Oliver x reader- This is ridiculous...

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||Requested by @The_Sarcastic_Flirt . Also apologies that this is so short, I've kind of lost motivation to write and have for a while but I wanted to finish off the last of my requests||

It was the fifth time you had to reschedule this dinner with your parents. You loved Oliver with your whole being but the last minute quidditch training or a match, seemingly timetabled at the same time as the arranged reservations, was starting to feel more like an avoidance tactic than a genuine excuse. He had no reason to avoid your parents, they were just relieved you were with someone and they were quite understanding of the rescheduling due to games being avid sports fans themselves but after the third time they started to grow suspicious as well, they thought he might be intimidated meeting them but you reassured them it was just a scheduling thing, however part of you did think he might just be nervous meeting them.

Oliver had just called you to tell you that, to nobody's surprise, he was bailing the dinner plans to go out with his Quidditch mates which you normally wouldn't mind however you were beginning to get frustrated with the man. You informed your parents and came up with another excuse which they begrudgingly accepted before you continued with your normal day to day activities, mildly irritated that Oliver was avoiding meeting your parents for the upteenth time since you had started dating and had begun to get more serious. This avoidance was also starting to give you mild stress and you had decided that you were going to confront Oliver once he got back. You had loaded the washing machine and had started ironing when your boyfriend eventually returned. What started as a peaceful conversation eventually led to shouting match which continued before you finally yelled,

"You really seem to love that game more than you love me!"

This led to a dumbfounded expression on Oliver's face before he retorted "Well maybe I do!"

It was your turn to stare shocked. You eventually zoned back into reality and just started walking. It took Oliver a moment to notice what you were doing and he followed, eventually catching up to you and hugging you from behind.

"I'm sorry love you know I didn't mean that, this Puddlemore thing has got us all stressed and I'm sorry its constantly impacting plans."

"No no its my fault for getting annoyed, how does Saturday sound?" You eventually ask

"Saturday sounds great," Oliver says with a grin, "And I promise I wont bail again."

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