Cedric Diggory-Yule Ball-(Christmas special)

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Y/F/C- your favourite colour
Y/H/C- your hair colour


I was walking down the corridor heading to Potions.I attempt to walk past a group of the 'populars' but a Ravenclaw boy trips me up and I drop my textbooks. I recognise the boy as Finn Smith, a half-blood who picks on me because I'm muggle born.
"Really,Smith," I ask fuming with venom dripping of of my words "Was that freaking necessary?"
"Aw,is Y/L/N ok," Carmella and Natalya coo at me.
I got up, grabbed my textbooks and continue to walk to class.
I walk into the classroom and notice Cho and Cedric are in the middle of an argument.
"Cho,I love you and only you," Cedric says to Cho with puppy dog eyes.
"WE WEREN'T GOING LAST," Cho screams at him before storming out of the room with Natalya and Carmella behind her. Those two only live of drama I swear down.
Cedric is sitting at the table with his face in his palms.
"Cedric," I ask hesitantly "Are you ok?"
"I've been better," Cedric replies.
"What were you and Cho arguing about?" I ask. "Wait, only answer that if you want."
"Cho thinks I like another girl." Cedric replies.
"Oh," I respond shocked "Just let her blow out her steam and she'll be back."
"If she does come back, I'm not taking her back, she's crazy, I'm slowly losing my sanity around her," Cedric says out of the blue "Cho actually wasn't wrong for once though.I do like this girl but I don't know how to tell her."
"I'm sure whoever she is, she's very lucky," I reply.
I go sit down at the back of the room. Cedric liking another girl is bothering me. I mean I like him,really like him but he probably doesn't feel the same way. Why am I getting my hopes up? They will crash and burn on me anyways.
Professor Snape walks into the classroom and starts to tell us about Amortentia the love potion and the affects it has on people. Then he talks about why its brewed and asks for a volunteer. Cedric volunteers unwillingly by one of his friends.
"What do you smell Mr Diggory?" Snape asks.
"Urm.... I smell wet grass, chocolate and something else but I don't know what it is," Cedric replies.
"An unknown scent or you don't want to say Mr Diggory,"Snape counters.
Cedric just stands there dumbfounded before he sits down again. The room erupts into laughter.
"SILENCE," Snape bellows across the classroom, "I need another volunteer."
This time Cho grabs my wrist and I reluctantly put my hand up.
"Miss Y/L/N, get up here and tell me what the potion smells like," Snape commands.
"I smell home with a faint woodsy aroma," I say.
As soon as I mention the woodsy aroma the whole room goes silent. Cho,Natalya and Carmella all stare daggers at me as I sit back down at the back of the room.


I sat alone in my dorm room, its really hard not to be alone considering I don't share the dorm room with any other girls anymore. The girls I had shared with, used to make so much noise and say thinks like 'At least your makeup isn't like Y/N's' or 'Y/N looks like a clown, who is SHE trying to impress' or 'Y/N's face isn't much better than yours' I got sick of these comments so I asked Dumbledore if I could have my own dorm room. He agreed thankfully.
My stomach growls very loudly and I decide to go eat. I sneak down into the kitchens.
"Hello Rinny, can I have a little something to eat?" I ask her politely.
The house elves conjure up a table and chair and Rinny comes over with a tray that has an assortment of food on it.
"Thank you," I say to all the house elves. When I finish eating, I ask the house elves to line up and I give them a sickle each. At the back of the line, there's two house elves that I've never met before. They introduce themselves as Dobby and Winky. They tell me about their lives and such before I have to leave to prevent myself getting a detention for missing curfew. I leave Winky, Dobby and the rest of the house elves and head to the Common Room.
I walk into Common Room only to have a pile of ice and water fall onto me, soaking me and my textbooks. I cast an instant dryness spell and put my books on the table near the fire. I sit on the black and yellow couch staring up at the portrait of Helga Hufflepuff, my ancestor. Everyone outside of Hufflepuff house, sees her as a joke but I see her as the long lost grandmother I never had. Professor Sprout is also related to me, but only distantly. I think about Cedric's words from earlier. I never have a chance with him.Suddenly, I realise he is sitting next to me. I mentally slap myself to remind myself he's there and by the look on his face it seems important or urgent.
"Y/N?" Cedric asks "Since Cho isn't on speaking terms with me and the Yule Ball is tomorrow do you want to come with me."
"But,Cho will make my life a living hell,well she'll get others to,like she does already," I reply quietly. "I don't want another reason for her to do something to me."
"I'll protect you," Cedric declares.
"Yeah protect me and risk your popularity," I sneer "I highly doubt it,nobody with an ounce of popularity would."
"I'm surprised Y/N, I thought you didn't care about what they said about you," Cedric exclaims.
"A human can only tolerate so much before they can't take it anymore," I reply. "I'm sorry Cedric."
"Wait,Y/N," Cedric calls. "Please come with me, you'll love it, I promise."
He looks at me and when that doesn't work moves onto a more effective method, puppy dog eyes. Oh man, I must resist.
"Oh alright,I'll come with you but if something bad happens to me a couple of days after, get ready for an I told you so," I reply before heading off to my dorm room. I turn to Cedric and wish him a good night before hopping down the corridor to my dorm room which I am in alone.



I headed to the stairs. I was wearing a(n) y/f/c dress with my hair in a bun with ringlets framing my face. I got to the stairs and started to walk down them. I got to the bottom to see Cedric with his jaw dropped. The fact I was making him do this made me blush.
"Lets go," I said to him before he took my arm and we walked into the hall behind Fleur and her date. We opened the ball alongside Krum and Hermione, Harry and Cho and Fleur and some guy from Durmstrang. When we had finished opening the ball, other couples headed onto the floor. Cedric took me and made me sit down whilst he went and got drinks. I noticed Ron and Harry were sitting with their dates not interacting with them much, I saw Krum leave Hermione and she went and sat next to Harry.
"Love,do you want to dance again?" Cedric asks me.
"Obviously," I reply getting up and taking Cedric's hand.
Whilst Cedric and I danced I could feel daggers being thrown at me and I knew who they were coming from but I didn't care. All I cared about was the fact that Cedric liked me enough to ask me to this thing. I noticed Harry Ron and Hermione were having an argument and I saw Hermione burst into tears after the boys left. I noticed Cho coming over to me and Cedric so I left heading to Hermione to comfort her.
"He's a foul git and don't deserve you Hermione," I said as I sat down next to her.
"He should of asked me first instead as a last resort," Hermione complains.
"Well Hermione, it was his loss," I reply "Don't think about him he's not worth it." I get up and leave waiting for my words to sink in.
I head back to Cedric only to see him kissing Cho. I....I've felt better but this feels as if a million knives have pierced through my body. We were never going out but it hurts so much and I want it to end. I run to the first place I think of, the girls bathroom with Moaning Myrtle. I run in and lock myself into a stall and cry my heart out until I've had enough and the sadness has disappeared.
I decided to head back to the Common Room but I felt bad for ditching Cedric. I decided I shouldn't feel bad because he was snogging Harry's date. I walked into the Common Room to see a drunk group of people. The room reeked of Firewhiskey and Butterbeer. A drunk Cedric walks over to me and slings his arm over my shoulder protectively.
"Where's Cho?" I ask aloud.
"Who love," Cedric asks me with a puzzled look on his face.
"Cho, YOUR girlfriend," I emphasise the your part.
"Erm.......You're my girlfriend Y/N," Cedric slurs
"No, no I'm not," I scream before running off to my dorm room and falling asleep.



I go downstairs to the Common Room to see it littered with bottles and food packaging. I cast several charms to clean up the place before leaving. I turn to leave but Cedric grabs my wrist to stop me leaving.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry about last night,Cho came up to me and kissed me. When I saw your reaction I saw the pain in your eyes and I broke away from Cho to find you. I couldn't find you and after that I went to Common Room to see if you were there but one of the lads offered me a firewhiskey which I drank but I don't remember anything after that," Cedric explains.
"Well after you drank the firewhiskey, I walked in and headed straight to my dorm room," I explain to him "Also you were adamant I was your girlfriend and not Cho."
"Well, I did ask you out did I not," Cedric chuckles awkwardly.
"You asked me to the ball, not to be your girlfriend," I exclaim. "Anyway Cho would kill me if we date, she'll make my life a living hell."
"Why?" Cedric asks.
"Because thats what crazy exes do," I say exasperatedly. "Anyway, she's been bullying me with the rest of Ravenclaw since first year."
"Oh Y/N, I love you and I have for a while now but I was too afraid to tell you because I thought you had a boyfriend already," Cedric exclaims.
"Me,have a boyfriend," I say pointing at myself and laughing "Me, the shy Hufflepuff that has bullies constantly on her back, me have a boyfriend."
"Yes you Y/N," Cedric exclaims "I love your personality and your smile and everything about you."
"Me," I burst into tears "Oh Cedric, I've felt the same for so long but I lacked the confidence and courage to speak to you."
"Well, you're talking now," Cedric says "Thats all that matters."
I stand there crying for a good two-three minutes until Cedric says something.
"Y/N, will you do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend?" Cedric asks me.
"I......I........Um.......Well.........I..........Um.......I........Yes, yes I will Cedric," I answer eventually.
"Sweet," He says swinging his arm over my shoulder and we walk out of the Common Room together and head to the Great Hall for breakfast.

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