Awkward Bowling Date Night

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"Okay." Dani clapped her hands together. "I say we do teams. I call Iris."

"What are you, twelve?" Zander asked sarcastically.

"Says the grown man you still throws a fit when he loses." Dani retorted.

Iris laughed. "She got you there, Zander."

"I do not throw a fit." Zander rolled his eyes.

"No, you just whine and complain about how unfair the game is for days."

Eddie leaned over to Iris. "Are they always like this?"

"You don't even know the half of it." Iris patted her boyfriend's shoulder sympathetically. Then something else caught her eye and she smiled. "Hi, guys." She greeted Barry and Linda

"Iris, Eddie, Dani, hey." Barry returned the gesture.

"What are you guys doing here?" Linda asked.

"We thought it would be fun," Dani answered. "Barry, Iris, my brother, and I have been bowling here since we were kids."

"Why don't you guys join us?" Iris offered.

"Uh..." Linda looked at Barry awkwardly.

"We don't want to interrupt your date," Eddie said.

"No, it's-- it's okay." Linda accepted Iris's invitation.

"Are you sure?" Barry asked. 

"Of course." Linda nodded. "It'll be fun."

* * *

Dani stepped up to the lane. She stared straight ahead at the half set of red and white pins, holding a blue bowling ball between her hands. She took a deep breath, rolled her neck, as she always does, then pulled her arm back and threw the bowling ball forward in one swift motion.

The ball rolled down the lane, crashing into the remaining pins. Every single one fell causing the TVs with the scoreboard to change to show the word "spare."

"Yes!" Dani spun around, a huge smile on her face. "You like the taste of my dust, Barr?" She asked as Barry walked up for his turn.

Barry only smiled. Ironically, he wasn't able to think of a comeback fast enough.

"I didn't know you were such a big fan of bowling, Dani," Eddie commented.

"You clearly don't know my sister then," Zander said. "She still drags me here all the time."

"I do not." Dani crossed her arms. "It's barely once a month. Besides, this is one of my favorite places in the world. I'm going to get more fries." She walked away to the food counter just as Barry made a strike.

"Oh, ho, ho!" Iris exclaimed. 

"I am impressed, Allen." Linda smiled at Barry as he walked up to her.

"I heard the owner is thinking of selling," Barry said. "Maybe you could write a piece on the place?"

"Um, I'm still iffy on whether bowling is an actual sport." Linda broke the news of her thoughts to Barry.

"I've wondered the same." Eddie agreed with Linda.

"Well, sport or hobby, I am still better than you." Iris pointed at Barry. "And Dani. But don't tell her I said that." She added as she walked up to the lane for her turn.

"No promises!" Zander called after her.

Barry chuckled. "All right, well, I'm serious, a little bit of press, the lanes could be designated as, like, a landmark or something."

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