Remus x Reader- Rainy Hogsmeade Date

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Y/F/N- your friend name
Y/BF/N- your best friend name
F/c- favourite colour
F/O- favourite outfit
H/c- house colours
H/h- Hogwarts house

(For this Imagine being a Gryffindor won't work because of reasons)


It was a normal Saturday morning. I woke up in my dorm with Y/F/N and
Y/BF/N. I threw on some casual clothes and went down to breakfast.

When I reached the Great Hall, I sat at Y/H table and grabbed an apple and ate that. Then I left to go to the library to finish my Herbology essay about Mandrakes and their properties when used in various potions.
Whilst searching through textbooks for facts and information, I heard the library door open to see Remus Lupin walk in.

About halfway into writing my essay, I saw Regulus Black walk into the library. He sat opposite me and started doing some of his own work as I continued with my essay. I eventually finished my essay and started putting the textbooks back on the correct shelves. I tried to put a book on a higher shelf, I got it up there but I fell backwards into someone's arms.

"Careful Y/N," Regulus whispered into my ear.

I turn to face him noticing we're inches apart from each other. I stepped back and walked over to the table and shoved my parchment and quills into my f/c bag. I hope Remus didn't see, I told myself as I headed to my dorm room to drop of my bag.

Remus' POV

I saw Y/N fall back only for Regulus Black to catch her. God I am so jealous but I shouldn't be. Y/N would never like me, the wolf monster himself. She'd never fall for me. I looked up again to see them about to kiss. Hurt flowed through my veins like blood in water. Then I notice Y/N had pulled away and pack up her things and left. Maybe I do have a chance after all.


I can't believe Regulus Black tried to kiss me. That little prat. I had dropped of my bag and left my Common Room only to have someone who dragged me into a deserted hallway.

"Look Y/N," A voice says "Remus likes you and flirting with my good for nothing brother is crushing him."

"Well Sirius," I began "I hate Regulus, he's so bloody annoying and I despise him with a passion."

"What about Remus, Do you like him?" Sirius asked.

"Yeah....No....Kinda....I don't know....I like him, I like him so much but I'm too afraid to tell him," I exclaimed.

"Well, if you could or he asked you first?" Sirius asked.

"I could never, I'm too afraid and I doubt Remus even wants to talk to me," I exclaimed again. "He did see your good for nothing brother flirting with me after all."

"That's not true," Another voice said behind me.

I turned around and saw Remus behind me with deep red cheeks. I turned my head and glare angrily at Sirius before turning around to face Remus once again.

"I'll leave you to it," Sirius says as he ran down the corridor squealing like a fangirl.

"Do you really like me?" Remus asked me.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered.

"Would you want to go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?" Remus asked nervously.

"Sure," I replied.

"I'll meet you at the Great Hall's entrance after breakfast," He said before kissing me on the cheek.

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