Fred x Reader- Birthday Surprise

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You are currently waiting for your boyfriend, Fred Weasley. We agreed to meet each other and walk to Potions together. It had been five minutes and you had decided to walk to Potions alone. However when you walked in you saw Fred was already in there with George. You felt hurt because he had forgotten you. If it was yesterday you wouldn't of cared, but today is your birthday so you felt downhearted.

Snape walks into the class and asks us to brew the Draught of Living Death. You turn to ask Fred but George beats me to it. So you ask Lee instead. Whilst we are brewing the potion, Lee could tell something was wrong.
'Y/N, are you ok,' Lee asks me seeming genuinely concerned.
'I'm fine,' you respond.

You brew the potion in silence. When you complete the potion Snape comes over and scolds Lee for not helping me, taking ten points from Gryffindor. But then Snape rewards me fifty points for single-handedly brewing the potion.
When Potions finishes you walk to lunch, alone.

You walk to the Great Hall and sit next to Hermione. Hermione turns to me asks me about Sirius Black. You tell her all I know and then the food appears. You eat a small amount of food and leave.

You get to the common room and sit down on one of the scarlet singular reclining chairs. Then Fred and George enter the common room and head straight to their dorm room. Shortly after, Lee enters and he asks were George is, you tell Lee that George and Fred are in their dorm room.


Ron walks in furious and rants at me about one of Fred's pranks . You listen to him vent and then you tell him to give Fred a piece of his mind. He agrees with me and storm up the stairs to Fred's dorm. Then Hermione walks in wanting to know were Ron is. You tell her that Ron is with Fred and she heads up to the dorm room.


Hermione walks by and drops a piece of parchment on the floor. You, being curious, pick it up and unfold it. It says:

Dearest Y/N , meet my by the Forbidden Forest at 8pm -FW-

You felt inclined to go but Fred has been spending less time with you this past week and were afraid he didn't like you anymore.


It's currently 7:45pm and you had decided upon going to see Fred by the Forbidden Forest. You tidy myself up a little and head the the Forbidden Forest. You eventually get there and check your watch, it is 8pm on the dot. You feel a chill and then see darkness as a blindfold covers
your bright e/c eyes. Then you're picked up and carried for what feels like an eternity. Suddenly you are  put down on what feels like a picnic mat, and the blindfold is taken off your eyes and squint whilst you wait for your eyes to adjust to the light. When you can see again, you begin to panic. 'I was supposed to meet Fred' you think.
You look at your watch, 8:15pm it tells you.
You then notice several candles illuminating in close proximity to the picnic mat, food was spread out over the centre of the mat. There was mini sandwiches and mini deserts. Then you realise that there is music faintly playing in the background. Then Fred appears behind you and you turn around. As soon as
you see him, your face lights up. 'Did he seriously do all this for me?' You question.

"Freddie, you did this for me?" I ask.

"Yeah beautiful," He replies.

"I love it," You say before asking "Why have you been avoiding me for the past two days, I thought I had upset you?"

"Y/N, I was preparing this for your birthday," He responds.

"Aww Fre-" You begin saying before Fred cuts you off mid sentence and kisses me on your lips which makes you turn bright red.

"You sly Weasel" You say adoringly.

You both then start to eat the food from the picnic hamper. When you both finish eating, you pack up the hamper and mat and head towards the kitchen to go return the crockery, cutlery, hamper and mat to the house elves. I give 300 sickles to some of the house elves and tell them to split it between them all. There is about 100 house elves in the kitchens.
We leave the kitchen and I turn back and smile at the house elves, they smile back and it warms up your heart so much.

Then we walked back to the Gryffindor common room. When we entered it you looked around and saw Hermione, George, Ron and Harry sitting in various recliners. Hermione is reading, Ron and Harry are playing wizards chess and George is reading a prank book, you cough accidentally and everyone's attention turns to you.
Harry and Ron look at the clock and decide it's time to go get some sleep even though it was only 7pm. George follows shortly after (at 7:15pm). Then you head to your dorm room. Fred gently grabs your wrist and twirls you around so you're facing him. You look into each others eyes and then we kiss. You head toward your dorm room once again and get there. You then change into your PJ's then collapse into your bed. You stare at the ceiling thinking about the kiss.

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