*Hermione x Slytherin!Reader-You're on

974 17 1

||Warnings: Mentions and implications of sex and sexually related talk but no actual smut||

||Requested by @kennedyhp, I hope you like it :)||

"Y/N, since you seem to care so much, bets between us, who can get Granger into their dorm room first and y'know, wins," Draco says with a smirk "Unless you're afraid?"

"Me, scared? You wish," You retort "And we all know I'm winning anyway."

And that is how you got yourself in the unfortunate but interesting situation. Draco had gone off on one about wanting to one up the Gryffindor trio and then implied manipulating Granger into sleeping with him and that annoyed you cause you had a small  (okay maybe not small) crush on the brown haired muggleborn and then he came up with up with that dumb wager and now you're here. If you could redo the whole situation, you wouldn't have reacted to Dracos comments at all and have suggested he do something directly to Harry rather than hurt him via his friends but oh well.

||Time jump to a few days later brought to you by Mobius on a jet ski||

There's a party being held in the Great Hall for student communication across all houses or whatever excuse Dumbledore gave (it may or may not be plot convenience but shhhhhh), you overheard Seamus say to Dean who heard from Luna who heard from Ginny who heard from the twins who heard by spying on McGonagall who had been informed from Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore himself. You were currently sat with Draco and the others and were absent mindedly listening to the conversation, well not really listening at all and were scanning the room to locate Hermione instead.

"I don't understand why she is struggling to accept the idea that we'd have good sex yknow," Draco starts again

Pansy retorts "And I don't understand why you'd want to sleep with her but here we are."

"Its a challenge plus it seemed to irritate Y/N enough and she's quite satisfying when she's annoyed if you get what I mean," Draco shrugs "Its not like I actually care for the mudblood or anything."

"I wouldn't want it any other way," Pansy says "And you've slept with Y/N... seems like a waste of time."

"Well a guy has needs," Draco says accompanied by another shrug "It wasn't that complex you know."

You eventually spot Hermione out of the corner of your eye and decide to approach her, nervously, abandoning Draco and Pansy in the process but they don't really notice as they leave the party early.

"Hermione, hi," You start "Having fun?"

"If I be honest not really, Ronald is being a right ass," Hermione says "He did this at the yule ball too, I mean if he really wants to spend time with me he really should just say so because it's awfully irritating and its annoying me and he's just making himself and me feel absolutely miserable."

"Oh I'm sorry," You reply "That sounds horrible."

"It really is, thank you for letting me getting that off my chest but I do feel bad for just ranting," Hermione says

"No problem," You say with a small smile, the guilt of your wager with Malfoy setting in "I totally understand."

"Are you alright Y/N?" Hermione asks, worry etching across her face

"Yes yes I'm alright, why wouldn't I be?" You reply, albeit lying through your teeth.

"Somethings wrong," Hermione says "You can tell me Y/N."

"Not here," You say relenting "Somewhere with less people."

"How does the library sound?" Hermione suggests

"Eh that'll be quiet enough," You say before the pair of you leave the hall together.

You walked down the halls of Hogwarts, together, having small talk conversations about homework and books. You felt yourself getting closer to the brunette and were unsure on how to... explain your feelings towards her which were swimming around your mind and causing butterflies to flutter around in your stomach, making you more and more anxious by the second. You both enter the library and choose a table near the back of the room, surrounded by floor to ceiling dark mahogany shelves.

"So?" Hermione says before asking softly"What's going on?"

You let out a sigh and basically tell her everything, feeling somewhat relieved but mainly terrified of the muggleborn's reaction, due to you not wanting to loose one of the few genuine friends you actually had. You basically told her about Draco's big idea which earnt a look of disgust but when you eventually confessed your feelings towards the brunette via a plethora of tangents, she embraced you in a tight hug.

"If I be honest, I feel the same way Y/N but didn't want to say just in case you weren't attracted to women." Hermione admits before suggesting "Also for the Malfoy issue, we can just switch ties or something so he thinks you won."

"Hermione you're a genius," You reply as you both start undoing your ties and swap them over.

"Maybe you should mess up your hair a little too and have the tie be a bit wonky," Hermione suggests "To make Malfoy not question it."

You hum in agreement and do so "So how do I look?"

"Like a winner," Hermione says with a look of approval

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