Sirius x Reader- Alone

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It was a casual rainy day and you are stuck in Grimmauld Place with none other than your childhood and teenhood crush, Sirius Black. How you were stuck on babysitting Sirius duty you didn't know.

But the only people who know about your true feelings for Sirius are your best friends Mary, Lily and Alice.

But you had a feeling a week ago that several other people knew too, that several being Sirius' best friends. Remus knew somehow so you had concluded that Lupin was attempting to play matchmaker. But why is he doing it, is a question that frequently plagued your mind, considering the rumour that was floating around about his feelings for you at Hogwarts.

"Y/N?" You heard an all to familiar voice ask.

"Yeah," You call, dreading the entire conversation already even though it hadn't even started.

"Why are you here?" Sirius asks sleepily.

"Remus told me to stay here with you because he's on a mission," You answer "He also said there is food in the fridge and you hate being alone."

"But why did you agree, last time I checked you hate me," Sirius says questioningly as he sits down on the sofa next to you.

"I didn't hate you, just severely detested and got annoyed with," You reply "Anyway, you aren't that teenager I-."

"You what?" He asks as he turns to face you.

"Nevermind," You say quickly as you look down at the floor.

"You can tell me you know," Sirius begins "I'm not that teenager anymore."

You burst out laughing and say freezing mid sentence"You're exactly the same Sirius, the one I fe-."

"You like me!" He exclaims "You fell for me."

"No, no I so do not," You exclaim turning a deep shade of red "That's ridiculous and p-"

"Perfect, now everything makes sense," He says cutting you off mid sentence.

"What, no!" You exclaim attempting to hide your feelings behind the brick and cement wall you had built over your heart.

"You are telling lies love" He accuses you "And one must not tell lies."

"I don't," You retort "I hated you, I still do at times."

"You love me," He exclaims.

You froze for a while before whispering "Of course I did, name one girl who didn't."

"I knew it," He yells as his voice echoes of the walls.

You groan and confess everything "I loved your abs and those tattoos and don't even get me started on your hair."

"So that's why Jamsie's Lily Flower always used to look at me then you and make a heart shape with her hands to Mary and Alice," Sirius says realising.

"No she didn't," You exclaim blushing "I'm going kill her."

Then it hits you thats she's not here anymore and you wipe a stray tear.

"Aww Y/N fell in love with me," Sirius yells not realising the tear rolled down your cheek "I wish I'd known sooner because I've wanted to do this for twenty odd years."

"Wha-" You manage to say before you realise Sirius was leaning in to kiss you.

You kiss him and pull away blushing madly. You look into his eyes and see the same glint of mischief you saw when you were at Hogwarts after he had successfully pranked Snape or Filch.

"So, did you really think I'd sell out my friends out?" Sirius asks out of the blue.

"No," You answer "But I never fully trusted Pettigrew that's why I went after him as soon as I found out but I saw you getting arrested instead."

"You believed I was innocent!" Sirius exclaims.

"Of course, I wanted to be a witness at the trial but they didn't hold one, Dumbledore wouldn't have let me anyway and my dad was on the Wizengamot so I couldn't without jeopardising his reputation," You explain "My dad also believed in your innocence and saw your unjust imprisonment as wrong and unfair but he wouldn't dare say anything to the Minister because he was threatened by an anonymous person."

"I still can't believe all of this," Sirius says.

"Remus should be back soon, I'll go," You say as you grab your coat and head to the door.

"No, stay," Sirius says.

"I don't want to intrude," You begin.

"Nonsense, you forget my house is huge," Sirius says "Anyway what's the point in being alone."

You put your coat back down and sit on the sofa with Sirius

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