Harry x Reader-Battle of Hogwarts

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||Requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva (flashbacks in itallics) I also apologise for my fics being so short recently I-||

So its May 2nd 1998...the battle of Hogwarts is well underway. You were in the Room of Requirement with your cousin Ron, your boyfriend Harry and your best friend Hermione, as well as the rest of Dumbledore's Army (DA), were attempting to develop strategies to deal with the final horcrux, Nagini. It had begun to stress you out a little so you decided to take a break and sat in a corner whilst you heard Seamus propose an explosion which made you chuckle a little. You eventually zone out and had begun thinking about a few memories you had within the room, good and bad. You and Harry had been dating since the fifth year and being in the room where he asked you to be his girlfriend.

You had snuck into the Room of Requirement to practice a few of the spells from the DA lessons. Harry walked into the room after his and watched you practice with a small smile on his face.

"Softer wrist flicks Y/N," Harry said when he noticed it was taking a while for you to get a particular spell

You whip your head towards the voice as you had assumed you were alone "I'll keep that in mind." You took his advice into account and managed to propel the dummy back several feet.

Harry smiled and you turned to look at him. "Any reason you're grinning eh Potter?"

" Not at all Y/L/N, " He replied "Just had a question for you."

"A question hm?"

"Yes a question so should I ask or not."

"Yeah sure go ahead I guess."

"So we've been friends for a while...."

" Since forever yeah. "

"Can I finish my sentence please."

" Yeah sorry. "

"So I may or may not have caught feelings for you."

You raise an eyebrow slightly.

"Potter got a crush on Y/L/N?" A third voice said before chanting in the room ans down the hallways " Potty-Wotty got a crushy-wushy. "

"I assume you wanted to ask me on a date so er the next Hogsmeade trip, that sound good?" You say

" Yeah, its a date. " Harry replies

Back to the present and you notice everyone except Harry has left the room. He fills you in on the plan and gives you a hug and kisses your cheek before initiating phase one of kill the snake. You were walking around helping people fight off death eaters before somebody grabbed your arm and you saw it was Draco and raise an eyebrow.

"What do you want?" You ask somewhat aggressively

"This is the girl?" Lucius asks to which Draco replies with a simple yes. You try and run off but Draco grabs you.

"You did this for what?" You ask Draco.

Lucius answers for him "We did this to ensure the Dark Lords win."

" Don't go monologuing now Lucius, she doesn't need to know... Draco knock her out. " Bellatrix says

Draco obliges and knocks you out after mumbling a small apology, nearly made you feel bad for him. You eventually got up again when Voldemort was giving a long as speech about collecting the dead and he said he wanted no more bloodshed and wanted to make a trade, you for Harry. You tried to stand up but collapsed on the ground as you stood up funny on your ankle. Draco and Narcissa both looked over at you but the others couldn't care less.

After about half an hour Harry arrived and you pushed forward and told you could go. You refused obviously and stayed put as Voldemort 'killed' Harry. You let out a deafening scream in sheer horror even though you knew it was coming.

||Timeskip as its pretty much the same as canon from here to the next bit just you're with Hagrid.The timeskip is brought to you by the song Scarlet Cross by Black Veil Brides which is amazing like I couldn't describe the boost in serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine it gave me.||

Harry rolled out of Hagrid's arms and the battle continued. Neville decapitated Nagini, saving Ron and Hermione in the process. You saved George by hexing a death eater. It eventually fell down to the final showdown where Harry won and Voldemort fell backwards and died essentially.

||Timeskip brought to you by EvanStackie interviews (Honestly they are the best thing to watch)||

It had been a few weeks since the battle and Harry knew that he didn't want to risk loosing so he had planned to propose to you tonight during date night. It was your turn to pick the show you were going to binge Fantastic Four (The animated series). You were watching the four battle Galactus when Harry brought over some more snacks.

"You really love this show huh Y/N,"

" Not my fault Sue and Reed are adorable and I like the Ben-Alicia arc even though its a few episodes."

"I can't argue with you there but that is Johnny erasure."

You shake your head and chuckle a little before continuing to watch the show. The TV show eventually finishes and you go to put X-Men (The animated series) on before noticing Harry was on one knee as well as holding a cupcake with a ring in the icing.

"Y/N Y/L/N, we have been friends since our first year, dating since our fifth and a few weeks ago I nearly lost you forever. So will you marry me?"

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