George x Reader-Rogue Bludger

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||Requested by @mxlfoy_ender||

It was a normal quidditch match, well as normal as quidditch can be, between dodging the bludger and staying out of the way of other players. Unluckily for you, you didn't clock the bludger hurling towards you which knocked you and your broom off balance. Obviously this was a thing that happened often and you were used to it but this time you weren't going to be as lucky as you normally were. You closed your eyes and braced for impact which thankfully never came as you were caught by a certain Gryffindor redhead. Unfortunately for you, the drop from such a high altitude and the speed you travelled down at was enough to render you unconscious. You awoke a few hours later, in a room that wasnt too unfamiliar to you, the hospital wing. You tried to remember why you were there this time but that question was answered by Madam Pomfrey who told you that you had taken a rather nasty blow from a bludger. You turned your head and saw a certain redhead you recognised to be Gryffindor beater, George Weasley or maybe it was his brother Fred, you honestly couldn't tell.

"What are you doing here?" You ask, being confused to the reason he was there "Fred?"

"George actually...I came to see if you were okay," He replies

"I mean apart from getting hit square in the chest with the bludger I'm all good," You say with a chuckle before wincing in pain

"Sorry about that," George says "Wasn't the intention."

"Figured as much, you wouldn't hurt me...not intentionally at least, I'd hope, I mean quidditch isn't the sport for those afraid of a little risk," You say with a laugh before pausing

"Yea you're right about that," George says "Why don't I make it up to you, butterbeer on me whenever the next Hogsmeade trip is."

"Sure, I'd like that" you answer with a small laugh before looking at the clock "Anyways you should probably head to dinner or something, I wouldn't want you to miss it."

"Well in that case, I guess I'll see you same time tomorrow Y/N," George says with a chuckle before leaving.

"You know he has been to see you everyday since the incident," Madam Pomfrey tells you "Also refused to leave after you were rushed in here."

"Oh," You say with a small smile as she leaves to tend to other patients

||A slight timeskip brought to you by Sunset Curve||

George had come by everyday, occasionally bringing small pastries and stuff he could smuggle from the hall or he'd bring your homework which he picked up from a friend. You had awoken unusually early and had tried going back to sleep but you couldn't so you decided to catch up on reading and schoolwork. Madam Pomfrey came by at around 9am to tell you that you were ready to go whenever you wanted but she had a small suspicion that you were awaiting the inevitable arrival of a particular ginger and around half 10 he did indeed show up.

"A little birdie told me you might be getting out of here today," He says with a small chuckle

"Yep, my concussions all good now and I seem to be okay," You answer with a grin before hopping off the bed "Lets go pretty boy."

"Pretty boy?" George questions for a split second, "Oh I'm pretty boy!"

"Yea no shit Sherlock," You say accompanying it with a small laugh "You coming?"

"Yea of course," George says as he swings an arm over your shoulder and you leave the wing together.

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