(Halloween special) Harry x Reader- You Can Look But You Can't Touch

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|| SO ITS HALLOWEEN SOON SO I'M GOING TO GET SUGAR YAS, its free food and a broke child will get as much as she can get. Anyway as you can tell by the title and video this imagine is kind of WWE based but if YOU aren't a fan:
A) What are you doing?
B) Go do some research on popular wrestlers and the current rosters
C) Watch some WWE matches (a variety) then return and read this ||

It was Halloween, and you had managed to convince your friends to dress up as different WWE divas and superstars. You obviously chose to be Nikki Bella and Harry chose to be John Cena. The party at your house was in full swing, the Weasley twins were the Usos, Angelina was Naomi. Hermione was Brie, Ron was Daniel. Neville was the Miz and Luna was Maryse and Ginny was Becky etc. You had shown everyone their intros and you were going to vote for the most accurate. After everyone else had gone it was finally your turn. You got Ron to press play on the Bellas theme and you executed it perfectly with Hermione. When everyone had finished their intros, they were compared to the actual introductions and everyone voted for the best three. You took in the votes and counted them whilst the others discussed who's intros were better.

"I mean Maryse hardly wrestles anymore but her theme is amazing," Luna was ranting.

"Have you seen Becky's entrance?" Ginny emphasises, " I have goggles! Goggles and a robe thing, "

"I have a robe, a Flair robe," Alicia Spinnet points out " And Katie got a badass jacket. "

"Who am I again?" Katie asked "Oh yeah I'm Paige."

"We could have had the whole rosters if we knew more people," You point out.

"Roster? " The purebloods ask confused.

"I already explained thissssssssssss," You complain .

"Basically WWE is split into four brands, Raw, Smackdown, NXT and 205 Live. I chose people from Raw and Smackdown as the stars there tend to be more popular," You explained briefly " Just type the character I gave you into YouTube and you'll find a bunch of their matches. "

"We could hold our own matches on the inflated ring in the garden," Harry suggests " Nikki Bella vs Paige, again for the Divas title? "

"How about John Cena vs Daniel Bryan, again?" You say teasingly .

"Mixed tag match?" Hermione suggests "Cenas vs Bryans?"

" Yes, that's the match, WAIT MAKE IT A TRIPLE TAG WITH LUNA AND NEVILLE, " Ginny yells.

"Indoor voice Ginerva!" Fred exclaims .

"Maybe add in Jimmy Uso and Naomi?" George says cheekily.

"8 MAN TAG! " You exclaim "LETS GO TO THE RING"

"Everyone has ten minutes to talk strategy in their pairs and those not competing can make signs to cheer the others" Harry says

|| A ten minute timeskip brought to you by Snape in an Undertaker costume ||

You and Harry meet the other couples by the ring and debate who should go first.

"I'll go," You suggest.

"As will I" Angelina said.

You both enter the ring with pillows and wait for the start signal. The bell rings and you run at Angelina knocking her over with your pillow.

"YES Y/N," Ginny yells at the top of her voice "Y/N woooooo."

Katie holds up her feel the glow sign and your best friend holds up a fearless sign.

Angelina gets up and attempts to knock you over but you roll out of the way and tag Hermione. You pass her the pillow and she enters the ring and you walk onto the apron of the inflated ring. Angelina backflips across the ring and tags in Luna. Hermione and Luna lock arms before Luna taps the back of Hermione leg with the pillow and she falls dragging Luna with her using the pillow as a blockade. Luna gets up and rolls to you and tags you in again. You take the pillow from her and tag in Neville. Hermione drags herself across the ring and tags Fred. Fred and Neville enter the ring with their pillows and lunge toward each other. They collide and Neville falls onto the ring before bouncing up and hitting the shins of Fred.

"COME ON FRED" Ginny pelts at the top of her voice.

"Yeah Fred" George taunts.

Fred stumbles across the ring and taps in Ron whilst Neville rolls and taps in Harry. Ron and Harry take the pillows before locking eyes with one another.

"Oooooo beef beef beef" Katie and Alicia chant.

"Come on Ron, stop being a sissy and strike," George yells.

As soon as George says that, Harry lunges at Ron who blocks him and strikes his arm. Ron then bounces off the rope and does a clothesline to some degree. Ron rolls Harry out of the ring and Ginny starts the count.

"1" Ginny shouts "2"

You stand on the apron and pray Harry gets up.

"3" Ginny yells "4"

Harry inches towards the ring.

"5" Ginny says loudly "6"

Harry reaches the ring and pulls himself up.

"7" Ginny says before Harry drags himself into the ring and surprise attacking Ron who falls on his back.

Alicia holds up her Never Give Up sign and Katie holds up a Yes! Yes! Yes! sign. Harry walks over to you and tags you in again. You enter the ring and Ron tags in Luna.

"Pourquoi?" ("Why") Luna asks Ron

"You know what," Ginny says "I wanna know who had the best entrance."

"Yeah," Katie said "Lets go inside"

"But who won the match?" Hermione asks

"Clearly it was Y/N," Alicia says "Like no disrespect but she had the most time in the ring and took down most of her opponents.

"Here are your winners, Nikki Bella and John Cenaaaaaaaaaaaa," Ginny yells at the top of her voice.

The others clap whilst you and Harry parade in the ring. Then you all went inside.

"So Y/N, who won the entrance competition?" Luna asks curiously.

"Drumroll please" You ask "In third place with a total of five votes was Luna also known as Maryse"

Everyone clapped whilst you handed Luna her trophy. After you handed Luna her trophy there was another drumroll.

"In second place, with a total of eight votes, Fred and George also known as The Usos," You say.

Everyone applauded again whilst you handed Fred and George their trophies. Then there was another drumroll.

"And in first place with a total of ten votes was Ginny also known as Becky Lynch," You say.

As you handed the trophy to Ginny, the others clapped.

After that you played some Halloween themed games and watched some old WWE matches before everyone decided they should leave and go home.

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