Harry x Reader- You're Delusional

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|| I know I did a Ron fic with a similar concept so I hope this one isn't too similar to that one also I apologise for this being published and written ridiculously late... I haven't been in the right head space recently but that enough about me, onto the imagine which was requested by @Writergirlme also warning for mild swears and I apologise if this isn't quite what you requested||

||Y/F/F - Your Favourite Film/Movie||

You were summoned to the Ministry for urgent business by a classmate of yours, Hermione Granger, you were never close to the girl but you hated how she was always praised for her intellect whilst you were ridiculed, you had loved when Snape called her a know it all. Her secretary led you to her office and you walked in before taking a seat. Hermione walked in several minutes later with several stacks of paper and some books and dumped them n her desk before sitting down herself.

"So you've probably heard the rumours that one of your...colleagues has said about Harry and obviously mass panic has occurred," Hermione says

"What? Harry and Ginny's divorce?" You ask "Cause Ginny fell in love with some muggle?"

Hermione nods "That very one and its making everyone fling themselves at Harry and people are questioning his capability to keep his job."

"So what this got to do with me?" You ask perplexed.

"Well the board recommended we had a distraction in place to prevent society from crashing and burning," Hermione replies.

"No offense to either of the two but people break up all the time, its not that deep," You retort

"Tell that to all the women turning up at the Ministry gates claiming to be Harry's girlfriend, surely you saw the security measures?" She questions.

"Look I don't know what you want me to do but I am not being shoe horned into this scandal as a temporary fix for a problem that doesn't concern me at all," You snap " Let me guess, you want me to be Harry's impostor girlfriend."

Hermione nods and you stand up " Well I refuse too, like I said, I am NOT being a scapegoat, even if you paid me I'd refuse, my reputation would be ruined!"

Hermione remains awkwardly quiet and you look at her "I swear if you told Amelie this complete lie, I will ruin your reputation Granger."

"Well every wizarding tabloid has eaten up the story... including yours." Hermione says.

The pure rage you felt course through you was enough to burn the entire planet "Granger you will fix this or I will get you kicked out of this very office I'm telling you!"

"I thought you would've been happy Y/N, didn't you want to be with Harry?" Hermione says smirking a little.

"Yes! But not like this!" You exclaim "You're trying to stop people worrying about the biggest threat since Voldemort by having me and Harry pretending to be a couple, find somebody else to be a pawn in your little game of chess! Hell one of those girls from outside, pretty sure I saw Rebecca Quinn out there, she ran the Harry stan club during our Hogwarts days, more believable than me anyways. you're delusional if you think this will work!"

There was a knock at the door and Harry walked in, his hair messier than usual and his glasses askew, he was holding a bottle of what you assumed was firewhiskey "What on Merlin's beard did ya call me in 'ere Mione, I was enjoying this 'ere bottle."

"Oh Harry," Mione said before gesturing to the seat next to you, "Sit down."

You turn on your heel and walk out of the Ministers office, not even looking at your former crush as your heels clicked angrily down the hall. Harry's head followed the clicks until he couldn't hear your footsteps anymore.

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