Ron x Reader- New Law (2)

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||Requested in the comments by @imtiredman||

Last Time On New Law

"For this exercise, you will have to put give your complete trust to your significant other," Your mother explains.

"Boys line up with a foot between you all and girls stand a step or two in front of your partner," Ms Weasley orders.

You do as you're told, as you stand in front of Ron and see Hermione next to you and she seems irritated. Ms Weasley tells us girls to lean back and trust the boys behind us. Everyone obeys except for Hermione who is a little reluctant. When you leant back, you close your eyes and Ron catches you. You continued doing this until your mum dismissed everyone from the room. You waited for the rest of the Golden Quartet and went to your dorms. When you reached the staircases to the dorms, you kissed Ron on the cheek and ran up to your dorm room and opened the door, ran to your bed and tucked yourself into the covers. That night you fell asleep dreaming about your future with a certain Weasley boy.

And Now On New Law

Its been a week since the introduction of this law and you and your friends had had plenty of lessons in subjects such as house keeping and formal events. You felt as if you had grown closer to Ron. At the moment, you all were gathered in the hall and were being told about having the rest of the week free so you could get along more with your partners. You and Ron were sat at the back with Ginny and Harry. Hermione glared at you on the odd occasion but mainly concentrated on the speaker in the hall. After another twenty minutes you were all dismissed and Ron turned to you and asked the following.

"Y/N, how would you feel about going on a double date with another pair?"

"Me, well I don't really mind, just depends who cause Granger keeps giving me the dirtiest of looks, someone might say she's jealous," You reply

"Oh Mione isn't coming don't worry, I was thinking Harry and my sister," Ron responds

"Oh yeah they're decent, I don't mind them," You say "We should ask them first before going overboard."

"Ask whom what?" Hermione asks

"It doesn't concern you Granger," You say, clearly irritated.

"I was asking Ronald, not you Y/L/N," Hermione repeats "Whom what Ronald?"

"Come on Y/N," Ron says putting his arm around your shoulders and leading you away.

"I was ready to take her!" You complain as you walked away with Ron.

"I've seen you beat up people, bloody hell believe me I was doing her a favour," Ron says before stopping in the corridor "Plus I can't have you breaking a nail."

"Nice try Ron but my nails are as short as patience," You retort "You don't want me manhandling a friend of yours which I understand, kind of."

"Guilty as charged but can we go back to the date idea?" Ron suggests "Look I know she's my mate but sometimes she just doesn't get it."

"Can we," You say before entering the Gryffindor Common Room with Ron and seeing Harry and Ginny on the sofas and tugging Ron with you as you sat with them and said "Heya guys."

"Oh hey Ron, Y/N," Harry says

"Yeah hey Y/N, Ronnikins," Ginny says smirking a little

"Heya mate, Ginerva," Ron replies "So Y/N and I were wondering if yous wanted to join us for a double date at some point during the week."

Harry and Ginny look at one another before Ginny responded "Sure we'd love to...What about Saturday half ten at the carriages that go into Hogsmeade?"

Ron looks at you and you nod.

"See you there," Ron replies before picking you up and carrying you outside.

"Ron put me down this is ridiculous I have legs and I can walk," You say as he carries you

"Nope," He replies before placing you on a picnic mat and taking out two bottles of butterbeer from a picnic hamper and passing you one "For you milady."

"Why thank you kind sir," You reply before taking the bottle.

Ron chuckles and continues to take out various things from the hamper from chocolate coated strawberries to cinnamon whirls to a trifle to an assortment of Belgian truffles. You stared in wonder at all the food, utterly speechless.

"What do you think?" Ron asks nervously

"Hail Merlin, how did you get this much food?" You spit out whilst looking around "Damn you outdone yourself."

"Mum and the house elves helped a lot," Ron admits

"Well I flipping love it Ron," You reply and smile at him "I honestly think I got the best one."

Ron's cheeks go the same shade as his hair and her stutters out "T-thanks Y/N."

"Anytime sweetheart now lets dig in," You say before picking up a sandwich and eating it.

"Couldn't agree more," Ron replies before picking up a Cornish pasty and eating that.

You both sat there and enjoyed your food, occasionally talking but focusing mainly on the food. It was a comfortable silence as you both stayed in the courtyard until the sky turned to a dusty pink. You both got up and headed inside. At the point where you two would usually split off, you hugged each other and you pecked a kiss on Ron's cheek.

"See you around Gingy," You said smirking a little

"See you later Y/N," Ron replied chuckling before he hugged you again and went to his dorm room and you went to yours.

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