Young Sirius Black x Reader- Snowy With A Chance Of Malfoy

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"It's snowing," Lily Evans screams
I swing my legs over my bed and rush to the nearest window. I see the snowflakes daintily falling onto the Hogwarts grounds. I throw on my white shirt; grey Gryffindor jumper, black pleated skirt and black flats. I run out of the dorm room, down the stairs and out of the common room, only to run into Malfoy.
"Ah, it's Y/N," Malfoy sneers at me.
"I'm so sorry," I say.
I turn to run to the dining hall then I realise I haven't moved a metre, I look at my wrist and see Malfoy's pale bony hand around my wrist.
"Let me go," I beg "Please."
"Not unless you give me a kiss on the lips," Malfoy whispers into my ear.
I try to break free from his grasp but his hold is firm.
"I would rather kiss the floor then kiss you Malfoy," I scream at him "Now, let me go."
"Not until you kiss me Y/N," Malfoy says impatiently.
"Ok," I say.
He lets go of my wrist and I knee him where the sun don't shine and slap him on the face. I run as fast as I can to the dining hall. I turn a corner and run into the Marauders.
"Y/N, whats wrong," James asks me.
"Malfoy...Around corner...Tried to kiss me," I say attempting to regain my breath.
As soon as I say that Malfoy turns the corner and sees me. I immediately run behind James.
"Y/N,just give me my kiss and I'll leave you alone," Malfoy calls.
James turns to look at me and I look at him frightened and afraid. Malfoy tries to get to me then James, Remus and Sirius circle around me, protecting me.
"Just leave me alone," I yell at Malfoy.
"Black,Crabbe,Goyle," Malfoy yells and then they come from around the corner.
"Whoever gets me Y/N will be rewarded," Malfoy commands.
As soon as he says that I collapse to the floor. The marauders turn to look at me and whilst they're distracted Malfoy hexes James with a curse. James cries in agony.
"Stop," I cry pleadingly "Don't hurt him."
"Oh Y/N, its too easy to hurt you," Malfoy states stopping the curse on James.
As soon as he says this Regulus Black grabs me. He tries to pull me up but I won't budge. Sirius notices his brother is near me and knock him out cold. Remus runs to James and helps him up. Then James and Remus hex Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy seeing the boys are occupied views this as an opportunity to grab my wrist. He grabs my wrist and I scream. I turn my head around to see Sirius knocking out Malfoy.
"Thanks Siri," I say. I kiss him on the cheek and head to the dining hall.

Sirius POV

After Y/N kissed me, I look to see where she's going. I follow her into the dining hall. She is sitting opposite Molly Prewett and Lily Evans ,eating a croissant.I stand in the door frame watching her.Y/N finishes eating her croissant and waits for Molly and Lily to finish eating, then they all get up. I realise that they are going to head to potions so I take a shortcut there.


Molly and Lils finish eating and I look at the doorframe swearing I saw Sirius there a moment ago.
"Lets go to potions," Molly says.
I nod in agreement. We walk to Potions. We enter the classroom  Lils sits with Sniv-Severus,Molly sits with Arthur and I sit behind James and Remus. Then Sirius walks in and sits next to me. Then Professor Slughorn begins the lesson. I zone out and come back when Professor Slughorn bellows at me.
"Miss Potter, what is Amortentia?"
"It's a love potion Professor," I reply.
"Miss Potter ,that's correct but please pay attention in my lessons," Professor Slughorn says.
Snape and Malfoy snigger at me
Whilst I'm taking notes' I notice a piece of paper fly towards me and I open it. I open it and it reads:
Y/N, I will get my kiss one way or another.
I gulp and rip up the note. Then another comes, saying:
Y/N, don't kiss me and I'll make it my duty to make your life a living hell.
I rip up that note too. The bell rings signalling the end of potions.
"Guys," I whisper "Malfoy is sending me threatening notes."
"You have Transfiguration right Y/N," James asks me.
"Yeah," I reply.
"Us too," Remus says matter of factly
"Make sure Malfoy gets nowhere near my sister," James whispers to the other Marauders.
"James, thank you," I say to him and I give him a hug.
We enter the classroom and McGonagall scowls at us. I walk up to her and tell her I'm late because of girl issues and the others insisted on following me because of Malfoy. She nods at me and tells me and the boys to sit down. Transfiguration passes and it's time for lunch. I pack away my things and wait for the boys to finish I walk out of the classroom, James beside me with Sirius and Remus behind me. We walk to the dining hall and sit down for lunch. Malfoy and his cronies walk in and glare at me. I look down at the food in-front of me. I pour a small amount of food and just push it around on the plate.
"Y/N, are you ok?" Sirius asks me
"I'm fine Sirius, honestly," I reply.
I take a bite of potato to prove to him I'm ok. I finish my small plate of mashed potatoes and just sit there.
Sirius finishes and grabs my hand, I look at him confused. He lets go of my hand and heads out of the hall. I get up and follow him because I'm intrigued. I follow him sneakily then I realise he's going to the common room so I take a shortcut to get there before he does.


I sit on one of the recliners opposite the fireplace waiting for Sirius. He walks in, sees me and smirks.
"Yes,Black," I say teasingly "Wondering how I got here before you?"
"Yea-wait what," Sirius says confused.
"I took a shortcut if you were wondering," I reply matter of factly.
"Impossible," Sirius began "I know were all of the shortcuts are."
"Clearly, not all of them," I reply sassily
"I'm going to bed," I say tiredly.
As soon as I say this James and Remus walk into the common room.
"Mind if I slytherin," Sirius says.
Sirius turns to face James and I run to my dorm room.


I look at James. He seems more annoyed than usual, probably cause I was flirting with Y/N. Speaking of her, I turn my head and notice she's at the top of the staircase. I run after her and my foot gets stuck on the 6th step. I fall flat on my face then Y/N,James and Remus start laughing.
"Some help please?" I ask.
Y/N casts a spell and my foot is released.
"Oh Y/N my saviour," I cry
Then James,Remus and Y/N burst into laughter.


Oh crap,I left my Defence Against the Dark Arts homework on the table. I charm it to come to me but Sirius grabs it.
"Siri,give it back?" I ask batting my eyelashes.
"Erm,no," He replies. Then he lifts his arm into the air.
"James,tell Black to give my homework," I glare at James as I say this.
"Y/N,I'm not intervening," He replies
"Remus?" I ask "You're taller than Sirius, can you get it?"
Remus looks at me then looks at Sirius.
"Neither,sorry Y/N," Remus replies.
"Really guys," I say disappointedly.
I pout at Sirius and he drops his arm down. As soon as he does this is jump of the stairs and tackle him to grab my homework. I grab it and try to run but then Sirius grabs my wrist. Crap I tell myself. Sirius swivels me around so I'm facing him. We stare into each others eyes and then he kisses me. Then we break apart for oxygen. I stare into Sirius' eyes again.
"SIRIUS, MY SISTER,REALLY," James is fuming at this point.
"You mean Seriously right James," Remus says jokingly.
I burst into laughter again and James and Sirius look at me confused.
"Don't you get it?" I ask them both.
They give me confused faces back.
"Remus tell them again," I say laughing.
"You mean Seriously right James," Remus says again.
"Oh," Sirius and James say in unison.
"I'm leaving now, goodnight," I say tiredly.
"Wait,Y/N," Sirius asks casually "Will you be my girlfriend?"
I look at James and he nods at me.
"Sure," I reply, I kiss him on the cheek and head to my dorm room.


As soon as Y/N leaves, James turns to speak to me.
"Just because we're mates doesn't mean anything when it comes to Y/N, break her heart Sirius, I'll break your face," James said threateningly.
"Mate, I wouldn't dream of it," I reply.
Seeming satisfied with my answer, James decides we should head to the dorms. We enter our dorm room, get ready for sleep and I think about Y/N before finally falling asleep.

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