Sirius x Reader- Portraits and Pregnancy

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|| Requested by @anta_m, also I apologise for this being literally like a year late and yeah Y/N isn't the best here (im blaming pregnancy hormones)||

"Oh its you," The portrait of Mrs Black spits as you walk by

"Mother not now," Sirius exasperates

"No! You let this woman... with NO noble background into my home," The portrait yells.

"That woman as you delightfully just called her is my girlfriend so I'd appreciate if you stayed quiet," Sirius says

"You bring disappointment to this family Sirius,"

"Tell me something new mother,"

Sirius continues arguing with the portrait whilst you head upstairs and begin packing a bag of essential items. You tossed a hoodie into the bag as Sirius walked in.

"I'm sorry about h-" Sirius begins "Y/N? What are you doing?"

"What does it look like, I'm staying with Molly for a few days," You say as you force the bag to close

"But why?" Sirius asks

"Why? Why!? Isn't it obvious, I keep telling you to throw away the portrait of that woman and you haven't!" You snap

"Come on Y/N, be reasonable," Sirius says "You know Kreacher just gets it out the bin again."

"We don't exactly need Kreacher either," You retort "We're both capable of looking after ourselves without a house elf."

"What do you want me to do Y/N?" Sirius says

"The same thing I've been telling you for years now," You say before walking out the room and down the stairs.

"Y/N wait!?" Sirius says running down after you.

||Timeskip brought to you by the Zukka nation (Zutara fans don't come at me please)||

You arrived at the Burrow and Molly welcomed you with a smile before asking "What brings you here?"

"The portrait," You mutter

"Oh dear don't listen to it, its just an old hag with no body," Molly says before hugging you "Why don't we sit down and have some tea whilst you tell me what else is bothering you."

Molly prepares some tea and you sit down at the kitchen table.

"I don't know Molls, I know I shouldn't let her get to me but its so repetitive and I'm sick of it plus Sirius won't like shred the portrait either and don't get me started on the elf," You say

Molly nods and indicates for you to continue

"And I don't know what started this emotional outburst either like I want to cry but I know crying is a dumb response." You say as you hold the cup of tea she had placed in front of you "Like I don't know if its you know what or something else."

"Have you bothered checking?" Molly asks

"No..." You reply "Part of me doesn't want to know."

"Aw sweetheart," Molly hugs you "Why don't we check now, I'm here with you."

"I guess so," You say nervously before grabbing your wand and preforming the spell and waiting nervously for the spell to indicate before looking up at Molly "What do I do now?"

"Tell him," Molly says "But take your time, do it when you're ready."

"Y-Yea," You reply "I'm going to be a mum..."

"And an amazing one at that," Molly says before hugging you "I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm also carrying number six."

"Really!" You say shocked "I thought five was enough for you."

At that moment two ginger toddlers run into the room and run either side of you "Aunt Y/N!!"

You smile down at the boys and hug them "Hello there Fred and George."

"Aunt Y/N?!" Charlie says when he sees you before joining the twins and hugging you "I haven't seen you in ages! Also thank you for the dragon book you gave me for my birthday."

"You're welcome Charlie," You reply "Anything for my favourite Weasley."

"Hey!" Fred and George say in unison before both pouting.

"Aw I'm messing, I love you all," You reply

||Timeskip to the evening brought to you by dragons||

You had been at the Weasleys for about three days now and this evening you heard the doorbell ring. You were playing with the twins so Molly opened it and greeted Sirius. She let him in and told her kids to run along upstairs. Molly herself proceeded to head into the kitchen, leaving you and Sirius in the living room.

"Sirius," You say

"Y/N," He replies

You looked at him and raised an eyebrow before the both you said in unison "I need to tell you something."

"You go first," You reply
"Okay," Sirius replies "Look Y/N, I love you so much okay and i'm sorry I didn't remove the portrait sooner or relocate creature."

"No its fine, its my fault for being such a big baby about it,"

"So will you come home?"

"Yea, let me go tell Molly and Arthur that I'm going," You proceed to do that and return after five minutes.

You take Sirius' hand and apparate back home with him and your luggage. You feel a bit queasy and bolt to the bathroom. Sirius sees you run and knocks on the bathroom door "Y/N? You okay in there love?"

"NO!" You yell in response before throwing up.

This continues for about fifteen minutes until you walk out and start crying. Sirius speed walks over and hugs you "Oh Y/N, what's wrong? Come on talk to meeeeee."

"Yea I still need to tell you," You murmur

"Tell me what?" Sirius asks confused

"I'm pregnant that's what, not gonna lie I thought you might have figured it out but-"

"You're pregnant? I'm having a mini padfoot!?"

"Yup, we are,"

"That's amazing!" Sirius replies before walking with you to the living room and cuddling with you on the sofa.

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