George Weasley x Reader- The Bet

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PS: y/h/c- your hair colour
y/c/e- your eye colour



I sit at the Gryffindor table with Fred and Lee. Suddenly, food appears on the tables and we begin eating. When Fred,Lee and I finish eating, Fred starts interrogating me.
"Have you done the potions," Fred asks.
"No," I reply.
"Have you done the Defence Against Dark Arts homework?" Fred asks.
"Yes," I reply.
This continues till Lee suddenly asks "Who'd you have a crush on?"
I look at him and Fred looks at me.
"Yeah, Georgie, who?" Fred asks, the two suddenly ganging up on me.
I look at Y/N from a distance. I look at her silky soft y/h/c and her beautiful y/c/e.
"Is it Y/N?" Fred asks in a teasing manner.
I turn a deep red as soon as he mentions Y/N.
"So it is Y/N," Fred exclaims.
I leave so I can avoid answering the question further.


"Dude," Lee whispers to me "Do you think Y/N like George or you"
"Me,duh you seen me, I'm the handsomer,smarter,funnier twin," I reply.
"I bet you five galleons it's George," Lee says "If I lose I'll give you five."
"Deal," I reply.


Hermione and I get up from the table and head to the library. She needs to study for her Ancient Runes pop quiz and I'm going with her for company so she isn't alone. An hour or so later, Hermione finishes her study session and we head to the Common Room.


We walk in and sit on one of the double recliners talking about muggle products because I haven't seen many. Then George enters the Common Room and climbs onto the table and starts speaking.
"There's this girl, who I've liked for a while now and I wanted to ask her a question," George says.
The girls around me squeal, one of them faints. I roll my eyes.
"Y/N, will you go out with me?" George asks me.
I notice Lee and Fred looking at each other.
"Yes," I reply.
"She said yes!"  George exclaims loudly.
Everyone left the common room until it was just the two of us. George grabs my hand and tells me to follow him,I hesitate at first but I gather some courage and follow him. He grabs his broom from the broom cupboard and tells me to get on.We fly over the Black Lake  several times until we decide to go back to the Common Room. George drops me off near the closest entrance and tells me to wait for him. He runs off towards the broom cupboard to put his broom back.
He comes back and we walk to the Gryffindor Common Room.
Then I see Pug-face Parkinson and Malfoy heading towards us, I grab George's hand and pull him behind a pillar.
"We should prank them," I whisper to George.
"Who?" George asks quietly.
"Pug-face and Malfoy," I whisper.
As they walk by I cast a spell so when Malfoy or Parkinson walk over the square their outfit colour turns into maroon and gold. As soon as they step onto the square, I nudge George and he bursts into laughter. Then we sprint back to the Common Room.
We get to the Common Room before Flitch and Mrs Norris catch us. I say the password to the Fat Lady and she lets us in.
"Goodnight George," I say turning to head to my dorm room before the girls came down.
George grabs my hand and twirls me towards him.
"Goodnight love," He says before he kisses me on the cheek.
"Goodnight Georgie," I whisper before heading to my dorm room.


After Y/N went to her dorm room, I headed to mine to tell Fred about mine and Y/N's prank on the Slytherin 'Prince and Princess'.
I tell Fred and Lee. Then Fred reluctantly gives five galleons to Lee.
"You made a bet, on who?" I ask thirsty for this information.
"Just a case of which twin will a girl fall for," Lee replies casually
"YOU BETTED ON US,ME AND Y/N," I yell furiously at them.
"Err...yeah," Lee and Fred respond guilty.
"WHAT," I exclaim fuming.



I awake from a nightmare to hear someone shout something about me and the twins. I fix my hair and follow the arguing. I reach the bottom of the boys dormitory stairs and follow the arguing. I listen in through the door and I'm shocked on who I hear arguing. I'm about to turn the handle when I hear George say "Betting on other people fair enough but Y/N,"
George exclaims "What if Y/N finds out, how is she going to feel?"
I burst into the room as soon as he starts the word feel.
"Fred," I say tearing up "I thought I was a second sister to you."
"Y/N," Lee exclaims.
"You betted on me Fred as if I'm some sort of prize as if I'm not a person with feelings as if I was an object," I whisper-choke angrily. "Lee, I thought we were at least mates, clearly not."
As soon as I say that, I head down to the Common Room to stare into the dying embers in the fireplace. I think about how angry I am at Fred and Lee betting on me like I'm an object with no feelings or emotions.


As soon as Y/N leaves I look at Lee and then look at George.
"Your girl, your job to cheer her up," I say bluntly to George.
He looked at me with fire and venom in his eyes. He gets up to look for Y/N.
"You know, she may never forgive you," George angrily whispers to me and Lee.

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