Draco x Reader x Harry-Broken Pieces

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||Req from @JulzLovDraco4Eva but I modified it a little bit y'know also there's like one swear word also I apologise that this is so short||

"Ah look who it is boys,Potter and his little gang," Draco says as you all pass by one another

"Ah look, a blood supremacist," Hermione sneers "a wizard n*zi if you will."

"The blood traitor, the halfbreed, the filthy blooded and whatever Y/L/N is," Parkinson says " I bet Y/L/N is a filthy mudblood. "

"Calling me slurs isn't going to get you anywhere pugface so why do you even bother," You say not particularly caring about this interaction

You four head to the library and form a circle around a table.

"Is it me or did Malfoy seem less aggressive than usual," Harry says

"He has the past few weeks, as if he was tuning it down," Hermione infers

"I think you're overthinking it," Ron adds before yawning "Pugface still seems her normal self."

" Yeah you're right, " Harry says "And he kept looking at Y/N."

" That's cause for concern how? Can people not look at me?" You say as you zone back in "He was probably looking at whatever was behind me though,maybe Peeves or the Baron."

"No it was definitely looking at you." Harry says

You raise an eyebrow and say "Ew as if!"

||Timeskip to a few days later brought to you by Baby Yoda||

Harry had nearly killed Draco essentially using ✨sectumsempra✨ and lets say you weren't particularly pleased with this as you were sat in the hospital wing worrying about Draco. He eventually sat up and you started fussing.

"Stay lying down, you haven't eaten and you lost a lot of blood," You say as you adjust the pillows behind him.

"I'll be fine Y/N...after I kill little Saint Potter," Draco mutters

You frown a little "Why can't you all get along?"

"Because, the Gryffindors think all Slytherins are bad people Y/N, " Draco says before adding,  "I can't begin to understand how you feel in this situation."

"It is what it is," You say with a shrug " Now you stay here and rest. "

"Nooo stay with me," Draco says with a pout " Or if you have to go, at least consider telling your friends, I don't like the idea of you lying to them. "

"I'd rather get hit with a bludger," You say before kissing Draco's forehead and walking back to meet your friends in the Room of Requirement. You walk into the room and see the trio huddled in a corner and ask "What are you three hiding from me now?"

"There you are Y/N, only half an hour late! " Hermione remarks

"Ignore Hermione, she's just y'know-" Harry says before getting hit with a book "Ouch sorry."

You look at the trio nervously and sit down before Ron asks if you're okay which you answer with im fine.

"I need to tell you guys something but don't get mad..." You say "I've been dating Draco for almost a year now. "

"He's called me a mudblood, repeatedly!" Hermione starts "Also a year! And you're just telling us now."

"And he's treated my family like shit Y/N!" Ron says "You KNOW that."

"And he's evil! His dad tried to kill me!" Harry exclaims " And he's also probably going to become a death eater like his parents too! "

"He isn't like that anymore, you're all focusing on younger him, we also weren't saints in our first few years, also are we going to ignore the fact that you nearly killed him Harry?" You argue before getting up and leaving " Forget it. "

" Wait Y/N! " Harry calls

"No, I don't think I will," You call over your shoulder as you leave the room

||I am slowly getting through my like 7 requests 💀💀school work is just taking up way to much time which sucks but hopefully I can write some stuff over the Christmas holidays||

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