Scorpius x Reader- Helpless

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(AN- Never bet on the anything (especially if you don't know the subject well eg Wrestling or Football in my case) because you will probably end up losing in the bet, this is what I get for betting on wrestling with TheROBO2000 I now have to write this. We betted if Roman Reigns won he Royal Rumble, he would get to choose the character and the other wrestlers were assigned characters but Shinsuke Nakamura won so now I have to write this, I brought this onto myself but its could have been someone like Umbitch so its ok)
(I apologise in advance if you hate this)


Y/BF/N- your best friend


I started doing my Potions essay on the properties of Asphodel in the Slytherin Common Room whilst I listened to my Hamilton playlist on my MP3 player.

(AN-I know technology doesn't work at Hogwarts but just roll with it- back to the Imagine)

I noticed someone sit down opposite me, I look up and see my crush Scorpius Malfoy. I started humming along to the music.

"What are you doing with that thing?" Scorpius asked me.

"Listening to music," I said as I continued to hum along.

"With that thing," Scorpius asked me.
"Yeah its an MP3, muggles download music onto these and they can listen to it with earphones," I explained "Do you want to listen?"

"What are you listening to?" He asked me.

"The Hamilton soundtrack," I said.

"What?" He asked me confused.

"Hamilton is a new musical that me and my muggle friends are obsessed with," I explained as I continued to hum along.

"What's a soundtrack?" He asked.

"A compilation of songs from the same thing," I explain, "Like this Hamilton one I'm listening to, it has all the songs from the original musical."

"Cool, can I listen now?" He asked.

"Sure," I said as I handed him a earphone. "Just put it into your right ear and you'll hear the song playing."

We listened to Alexander Hamilton, Aaron Burr Sir, My Shot, The Schuyler Sisters, Helpless, Guns and Ships, Washington On Your Side, The Election of 1800 and Your Obedient Servant.

(AN-A few of my personal favourites from the soundtrack- back to the imagine again-sorry 😐)

"Wow, their voices sound great together," Scorpius exclaimed when we had finished listening to the songs.

Scorpius' PoV

When I finished listening to Hamilton with Y/N. It made me fall in love with her more but I didn't have the courage to tell her. Maybe tomorrow. I have a plan to admit my feelings to her.

"Well, I'll see you later," I said before leaving to go to my dorm room.

"Bye Scorpius," Y/N called.



I planned to tell Scorpius I liked him today. I see him with Albus and Rose. For some reason I get thrown off about asking Scorpius out but I ignore it.

"Scorpius," I yelled.

He murmured something to his friends before he walked over to me with a smile on his face.

I held his hand and dragged him into the Room of Requirement which had conveniently turned into a smaller version of the Slytherin common room.

"Boy you got me helpless," I sang "One look into your eyes and the sky's the limit."

I continued singing.
Y/BF/N sang Angelica's parts and then Scorpius started singing Hamilton's parts which took me by surprise but I continued singing until the song finished.

"Helpless," I sang as I turned to face Scorpius.

I noticed Y/BF/N sneak out and give a thumbs up to Scorpius before she/ he walked out of the Room of Requirement.

"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" Scorpius asked me.

"I do, I do, I do," I sang in reply like Eliza.

We walked out of the Room of Requirement hand in hand only to hear awww's and no way's by the student body at Hogwarts. I saw Y/BF/N attempting to talk to Albus, as well as a glum looking Rose and an ecstatic James.

"Who would date You Know Who's spawn?" I heard a random deep voice shout.

I turned and looked at Scorpius to see him turn paler.

"I am, so which ever of you idiots said that is gonna regret it," I said as my voice boomed down the hall. "When I figure out who it was they are dead, especially if they are a Slytherin or I know them."

As soon as I said this the crowd scrambled leaving Albus, Y/BF/N, Scorpius and me. I grab Scorpius and drag him around the corner.

"Y/BF/N and Albus need to like get together soon," I whispered "I'm slowly losing my sanity, all Y/BF/N talks about is Albus."

"Albus litterally does the same thing," Scorpius whispered back "Lets lock them into a closet."

"To confess their feelings," I whispered in response.

Scorpius nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'm in," I declared quietly

Scorpius and I walked back around the corner to see Y/BF/N and Albus leaning in slowly. I nudged Scorpius and we hide behind the pillar closest to Albus and
Y/BF/N. We watched them kiss and then we walked out from the pillar.

"Finally!" I exclaimed whilst Scorpius just laughed.

Y/BF/N and Albus turned around at the same time and looked at us angrily.

"RUN," I yelled pulling Scorpius' cloak sleeve.

We ran until we reached the library and sped walk in and sat down at a table in one of the alcoves at the back. Then Scorpius leant in and kissed me on the cheek. We stayed in the library listening to the Hamilton soundtrack again until we decided to head back to the Common Room.

"Scorp, its quarter to eight, curfew is in fifteen minutes," I whispered.

"Lets go," Scorpius said as he stood up and gently grabbed my hand.

I got up and we walked hand in hand back to the Common Room.

"Today was interesting," I remarked.

"Definitely," Scorpius responded.

Then I leant in and kissed Scorpius on the cheek.

"Night, Scorp," I said.

"Night, Y/N/N," He replied before he headed off to his dorm room.

As soon as he walked away, I headed up to my own dorm room. I collapsed into my bed and fell asleep dreaming about my perfect date with Scorpius.

I apologise for all the Author Notes in this part and don't forget to request for Imagines/ preferences.

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