Remus x Reader-Lycanthrope

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|| Requested by @anta_m .Also I know these types of fics are written a lot, especially for Remus so I hope mine is slightly different and somewhat original (she says as she attempts to not copy the 5 million versions of this plot)(I also said f you to grammar rules but oh well)(Also apologies for spelling errors I'm illiterate ✌✌👉👉)||


You had been dating Remus for around eighteen months now and had yet to figure out or be told why he would disappear about once a month. You had overheard Sirius mention a furry problem a fair few times and James had mentioned the prefix lycan but you had assumed it was for an extended class project on werewolves or something, probably defence against dark arts which you knew was a bit harsh considering lycanthropes can't exactly choose their condition but hey, who were you to question the way the ministry classified things. One of the weirder things however was Peter asking you about your opinion of werewolves (considering he rarely talks to you so this seemed very out of the blue) which had been weird on its own but paired with the other things you had concluded that the group of four boys was hiding something from you and you had intended to find out exactly what it was and thats where we start this.

It was a Saturday afternoon so there were no classes, you were currently sat under a tree near the Black Lake and you were sat there reading a book as you normally would. You had barely gotten any sleep as your mind had kept bugging you about the boys and their suspicious behaviour. Fortunately for you, the boys hadn't realised you'd caught onto their suspicioushaviour yet or so you thought anyway.


"I think they know" Remus starts

"Moony calm down, they're smart but we've been pretty good at not being obvious," The squeaky voice of Peter said

"Peter as much as I love your optimism, Y/N isn't dense, they definitely think somethings up," James adds "They're as smart as Lily."

"Yeah but Lily doesn't know does she," Peter counters

"Well she isn't around us as much as Y/N," Sirius points out "Anyways we should be worrying about Y/N, they're going to find out eventually so you probably should say something right."

"I know that!" Remus says "I just don't know how okay!"

"Does anyone feel like they're being watched?" James asks

"Mate, I think you're delusional, we're the only ones in here, unless you count the spiders," Sirius says

"Spiders?!" Peter shrieks "Oh I loathe spiders!"

The boys continued their discussion.


You had decided to attempt to piece the boys' behaviour together and all you had figured was that it was a monthly occurrence during the full moon, something to do with Remus, the moon, werewolves or some mystical creature and something to do with animagi which was throwing you off entirely because that last piece didn't seem to link perfectly with the previous three. You pondered this for a little longer until reaching the conclusion that one of the four was a shapeshifter that shifted during the full moon and the other learnt to become animagi to prevent being harmed in human form, you knew it was a stretch but you just wanted to know what was happening. You decided to wait a little to see if they would tell you and by a little you meant by curfew.


The boys finished their discussion and had decided they were going to tell you well Remus was going to tell you about his furry little problem. Only taken the boy several months but hey its like a big deal so we'll let it slide. Anyways you were still reading, partially oblivious to what Remus was going to tell you. The boys eventually found you and encourage Remus to approach you whilst they spied on him from behind the tree...not the best idea the boys could come up with but back to Remus' confession. He sat next to you and waited for you to notice. You finished the chapter and placed your Queen bookmark into the book.

"Yes Remus?" You asked as you closed the book and turned to him. Remus had a worried expression on his face which prompted you to ask "Are you alright? Have I done something?"

" its not you Y/N, its me. " Remus starts

" Sounds like you're breaking up with them," Sirius says

"Shut up Padfoot," James replies

"Anyways," Remus continues before gently grabbing your hand " I need to tell you something. "

"Oo the good bit," Sirius says before James yells  " Padfoot shut up! "

Peter had been nibbling on popcorn as his friends bickered either side of him and they occasionally stole a piece.

"I'm a werewolf," Remus whispers and you reply without skipping a beat "Oh I know."

Remus upon hearing is shocked well kind of, he knew you were smart so you'd probably suspect something was up.

"I mean it was easy to deduce considering the jokes your friends make and Peter asking me questions," You add before continuing " And the animal puns, honestly i'm surprised the whole school doesn't know. "

"You're not mad I didn't tell you?" Remus asks

"Of course not, why would I be, I mean I understand what its like." You reply

" What? " Sirius says confused

"Not explaining," You reply quickly before hugging Remus "I could never be mad at you."

"You aren't scared?" Remus asks worriedly

"You fold your socks Remmy, I apologise for not shaking in my boots." You reply before the five of you start laughing.

||Also if you would like to request a fanfic, direct message me here on wattpad as I rarely see requests in my notifications. I also used a more chatty writing style here so I would love to hear feedback-Kira :) ||

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