Preference- At The Beach

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Harry- You both just sit there and talk for several hours

Ron- You sit on the sand whilst Ron keeps on attempting to drag you into the sea which he eventually does, if your willing or unwilling.

Fred- You spend hours in the water having water-fights and swimming around

George- You both sit on the shore and have a throwing competition to see who throws the pebbles the furthest

Neville- You walk along the coast of the beach together

Sirius- You walk and play with your 'dog'

Remus- You both sit on the sand and read

Cedric- You both swim in the sea together

Percy- You sit at the bars and talk

Albus- He drags you into the sea

Scorpius- You go on a power cruise around the sea

Seamus- You go late at night and have a bonfire

Dean- You have a picnic on the beach

Oliver- You play 1v1 volleyball against each other

Draco- You both lay there and get a nice tan before having some drinks in the bar

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