Neville x Reader x Seamus- Love Isn't Always Fair

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|| Honestly, I'm so happy to get back into writing this stuff again like it's been so boring not writing anything but I won't ramble for long so here's the imagine requested by @pensmakeswords2248 ||

|| I also apologise in advance because this is right in the feels ||

Y/H-Hogwarts house


|| The music isn't really related idk I felt like if this imagine was a song it would be that one ||

~Flashback to your third year~

You were walking down the halls of Hogwarts with your friends when you came across Malfoy and his cronies.

"Ah Y/L/N is alive after all," He comments "Thought you'd died, not that anyone would care or anything, after all you still are a filthy little mudblood."

"Yeah!" Crabbe and Goyle said in unison, encouraging Draco's antics.

You balled your hands into fists and walked past him with your friends following behind. You didn't want to start anything.

"You should tell Dumbledore," One of them said.

"Tell the old tosser?" You ask, laughing a little, "What's he going to do? As long as Draco's father is on the council, nothing will happen to him remember."

"Ugh you're right, its just unfair," Another said.

"I know but there's nothing we can do except push through," You replied.

You then hear the voices of an Irishman and the snobby pureblood arguing. You turn around and see Seamus threatening Draco.

"You can't go talking to people like that, it just isn't right," Seamus argues.

"Why do you care so much Finnigan?" Draco asks teasingly.

Seamus falters a little and Draco takes this as an opportunity to go back to his common room. After Draco had left, the small crowd dissipated and Seamus approaches you and asks if you're okay. You tell him you're fine and thank him for approaching Draco like that. He smiles and heads back to his common room. You stand there smiling with a small light pink tint on your cheeks.

~End flashback~

Its been years since that day and along the way you developed stronger feelings for the Irishman but another Gryffindor has also caught your attention, you met him in your OWL Herbology class.

~Flashback to fourth year~

"Alright," Sprout says "As it is the first lesson of the year, I would like you all to introduce yourselves, we'll start with Y/N"

You approach the front of the class and turn to face everyone "Well I'm Y/N Y/LN and I'm a Y/H. That's it really."

You return to your seat and Neville introduces himself as well as the rest of the class.

Sprout then puts you into a seating plan in which you and Neville are seated next to each other and you spend the rest of the lesson talking to each other as Sprout lectures about soil maintenance

~End flashback~

You have been harbouring feelings for both boys for what feels like forever. You had managed to eventually befriend both of them but these romantic feelings were slowly beginning to eat you from the inside out. You hadn't told anyone about your feelings because you didn't want to be mocked. Draco still tormented you but Seamus stood by you and Neville helped you ace your OWLS. Its now your seventh year and Voldemort is on the rise and has managed to take over Hogwarts however Neville runs a small resistance group with Ginny, which consists of old Dumbledore's Army members and a handful of other students and your refuge is the Room of Requirement.

May 1st 1998

Neville went to go see Aberforth and later returned with Harry, Ron and Hermione who spoke of a battle which caused panic to ensue. You suggested and organised a mass evacuation of all the younger students which everyone agreed to. You took a team of four other people and began rounding up students from the common rooms and dorm rooms and led them to the Room of Requirement so they could escape via the tunnel that led to Hogsmeade and get home. There was some defiance but you made the younger years leave in preparation for the battle that would follow the next day. Those of you who stayed camped in the Room Of Requirement and Harry had sent for the Order to arrive tomorrow for the battle.

May 2nd 1998

It was the day of the battle, last goodbyes were said and hugs went around. Then you all came out of hiding and began working in teams to secure the school. Seamus used pyrotechnics to blow up any possible entrances for Voldemort and Neville stood guard at a bridge. You were equally concerned for the pair of them. You had gone patrolling alone, which was mistake number one. You had insisted that your partner go see Pomphrey and get medicinal treatment for a cut. You turned a corner and saw Fred about to get hit by a death eater so you ran and dived, which pushed him out of the way but meant you were crushed by some falling stone. The death eater walked away satisfied and Fred stood there in complete shock. Percy ran and hugged Fred but Fred looked at the pile of rubble and was near tears.

He started moving the rubble from you and saw you on your last breaths and started crying "N/N you didn't need to go saving me, I told you that was my job."

~Flashback to your fifth year~

You were with the twins running away from Umbridge but you got caught by the snobby pureblood himself, Mr High Inquisitor himself, Draco Malfoy.

"N/N!" Fred yells as he feels your grip loosen.

"Just go! I'll be fine!" You yell as you squirmed in Draco's arms "Go before they get you too!"

You tried to wiggle free but Umbridge grabbed your arm and dragged you to her study where she made you write lines with her blood quill. Fortunately the twins managed to return to their common room safely.

~End flashback~

You chuckle faintly and smile softly at Fred before passing onto the other side.

Voldemort delivers a message for all to hear "Bring me Harry Potter and you shall live, bring me Harry Potter and I will call off my men."

Fred was still crying but picked up your body and carried you to the Great Hall with a speechless Percy following him. Fred places your body down gently next to Remus and Tonks. The other Weasleys run in and see Fred but ask what's wrong before looking down and seeing Y/N.

"She bloody saved me, I should've died!" Fred exclaims "It should have been me who died!"

Ron looks at your lifeless corpse and is the first to hug Fred before saying "I know she was like a second sister to you Freddie."

Molly is silently crying as she looks at your body, you were like a second daughter/sister to the Weasleys. Neville then runs into the hall and see the Weasleys around your body, sobbing quietly.

"Not Y/N, surely not Y/N" Neville says as he reaches you. He starts crying instantaneously and holding your hand, praying that you're alive but deep down inside he just knows you're gone.

Seamus sees Neville and the Weasleys around your pale body and he too starts crying and grips your other hand "Why Y/N, why"

You lie there lifeless as their tears roll down their faces. From heaven, you watch them and tears run down your face as well as your godfathers Remus and Sirius hug you.

|| I don't know why I made this sad so I apologise if any of yous are crying cause I know I am ||

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