Remus x Reader- Full Moon (Part 2)

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Last time on Full Moon

A minute or so after Y/N leaves, the other Marauders turn to face Remus.

"Aww look at Moony, he's all grown up," Sirius cooes.

"Shut it Padfoot," Remus snaps.

"Perhaps if you ask out Y/N and Lily accepts my request, we can go on a double date sometime," James says hopefully.

Now on the next chapter of Full Moon

Its been a month since you last met up with the guys and since then you have heard enough about them all to know that Sirius is the typical player (Y/F/N had heard that he's got a thing for Marlene McKinnon though so maybe he'll change), James is the typical sporty jock person thing (Still in love with Lily), Peter is a bit of a foodie (No surprise really) and Remus well he's a little nerd, a very dorky one at that but eh, whats not to love about that.

You knew today would be another day when you would morph into the creature you weren't particularly fond of so you went to Pomfrey to collect something important before heading over to the shack- the something being a substance that kept you sane during your painful transformation.

Whilst you headed over to the Shack, Remus knew that tonight was going to be a full moon which meant two things, one- he was going to transform and two- he was going to see you again. He was rather giddy about it and naturally the other three Marauders had teased him relentlessly about liking a girl. Even James did on the odd occasion but Remus always retorted with a mention of Lily which was enough to keep Prongs in line. Sirius however was at the forefront of the repetitive teasing and did so repeatedly for the entire month and Peter joined in too but it was rare as he was preoccupied with stuffing his face with various food items from the kitchens ranging from bread to chicken nuggets to ice cream, anything you could possibly imagine he had tried at least once even the vegetable lasagna.

You and the guys all went to your respective classes throughout the day and before you knew it, it was time for dinner, you naturally were one of the first people in and quickly ate.

|| Time Skip to you and the Marauders being in the shack brought to you by the ashy remains of the dusted space grape aka Thanos ||

You approached the on Shrieking Shack and stop the Whomping Willow from almost taking your head before entering the shack. You set your bag of supplies on the rickety table and sit on one of the creaky chairs whilst awaiting the arrival of the Marauders. After about twenty minutes or so, the four mischievous boys entered the ancient wooden structure and sat with you, creating a circle. Remus sat on your left and Peter was on your right.

"Right I'm bored," James declared "Lets play a game."

"Good idea," Sirius piped up before suggesting "Good old truth or dare?"

James and Peter agreed immediately whilst Remus and you sat there wondering if playing a game was the wisest of decisions. Sirius noticed Remus hadn't said anything so he looked at him, expecting an answer

"I don't know you guys, its a full moon tonight and stuff and I-" Remus began.

"Lighten up Moony, look we'll stop when you transform," James said "What about you Y/N?"

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