George x Reader-Next To Me

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|| AUTHORS NOTE- I thought the above song kind of tied in with this imagine (I wanted to cry whilst writing this) I apologise in advance if you get some feels ||


It is a month after the battle of Hogwarts and a week after Fred's funeral. You were pacing around your apartment wondering how George and the rest of the Weasley clan were holding up. Then Mrs Weasley walked out of your black, art-nouveau fireplace.

"Y/N dear, I need your help," Mrs Weasley begins "It is about George."

"What is wrong with him," You ask panickingly.

|| Panickingly is an adverb now roll with it||

"He is not eating at the table with us, he spends hours in his room and I do not know what to do anymore," Mrs Weasley says as she bursts into tears.

You console her and offer her a cup of tea which she declines.

"I will come with you to the Burrow, Mrs Weasley," You say as you grab your coat and floo with her to the Burrow.

||A floo travel time skip brought to you by Marquis de Lafayette, John Laurens and Hercules Mulligan||

When you step out of the fireplace, you are engulfed in a hug from Ginny, Harry, Ron and Hermione. Percy and Bill gave you hugs aswell.

"Good to see you Y/N," Bill says.

"Likewise," You reply.

"George, h-he isn't himself anymore," Ginny exclaims as she bursts into tears.

"I'm going to talk to him," You say.

"I doubt he will talk to you Y/N, he doesn't talk to anyone anymore," Ron replies.

"Well, you underestimate me Ronald and your mother seems to think I can help anyway," You say determinedly as you ascend the stairs up to George's room.

As you approach the door, you hear irregularly paced, muffled sniffles. You knock on the door and enter to find George, with red, bloodshot, puffy eyes and messy ginger hair sitting on Fred's messy bed surrounded by dirty plates; used tissues and old, wilting chocolate wrappers. As well as pictures of Fred scattered throughout the room.

"Georgie," You whisper tentatively.

"Y-Y/N," He says quietly.

You walk into the room and sit next to him. You give him a hug and he bursts into tears again and you hug him tighter as he cries into your shoulder. You play with his hair in an attempt to calm him down which works and you hear his sniffles regulate and lessen.

"I'm here George, I'm here," You say soothingly as his breathing rate goes back to normal

"Why are y-you here though?" He asks sniffling occasionally.

"Your mother invited me here," You answer as you start clearing up the room.

"Y/N, I-I can't go down there knowing I l-look exactly like h-him, I can't put m-mum through it, I w-won't," George rambles as he breaks down into tears again.

"I'm not forcing you into anything, I'm never going to force you to Georgie," You respond soothingly, "But I am going to force you to eat some food."

"I'm not hungry," He says.

"George sweetie, you need to eat though," You say attempting to reason with him, "You know what, I'll get your mum to make some food and we can eat up here together."

"I-I'd like that," He says.

You walk out of the room and head downstairs to find Mrs Weasley. Once you find her you tell her about everything and she runs to the kitchen to prepare a snack for you and George.

|| A timeskip brought to you by The Schuyler Sisters ||

You took the tray of food upstairs. As you entered, you noticed George was curled up in a ball on Fred's bed leaning against the wall.

"Georgie, food," You say quietly "Come on, its your favourite, chocolate chip biscuits."

He uncurls himself and you walk towards him and put the tray down. Then you sit next to George and give him a hug before you pass him the plate of chocolate chip biscuits.

"Do you want one?" George asks you.

"Sure," You answer as you grab a biscuit from the plate.

"Y/N, promise you'll stay with me," George says.

"I promise," You respond.

"Y/N, I can't lose you too," He says, "You are to important to me."

"You aren't going to lose me," You reply as you engulf him in another hug.

"Y/N," George says, "I love you."

"I love me too," You reply jokingly.

George smiles and lets out a little snort of laughter, "I set myself up for that one."

"But seriously George, I love you too," You say as you put your head on his shoulder.

"You mean Siriusly," He retorts and both of you burst out laughing.

Ron's PoV

I walked past George's room and I swear I heard. Laughter? I run down the stairs and tell mum and dad as well as Ginny, Harry and Hermione as well as everyone else.

Fred's PoV

I'm watching George make his first genuine laugh since I left his side a month ago. Y/N is truly one of a kind and will need to become a Weasley so Georgie better hurry up or I'll personally haunt and taunt him for the rest of his life.

Molly PoV

The real reason I invited Y/N over was to have the ship set sail. The girl needs to become a Weasley as soon as possible.

Bill PoV

Y/N would be the best person for George to marry, she can tolerate him and loves him.

Percy PoV

|| Yes I know I'm kind of shocked I wrote in Percy's PoV too||

Y/N is the sweetest girl and would make George extremely happy. When will they get married, preferably before mum and dad leave us.

Ginny PoV

I've always wanted Y/N as an official sister, like she's already an honorary Weasley. Why not make it a reality? She's so smart, a badass and a best friend to me. George hurry up or else.

|| I hope you enjoyed this one shot||

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