Hermione x Fem!Reader- RIP that Ronald aye

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||I've added a few more characters into the selection [i will get round to the  catchup preference chapters eventually] :))||

||Requested by @ThatWifeOfEverybody||

It was a somewhat normal Saturday night, Sirius and a few other order members had gone on a scouting mission to retrieve information for Dumbledore. You were currently sat in the twins' room with the golden trio, Ginny and the twins. You were planning ways to get rid of Umbridge.

"So me and Georgie were thinking of rigging a series of small delayed explosions that would start from the centre of the school and go out" Fred starts

"And then we'd fly out and toss a load of fireworks" George adds

"Wouldn't that take a while to prepare and execute, especially without getting caught," You say

"Thats where we get a little help dear y/n" Fred replies with a grin

"You guys getting help? Anyone who gets seen will get ratted out by Malfoy and his little goon squad" You say

"Thats why we need an adorable fourth year to act as a distraction"

"I'd say Ginny is more sca- You mean me don't you,"

"Bingo, so fancy helping out your favourite gingers or what"

"Sure why not" You say with a small grin

"Wouldn't I be a better distraction.. Malfoy is kind of obsessed with me?" Harry asks

"Not exactly got the cuteness factor down though," Ron says which sends everyone else into a fit of laughter

"We'll go grab some snacks, we won't be long," Hermione says before Ginny adds "And you two, don't freak Y/N out with your cursed discussions."

Hermione and Ginny left the room to sneak downstairs and retrieve snacks, during which you had a more interesting conversation with the twins.

"So how's our little Y/N doing in school right now, anyone you're interested in... anyone interested in you?" Fred asks

"Possibly and how would I know if anyone has a crush on me Fredrick, plus I'm only 15," You reply

"When I was your age, oh that makes me feel old, I had many a girls and guys asking about me,"

"No you had mum and dad asking the same way you're asking Y/N," George says matter of factly

"Well mum and dad are busy right now so I'm just fulfilling the nosy parents and or sibling duty," Fred fires back

"You love gossip a bit too much Fredikkins," Ron adds

"A little bit of gossip a day keeps the ill away," Fred says in a somewhat professional tone "What about any house parties, anyone caught your eyes at all."

"Didn't Y/N already say she liked someone?" Harry asks "As interesting as this conversation is, I'm getting a bit bored."

"Want to go play Wizards chess?" Ron asks

"That seems more interesting can't lie" Harry replies before the two leave the room and go to where they've been sleeping.

"And now there's three," Fred says after Harry and Ron 

"Well done you can count, do you want a gold star or a medal?" You say with a hint of sarcasm which causes George to quietly snigger.

"What's with the sass Y/N, I have never been more offended in my entire life," Fred says dramatically, putting a hand over his heart.

"Okay, what did Ginny mean by cursed discussions?" You ask

"I don't think you want to know," George says

"Try me," You say

"I don't want to corrupt your innocent brain Y/N," Fred begins

"My innocent brain?" You ask with a chuckle "If you saw my reading list, you would be surprised."

"I'm sure your list is quite tame compared to what we know Y/N," Fred says with a chuckle

"What are you guys talking about?" Ginny asks

"Oh nothing," You say quickly

"Y/N was telling her about her reading list," Fred reveals

"Its very interesting," George adds with  a grin

Hermione looks at you with a raised eyebrow before looking at the twins with a slight glare

"They were trying to mention something else so I had to stall until you guys got back," You explain

"Well it worked," Ginny says with a chuckle "So is there anyone?"

"...No," You reply a bit too quickly

Fred gasps "There is, tell us who! It isn't Ronnikins is it?"

"No! I mean Ron's a great person but he's not my type..." You say before doing a hand flip

"Huh?" Fred says with a confused expression leading Hermione and Ginny to start quietly laughing. George thinks about it for a second before realising and ends up having to explain it to Fred.

" ...Surprise, " You say before doing some jazz hands

"RIP that Ronald aye, " Fred says with a slight chuckle

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