Preference- Plane Journeys

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Harry- As long as there is movies or tv he leaves you alone but if there is not he just rambles on and on and on about anything and everything from clouds to his favourite quidditch team. He continues rambling until you either fall asleep or he gets yelled at by neighbouring passengers.

Ron- As long as there is food, Ron is definitely there and if you do not eat anything from mini pretzels to half of your rice, he will happily eat it. You always bring your own snacks because lets face it, plane food is vile but the plus side is that Ron eats your food so you do not end up feeling too guilty about eating anything.

Fred- Whilst you sleep or you least expect it, Fred always makes it his personal mission to piss you off on plane journeys. From messing with your music to altering your entertainment, he will do anything and everything to annoy you, leading you to smack his arm several million times and you wishing you left him with the Weasley matriarch.

George- He actually leaves you alone on plane journeys considering you sleep through it but another added benefit is using him as a pillow.

Neville- He always wants to cuddle or have a form of contact with you when you're on a plane so you sit there holding his hand for several minutes or several hours.

Sirius- He bugs you every five minutes with a constant barrage of questions like 'Are we there yet?' or 'How much longer Y/N/N?' and he always tries to make out with you leaving you with a constant red hue on your cheeks.

Remus- Always manages somehow to fall asleep. If the flight is two hours he is asleep. If its seven hours he is asleep. But if he is awake (which is extremely rare) you eat chocolate and watch a film together.

Cedric- Long plane journeys tend to be used as a movie marathon session by you and Cedric. Shorter journeys however lead to a constantly whining and pouty Cedric and you end up giving him several of your snacks and a book to read to stop him being so pouty and whiny. Cedric is also extremely clingy which means you can not do anything.

Percy- He reads throughout the whole plane journey leading you to be severely annoyed and bored out of your goddamn mind, he will try to make you read but you end up falling asleep leaning on his shoulder.

Albus- You both play travel sized boardgames ranging from 4 in a row to Monopoly to Cluedo to Trivial Pursuit to Tic Tac Toe. Name any travel-sized game and you two have probably played it together.

Scorpius- You two just cuddle and fall asleep in each others arms that is until one of you wakes up. But if you both can not sleep, you either listen to music or watch a film.

Seamus- You both talk about everything and anything from what you did yesterday to childhood memories. When you two talk you feel as if you are the only people in the whole world.

Dean- You two hardly go on plane journeys but when you do its just hugs and cuddles for the whole journey and you eventually fall asleep in Dean's arms.

Oliver- As you two are regular flyers on a particular airline, you get free upgrades, free bottles of wine and champagne as well as free snacks. Sometimes if you're lucky you get free wifi.To you all these free things are nothing for you the best thing of the flight is the entertainment especially when there is Marvel films in the selection.

Draco- You fly in luxury with Draco because he will only give you the best. This means you always catch up on TV and get to try the most exquisite and expensive food. You also get the luxury of wifi and legroom as well as free things. Who doesn't love free things?

|| I have several questions for you guys because I feel I should be more interactive, I have also given my answers too:

1) Who is your favourite Weasley and why?

Ginny because she is such a boss like she has six older brothers but doesn't need them like at all. She's independent, sassy and an overall badass.

2) Favourite characters and why?

Luna Lovegood because she's so unique and shows us if people view us as 'not normal' we shouldn't give a damn and when she yells at Harry in Deathly Hallows, I was yelling yassss and stuff.Don't forget the radish earrings like they're a perfect example of Luna's uniqueness.

I also adore Tonks because she shows everyone that us Hufflepuffs are not boring or basic and she is such a badass. I also love her metamorphagus abilities like her hair is so cool.

3) The character(s) you identify with most and why?

Luna because she is so unique and different to her peers.

Neville because I'm quite afraid at times but when I need to I can be brave and inspirational.

4) Opinion on Nuna?


5) Your Hogwarts house?

🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛Hufflepuff 🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛

||That was bloody long and I think I have earned a nap||

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