Harry x Reader- The Second Task

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(AN- Y/N/N- your nick name)
(AN- Y/F/O- your favourite outfit)
(AN-E/C - eye colour)



"Professor Sprout has requested for you Y/N/N," Cedric told me. "You better be back before curfew."
"I will be," I cry as I run out of the Common Room to Professor Sprout's office.

I reach Professor Sprout's office and I knock on the door. "Come in," Sprout says "Ah, Miss Diggory, you have come."
Thats all I remember before being surrounded by darkness.



I haven't seen Y/N since I told her Sprout was looking for her.
I look around frantically to see if she's in the crowd I see Ron and Ginny and ask them where Y/N is.
"Have you seen Y/N," I ask in panicky tone.
"No, I was going to ask you where she was," Ron responds.
"Well, if she isn't here, where is she," I ask panicking.
"Oh no," Ginny says "She must be your hostage,"
"What," I exclaim.
"Remember the egg, it said something about taking something you value the most," Ginny explains matter of factly. "Y/N is the thing you value most, right."
"Her and Cho," I whisper.
"But Cho is down there so why is Y/N," Ron exclaims.
"Unless Y/N isn't my hostage but someone else's," Ginny exclaims.
"Who then," Ron exclaims.
"Harry you dimwit," Ginny exclaims.
"Can all champions come to the dock for the second task," Dumbledore yells using an amplifying spell.
"I gotta go," I say to Ron and Ginny.
"Good luck," They cry before heading to the viewing point.
I head down to the dock. 'It's now or never' I tell myself. I kind of panic because Cho is clearly my hostage but Y/N is Harry's so he better save her. If something happens to her, he'll have me to answer to.


I wonder who my hostage is. I mean Hermione,Cho and Y/N aren't in the audience and they wouldn't miss this. Cho would be here for Cedric and Hermione and Y/N would be here for me.
"You better save my sister Potter," Cedric whispers to me.
"How'd you know she's MY hostage," I ask Cedric.
"Well it's obvious considering Cho isn't in the crowd so she must be mine and well Krum has a thing for Hermione and Y/N isn't in the stand so she must be your hostage," Cedric replies matter of factly.
I merely nod praying that Y/N is safe down there...I love her... I love Y/N.


I arise from the Black Lake with a girl with silvery-blonde hair besides me. I swim to the shore helping her. Hermione and Cho are sitting on the dock wrapped in towels. I motion the girl forward and Fleur Delacour runs over and pulls her out, then Cedric runs over and pulls me out.
"Oh Y/N," Cedric exclaims "I was so worried about you."
"I'm fine but where's Harry," I ask.
"Seriously Y/N, you where in the Black Lake for ages and you're worried about Harry," Cedric says to me "Sometimes I wonder if you even care about me."
"Oh Cedric, you're my brother of course I care, can't I worry about my friends too?" I ask him.
"Oh Y/N/N, I was kidding," Cedric replies laughing.
"Oh right but seriously where is Harry?" I ask.
"Has Right behind you," I hear a familiar voice say.
I turn around and see Harry.
"Oh thank Merlin you're alright," I exclaim giving Harry a hug.
"Y/N.....Too tight," Harry says.
"Merlin, I'm so sorry Harry," I say taking a step back.
"Aww look here Potty is pushing away the only girl who'll come near him," I hear a familiar voice sneer.
I turn around and come face to face with Draco Malfoy.
"What about Hermione," I say at Draco.
"Mudbloods don't count Y/N," Malfoy sneers at me.
"Don't call her that," I scream at him as I push him towards the lake. He turn around and sees the lake. He turns back to me and I punch him sending him tumbling into the lake. Pug-face tries to push me in but I move out of the way and she falls in too. I run as soon as I see Draco and I run into Dumbledore.
"Sorry headmaster, just running from Draco because he called Hermione a mudblood and I pushed him into the lake," I panted. "Sorry it won't happen again."
I run back to Harry and Hermione.
"Help me," I pant as I see Draco.
"Potter can't help you," Draco taunts.
"Go away Malfoy," Cedric says "Leave my sister alone."
"No," Draco exclaims "She pushed me into the lake."
"After you called Miss Granger here something quite horrible," Dumbledore said as he heads towards us,clearly intervening. "Mr Malfoy, you'll receive four weeks of detention for using such language and Miss Diggory will have a night of detention for her reaction."
"But....She...," Malfoy stuttered.
"Mr Malfoy do you want 5 weeks, if not shut your mouth," Dumbledore snaps. "Good day ladies and gentlemen."
Then Dumbledore heads back to the judges table.
"We will now announce the scores for the second task," Dumbledore said his voice booming around the lake "The order of victory is as follows, First is Mr Diggory for good use of the bubble head and being first back, second is Mr Potter for a good use of gillyweed and ensuring all of the hostages' safety and not his own this shows Mr Potter has a good moral fibre, third is Mr Krum for a well use of transfiguration and for and Miss Delacour is last because she was attacked by grindylows which lead to her failing to retrieve her valued possession."
"Mr moral fibre," I say to Harry smirkingly
"Y/N," Harry complains.
"Just teasing Potter," I say as I ruffle his hair.
"Y/N," Harry says again.
"Yeah," I respond confused.
"Meet me in Hogsmeade tomorrow opposite the Three Broomsticks?" Harry asked.
"Sure," I reply.
"As like a date," Harry adds.
"Sure," I whisper as I kiss him on the cheek.
"See you tomorrow," I say as I run to Cho to tell her about my date.
"Cho, can you help me get ready for my date with Harry tomorrow," I ask Cho giving her my puppy dog eyes.
"Sure Y/N you're like a sister to me," Cho answers.
"Oh thank you so much," I say as I hug her.
"Help with what Y/N?" Cedric asks.
"Nothing," I reply immediately "Got to do some.....homework."
I run away from Cedric because if he finds out about my date he may flip out.

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