Sirius x Reader- True Friends

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||PSA- This hurts and is in no way romantic but its getting released around Valentines Day anyways||

Y/H/H- Your Hogwarts House

~Seven Years Old~

You, Regulus and Sirius were in your back garden playing hide and seek as your parents discussed many things involving which one of the Black brothers you would marry at the end of your seventh year at Hogwarts. Sirius counted whilst you and Regulus ran around looking for hiding places. Regulus hid behind a flower pot and you ran inside the observatory. When Sirius finished counting, he looked around for what he perceived as ages but was like five minutes. He headed to the observatory to sit down for a while but saw a flash of your hair and snuck up on you. You jumped out of your skin.

"You scared me!" You exclaim before giggling.

"I'm sorry," Sirius said before laughing a little, "Let's go find Reggie!"

"Y/N and Sirius, together forever!" You squeal

Sirius laughs, "Of course, together forever."

~Eleven Years Old~

You and Sirius were stood together as you waited to be called for the sorting.

"Y/L/N, Y/N," McGonagall called.

You approached the stool and sat on it before McGonagall placed the sorting hat on your head. You sat there nervously whilst the hat read your thoughts. You were sat there for fifteen minutes before the hat finally called "Y/H/H!"

The houses all clapped and you went to go sit at the corresponding table.

"Black, Sirius," McGonagall called and the hall went silent.

You watched Sirius approach the stool and sit on it. The hat stayed on his head for almost half an hour before calling "Gryffindor."

The Gryffindor table erupted into cheers whilst the Slytherin table sat there in shock. You were also surprised as you watched Sirius walk toward the Gryffindor table because you were convinced that he would be a Slytherin like his cousins and parents. You clapped from your table and the rest of your table joined in eventually, after getting over the initial drop.

~Second Year~

It was the year that Regulus would start Hogwarts and you were excited to have Regulus near you again. Over the course of the First year, you and Sirius had slowly begun to rift apart as he opted to spend all his free time with his dorm mates. You weren't mad at him though and thought maybe with Regulus at Hogwarts, the two of you would reconcile and with Regulus be the chaotic trio that you were as children. You were sat at your house table waiting eagerly for McGonagall to call Regulus' name which she did after half an hour. You heard McGonagall say his name which successfully managed to get your attention. Regulus looked around the room nervously before looking at you and smiling a little. You smiled back and gave a small wave before McGonagall placed the sorting hat on his head. The hat called Slytherin instantaneously and Regulus approached the Slytherin table. He sat down and you looked over at where Sirius was sitting and realised that he had left.

~Fourth Year~

You and Regulus were sitting in the courtyard discussing random topics when you noticed Sirius and his friends were picking on a Third Year Ravenclaw. You sighed in disappointmentand turned your attention back to Regulus.

"N/N, we should do something, I know that kid and he'd never do anything wrong," Regulus said

"Look Reggie, I know but your brother isn't who he was now, the caring side of him left when he befriended the arrogant toerag James Potter," You respond with hostility.

After the Marauders had finished tormenting the Ravenclaw, James who had a smirk on his face retorted "Arrogant toerag Y/L/N?"

Remus sighed and Sirius whispered something to James.

You turned to irritating voice, your head turned high before replying "There is over one million words in the English language and surprisingly, I do not know how to string them together in a way for your pea brain to understand how much I absolutely detest you."

"Leave us alone Sirius," Regulus says "We didn't do anything."

Sirius sighs and walks off and the other Marauders follow.

~Fifth Year~

It has been five years since you and Sirius were separated by the sorting and four years since Regulus joined Hogwarts. Nothing had really changed since fourth year but Remus had started talking to you more during Potions but James and Sirius still dislike you. You and Regulus were closer however, fuelled by your hatred of James Potter and his influence over Sirius.

You were sitting in the courtyard with Regulus talking about OWLs and whatnot. You heard footsteps and saw Sirius heading toward the both of you without his friends. You narrowed your eyes and turned your attention back to Regulus who was staring at his brother.

"What do you want?" Regulus asks.

"To speak with Y/N," Sirius says bluntly.

You roll your eyes before saying, "Its been five years... why now?"

"I never had the opportunity too," Sirius says "Regulus, leave us."

"NO," Regulus objects "Whatever you tell her, you tell me too."

"Reggie, its fine, Cissa is looking for you," You say softly to Regulus who reluctantly leaves.

"Thank Merlin, look Y/N I'm so sorry for making you feel like I abandoned you, it wasn't my intention at all," Sirius explains

"Well you did abandon me! Whatever happened to together forever hm?" You question "You broke my heart and there's nothing you can do."

"I was a stupid boy back then, Y/N please... I didn't realise how much I missed you," Sirius pleads, "Look... I'll do anything to have you back."

"I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you because I'll forget but I'll never forgive you." You retort "True friends stab you in the front."

You stand up and walk away, leaving Sirius in the courtyard alone with your words echoing in his head.

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