my stuff, swing my backpack onto my shoulder and head to the Common Room. I walk around the corner to see Marlene snogging Sirius, again. I turn on my heel and head to the Black Lake instead. I get a book out of my bag and start reading. Then out of nowhere Lucius and his cronies come over and begin bothering me.
"Hahaha, Poor Y/L/N," Lucius spits "Can't get a guy to like you, pity."
Then Lucius comes closer and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and whispers "You can do better than that blood traitor."
I slap Lucius and walk away.
"Ohhh,feisty you are Y/L/N," Lucius says as he grabs my wrist and twirls me into him.
He lets go of my wrist and I punch him, in the face and run to the Gryffindor Common Room.

As I enter, I get a ton of looks but Lily grabs my wrist and drags me to the couch.
"Y/N,where were you?" she asks.
"The tree near the Black Lake," I reply.
"What were you doing there?" She asks.
"Reading and punching Malfoy, just the usual stuff," I say nonchalantly.
"Ok.....Wait what!" Lily exclaims.
"I punched Malfoy," I say.
"Yes Y/N," James comes up to me and offers me a high-five which I accept. Then he and Peter hoist me onto their shoulders telling the people in the Common Room to bow down to Y/N, mother of punches, breaker of noses, I laugh until I ask to be put down again. I sit back down with Lily and see Sirius walk in with Marlene, holding hands. I pretend I didn't see them and sit opposite Peter.
"Hey, what was the Defence Against the Dark Arts homework again?" I ask Peter.
"We had to write an essay on nocturnal creatures," He replies.
"Right see you," I say before I kiss him on the cheek.


Y/N kissed Peter on the cheek and went to her dorm.
"Wormtail, what's that about?" I ask him.
"What Padfoot?" He asks seeming genuinely confused.
"You and Y/N,I see the way you look at her," I spit venom lacing every word.
"Well, I think Y/N likes me and I do too," Peter declares, "Have you got a problem."
"No, no problem at all," I say to Peter.
But to be honest seeing Y/N constantly walk away from me and ignore me is killing me. We haven't talked in ages. Or had a lengthy conversation in weeks.

"Actually you know what, I do have a problem, eyeing one of my friends like that, it's sickening," I say out of the blue.

"What do you mean like that, Sirius?" Peter asks confusion plastered on his face. "If you haven't forgotten she's my friend too."

"Really," I spat "Where were you in second year when she was being tormented by Malfoy, oh I remember, you were stuffing your face with chocolate, watching her being hurt."

"Well you are shagging Marlene so why are you so interested in my sudden interest towards Y/N," Peter shouts.

"Well it's sudden isn't it, why now eh Wormy," I bellow, "I doubt she even likes you like that."

Why am I caring that Peter likes Y/N? It's not like I like her. Wait I don't like Y/N ,I love Y/N, I love her and I need to tell Y/N before Peter tells Y/N he loves her.

I walk out of the Common Room in search for Marlene, to break up with her. I see her with Lily near the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. She sees me and runs over to me.
"Awwww how's my Star, did you want me?" Marlene asks.
"Yes, actually," I respond bluntly "I'm breaking up with you."
"Why, Siri, I thought you love me," Marlene cries.
"I never did, I just needed a distraction from the girl I actually like." I say.
"Oh, I totally get it, you just fucking used me," she screams.
As soon as she screams this, the whole corridor turns and listens in our conversation.
"We were never going to last," I say as I walk to the library.

But one thought is lurking in my head, what if Y/N prefers Peter over me.


I hear Marlene scream something and I'm intigued. I ignore it and I see Malfoy enter the library. Maybe I'll do my research tomorrow I tell myself as I go back to the Common Room.


I walk in and I get pushed over by Marlene.
"What the fuck did I do?" I ask her as I stand up.
"Oh Y/N, wouldn't you like to know," Marlene says aloud, "You know what I mean."
"I do?" I ask confusion swimming in my head.
"You're the reason my Siri broke up with me," She declares with a sour expression on her face.
I burst out laughing. "We're just friends, nothing more nothing less."
"Oh," She says before walking off.
"UM NO APOLOGY FOR FUCKING PUSHING ME OVER," I shout so the whole Common Room can hear, "OK THEN YOU CRAZY BITCH."
I get up only to head-but with Sirius.
"God she's crazy," I say.
"Tell me about it," Sirius replies, "Did you mean what you said about the whole we are only friends thing?"
"Uhhhhhh........Kinda, I said it mainly to get the crazy girl away from me," I respond, avoiding eye contact with Sirius.
"By the way I know you like like Peter and I heard he like likes you too," He says after an awkward silence.
"Me like like Peter," I burst into more laughter. "Who told you that."
"No one, Peter seems to think you like like him," Sirius says.
"Well, the guy I actually like like is in a three metre radius of me so yeah," I say before he figures out its him.

Sirius' POV

"Three metre radius. But we're the only ones down here," I say before I turn to Y/N, only to see nothing where she was once stood. Then it hits me, Y/N like likes me.

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