Draco x Reader- Festive Issues

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|| AN- I changed the request slightly just so it worked in second person and I'm sorry its taken so long. I'm also feeling wack cause its a Christmas fic in August/September but anyways, lets get on with the show|| Requested by @Hollandertotheheart

||PS- There's like one swear word||


Its a week before the Yule Ball and you're in the owlery to collect your dress and matching jewellery for the ball. You take the packages from the owlery and go to your dorm room. As you walk by the Great Hall, you notice Krum and his friends in a corner murmuring something. One of his friends nudges him and points towards you. Krum looks up and flashes a smile and you give a smile back before walking a couple of paces.

"Hey miss er-" Krum begins

"Y/L/N but you can call me Y/N," You respond

"Well Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the Yule Ball," Krum asked with a slight hint of desperation in his voice

"Sure I guess," You say nonchalantly

"Meet you outside at er-seven?" Krum asks

"Yeah sure seven," You say before raising your arms slightly "I'm sorry but I've to go put this away, its quite heavy."

"Let me carry it milady," Krum offers

"Thats kind of you but I'll manage," You say "See you around."

"Of course krasiv (beautiful),"  Krum says before going back to his friends.

Whilst the interaction between you and Krum was happening, a pale, blonde haired male was watching and scowled as you talked to Krum but didn't dare say anything about it because he wanted to befriend the Bulgarian and not insult him. A pair of ginger twins happened to notice the blonde and felt slight sympathy for him but then remembered how badly he had treated their brother and his friends but concocted a plan to help him because their friend Y/N deserved better than Krum.

You walked back to your dorm room uninterrupted and hang your dress in your wardrobe and slip the jewellery case in your dresser.

||A timeskip to two days later brought to you by Spiderman in his stealth suit||

You were walking down a hall when a pair of red head twins approached you (They made sure a particular blonde was watching).

"Ah Y/N," Fred began.

"No Freddie I'm asking her!" George exclaims

"Ask me what?" You ask skeptically

"To the ball milady, so if you could reject my twin it would be appreciated," Fred says

"She's going to reject you Freddie, isn't that right princess?" George asks

The blonde walks out of the shadows and says "Actually she's going with me, isn't that right Y/N?"

"I'm sorry you guys but I already do agreed to go with someone else," You say

"Who!?" The three say in unison

"Viktor, Viktor Krum," You say sheepishly before speed walking off

The twins do the same but go in the opposite direction which leaves Draco standing in the hall as silent singular tear trickles down his porcelain face before he runs to the Slytherin Common Room and shuts himself in his dorm room.

The Weasley Twins look at one another after turning the corner.

"Damn I thought we actually had helped Malfoy there," George whispers "I feel kind of bad for him."

"Top Ten Anime Betrayals," Fred murmurs "Ah well we tried being Cupids didn't we."

||Timeskip to the Yule Ball brought to you by Will 'The Wise' Byers||

Its the day of the ball and you were in your dorm with your best friends all helping one another get ready. You had told your friends you were going with Krum and they squealed with excitement and kept repeating 'You're so lucky' and 'I'm so jealous' but you were beginning to have doubts as you thought back to a couple of days ago where Draco had kind of asked you out well to the ball anyways. You had butterflies thinking about it.

You stopped thinking about Draco and slipped into your dress and put on the matching jewellery before one of your friends did your makeup. You looked up at the clock and said "Oh shit its nearly seven!"

Your friends all giggle and you look at them like why the heck are you laughing.
"Aww Y/N doesn't want to leave Viktor waiting, how adorable."

"No- I just like being punctual," You said as you strapped up your matching shoes and stood up "See you girls later."

You walked out of your dorm, through the common room to the Great Hall, where the ball was being held. You were a bit early so you leant against the wall whilst you waited for Viktor. Hermione began walking down the stairs and you watched Krum walk right past you and take her hand and kissed it before turning to you and giving an 'apologetic' smile. You, naturally being quite annoyed by this, huffed and began walking back to your dorm before walking into someone and you apologised repeatedly.

"Y/N, its fine!" Draco says before asking "Krum left the Common Room, why isn't he with you?"

"He stood me up for Hermione," You say bluntly

"Mudblood Granger!? Oh you're kidding," Draco says before giving you a hug "You deserved better than him anyway Y/N."

You hugged Draco back, "If you don't mind I'm gonna go back to my dorm and fling myself onto my bed like a Disney princess."

Draco looked at you perplexed and you sighed "Muggle things Draco."

You parted from the hug and took a couple of paces away from Draco.

Draco sighed and stutteringly called out "W-wait."

You stopped and turned to face him and asked "Yeah?"

Draco took a deep breath and said quickly "So I really like you and stuff but when ItriedtoaskyoutotheballthosebloodtraitortwinsbeatmetoitandwhenIintervenedyouwerealreadygoingwithKrumbutIguesswhatI'mttyingtosayisthatIreallylikeyouandwillbeyourdatetotheball."


Draco takes another deep breath and repeats himself but slower. You take a deep breath yourself and grin.

"W-why are you grinning like that?" Draco asks

"Cause I can, and that I know what I feel is reciprocated," You reply

"Fair eno-wait what?" Draco says "You like me too?"

"Maybe," You say as you walk back to your dorm room.

Draco walks into the Great Hall and spends the night with his date but doesn't stop thinking about what you said.

|| I know its awful 😶😯 I'm a literal 🤡 when it comes to writing now||

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